
Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Fortunately, he is a magician himself, and he also has the ability to trade across borders. Then he had to develop his own viscount, and the traded Dali Pills could increase his power? ! The exercises traded from the martial arts world can actually make the knights under his command greatly reduce the time to awaken the fighting spirit? ! And what’s the deal with a dragon? After many years… The people in the territory sighed: “Thanks to the Lord for saving us, who are living in dire straits, let us know what is truly alive.” “Religion? Serious people who believe in that stuff must believe in the science propaganda by the Lord!” Every businessman who came to the territory could not help but sigh: “This is the greatest city I have ever seen, no one.” “Lord Claire, your reputation is known to everyone from the orc kingdom in the extreme west to the mermaid kingdom in the sunrise!”

Mrchampions · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

work overtime at night

"I'm mad at me! I'm mad at me! That Claire dares to insult us like this!" Baron Eugene kept slashing the furniture in the house with a long sword in his hand.

The nobles sitting beside them also had expressions of anger on their faces. So far, how could they not see that they and others were completely tricked by Claire.

"I'm going to kill him!" Baron Eugene was still cutting down on the furniture to vent his anger. He lost the most, with 50,000 gold coins gone. That's most of his wealth!

"This bastard!" Baron Eugene swung his long sword a few more times, and finally stopped out of breath, unable to stop and continued cursing.

"Where's that **** Frank! Why didn't he come!" Eugene asked, akimbo.

Lord Wilby curled his lips: "The family moved out of Nafford City last night. It is estimated that they made an agreement with Claire to take our money and run away after they succeeded."

"Damn it!" Baron Eugene was even more angry when he heard the news, "Damn it, it turned out that he came back with Claire to deceive us that day! I just said why he looked so bad! Where did he go? Bring him back! Killing him is not enough to vent your anger!"

"He went out last night, and now he is almost in another territory, and the ghost knows where he ran to."

The angry Baron Eugene raised the long sword in his hand to slash again, and finally calmed down.

"Let him go first, the most urgent task now is how to get our money back!"

Speaking of this, the faces of the nobles showed heartache. The money they donated is already half of their net worth. If it wasn't for that **** Frank donating 30,000 gold coins at once, they would not As for donating so much along with it, it all fell into the hands of that kid Claire!

Lord Wilby rolled his eyes and whispered, "It's really not good, we're the same as last time..." Then he put his hand on his neck and compared it.

Baron Eugene was stunned for a moment. A smile appeared on his face when he was interrupted by the sound from outside.

"Da da da!"

The loud and crisp sound of hooves sounded again, and interrupted Baron Eugene's plan. Since they came back, the group of knights have been patrolling the outside of their house in batches. Patrol the city, but each of them knew it was watching over themselves.

"Damn it!" Baron Eugene punched the table with a punch. "We're being watched like this, and we won't have a chance at all!"

Baron Eugene had no doubt that once he got in touch with those assassins, thirty or forty knights would rush in and handcuff himself in the next second.

The rest of the nobles also subconsciously shrank their necks when they heard the unison of the hooves, feeling a little scared.

The scene of those knights pulling out their big swords in front of them left a strong impression on them at the beginning. At that time, as long as there was a charge, they had to explain it on the spot.

"Forget it, let's not provoke him." Eugene almost said these words through gritted teeth.

The rest of the nobles exchanged glances and nodded in agreement. After all, they were no match for Claire.

"Don't say you donated all the money, at least you still have some money left?" Baron Eugene looked around and continued: "Let's collect some more money, and then go to transport a batch of goods back, the whole Nafu Almost all the shops in the city are in our hands, and once we go bankrupt, the entire Nafta city will also go down together, Claire dare not touch us!"

"As long as we ship the goods back, Nafu City will still be ours!"

"Hmm!" The rest of the nobles nodded in agreement. The Noble Law protects their private property as sacred and inviolable. Even if Claire is a Viscount, it is impossible to force them to hand over the shop by force.

"Lord Baron, something is wrong!" A servant pushed open the door and walked in, with a very flustered expression.

Baron Eugene sat up from the sofa angrily, "We're having a party! Can't we wait until the end to talk about anything?"

The servant was panting heavily, wiping the sweat on his forehead, "It's really bad."

Baron Eugene frowned. On weekdays, this servant is quite stable. If it weren't for a big event, he wouldn't be so panicked.

"What's the matter?! Tell me now!"

"Lord Viscount distributed some goods for free at the gate of the city, all of which are sold in our store. If this goes on like this, no one will come to buy it in our store!"

"Boom!" Baron Eugene only felt that a thunderstorm hit him, and collapsed back onto the sofa with exhaustion.

He murmured to himself: "How...how is it possible! Where did they get the goods to distribute to those pariahs for free."

Suddenly, Baron Eugene slapped his forehead, connecting all the clues into a single line, and said with a trembling voice, "Could it be that there are no robbers at all?"

Thinking of this, he quickly got up, grabbed the servant's sleeve and said, "Quick! Quickly prepare the carriage, I want to go and have a look!"

Although the rest of the nobles did not know what happened, they still followed Baron Eugene to the city gate.

As soon as they reached the gate of the city, the nobles understood all at once. Aren't those carriages carrying goods the carriages of their family! Claire just pulled it out without concealment, without even tearing off the label on the product, it was the one they bought it from.

Baron Eugene slumped on the ground, staring at the untouchables who kept taking things from the knights, the goods originally belonged to them...

"Baron Eugene, are you alright?" A concerned voice came.

Baron Eugene turned his head, the figure was just under the sun, and the dazzling sunlight couldn't illuminate his front at all. Baron Eugene narrowed his eyes, and then he could see who the person in front of him was.

"Claire!" Baron Eugene said through gritted teeth.

Claire also squatted down at this moment, grabbed the other party's collar, then let go and said, "Baron Eugene is a little down right now."

"It's not thanks to you!"

"No no no! It's caused by your own greed." Claire said with a smile.

"Are you here to see our joke!" Eugene stood up and patted the dust on his body, no matter what time he couldn't lose his noble face.

"No!" Claire held out a hand and waved, "I'll make a deal with you."

"Do you think we will still make deals with you as stupidly as we used to?" Lord Wilby also stood up.

"Let's hear it first." Claire continued: "Give me all your properties in Nafu City, and I'll give you some money, so you can continue to develop in other cities."

"Impossible!" Baron Eugene's reaction was particularly strong. The industry in Nafford City was his hard work and hard work. If he changed to another city, it would be impossible to form such a monopoly again.

Claire was not in a hurry, but said with a smile: "Are you sure you don't think about it again? How long can your money support you in Nafta City?"

Saying that, he pointed to the convoy behind him and said, "Most of your money is in my hands. I can continue to distribute materials for free like this for several years. In the past few years, your store will sell a copper coin. If you can't receive it, are you sure you want to spend it with me? How many good lives can you have in Nafu City with the money in your hands? That's all I have to say, think about it."

Claire's remarks made the eyes of the nobles keep flashing, and their minds were constantly thinking. It is true that if this continues for a long time, they will undoubtedly lose. Their money is indeed not much, otherwise they will not go to the pool to make another one. The batch of goods has been shipped. At that time, there will be no need for the few years that Claire said, and they will not be able to hold it for two or three months.

"Think about it, I'll go back first." Claire turned her head and was about to leave.

However, he was stopped by Baron Eugene, "I'm leaving! But the money cannot be less!"

After one person took the lead, the remaining nobles also agreed one after another.

"They're all smart people!" Claire clapped her hands with a smile, and waved Robin, the tax officer, to come up, "Talk to him."

Surrounded by the nobles, Robin went to another place, and the nobles began to bargain, hoping that their property could be exchanged for enough money so that they could live in another city. Free and easy.

Claire just glanced at it briefly and walked to the side where the goods were distributed.

The people who saw Claire coming over fell to their knees, "Thank you, Lord Viscount!"

Claire didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she waved her hand, and hurriedly asked the other party to stand up.

Hunter also stepped out of the crowd delivering the goods.

"Lord Lord!"

"how's it going?"

"The remote villages have already let those **** pull the carriages over, and it is expected to be completed this afternoon."

"Okay." Claire turned to look at the group of nobles who were still bargaining, and Hunter's eyes followed.

Claire said something inexplicably: "Work overtime at night."

Hunter was very smart, and he quickly realized what Claire meant. He showed his big white teeth and said with a smile, "Understood! Lord Lord!"

Claire also smiled, these nobles can die, but they can't die in Nafhu City. Don't think that the nobility law is just promulgated and played, otherwise you have a group of knights like Hunter, and you can simply kill all the nobles like Eugene, and you still need to delay it until now?

All of these nobles can know that they died in their own hands, but there is no evidence to prove that they did it by themselves. This kind of thing is well known among the nobles. Many nobles are under the hands of A lot of minor nobles died inexplicably. Don't you all know what happened? I know, but as long as you don't put it on the bright side, basically no one will care about those little nobles who died, not to mention that you just guess and there is no evidence at all.