
Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Fortunately, he is a magician himself, and he also has the ability to trade across borders. Then he had to develop his own viscount, and the traded Dali Pills could increase his power? ! The exercises traded from the martial arts world can actually make the knights under his command greatly reduce the time to awaken the fighting spirit? ! And what’s the deal with a dragon? After many years… The people in the territory sighed: “Thanks to the Lord for saving us, who are living in dire straits, let us know what is truly alive.” “Religion? Serious people who believe in that stuff must believe in the science propaganda by the Lord!” Every businessman who came to the territory could not help but sigh: “This is the greatest city I have ever seen, no one.” “Lord Claire, your reputation is known to everyone from the orc kingdom in the extreme west to the mermaid kingdom in the sunrise!”

Mrchampions · Fantasia
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153 Chs

That's an ancestral dagger! Lose money!

"What the hell, I have long expected you to do something!" Reagan pointed at Bill in front of him and scolded.

Bill also stood up stubbornly, "That's the truth, it's not that we don't want to deliver it to you, it just takes some time to communicate with the Lysis Chamber of Commerce. If you are not satisfied, you can go to the Lysis Chamber of Commerce to talk."

"Okay! You guys are tough!" Regan gave Bill a thumbs up, and continued: "My young master told me before I came, at least three days! It must be handed over to our Viscount Griffin within three days! How to negotiate with the Lysis Chamber of Commerce is your business."

"After three days, if you still find that there are you people in that site, kill them on the spot! Show no mercy!"

"Heh! Do you want to kill the people from the Lysis Chamber of Commerce?!" Bill snorted back, still wanting to use the tiger skin of the Lysis Chamber of Commerce to scare the other party.

Reagan didn't eat this set at all, "Why did you use the Lysis Chamber of Commerce to scare us! Do you know who my young master is doing with iodized salt? The third young master of the Ansair family! I know the August family's business. Is it Mrs. Sophia, the owner of the house! That is my master's partner! Take the Lysis Chamber of Commerce to scare us? Can your business of two million gold coins allow them to take such a risk? They have minerals all over the country, you guys If we don't dig the minerals in our country, we can still dig it elsewhere."

Bill was at a loss for words on the spot, and looked at Earl Green, who was on the side.

Earl Green also has a headache. He's just a frontier earl. He really doesn't know what the Ansair family is behind Claire's business. If he had known, he wouldn't have been so reckless to go to Claire to ask for iodized salt. recipe.

Pinching his knuckles, Earl Green waved his hand with an ugly face, indicating that he could compromise.

When Bill received the instructions, his tone softened, "Okay, but three days is too short, give us a week or two, and we promise to evacuate."

In the past two weeks, the people in the Lysis Chamber of Commerce will use brutal means to dig the ore inside, and take as much as they can. Before leaving, they have to throw a magic scroll to blow up the mine. Lest those people in the Viscount Griffin be cheap.

"Who discussed it with you!" Regan kicked one foot on the dining table and spilled the soup on it.

"This is to inform you! And in these three days, we will send people to inspect the four mining areas. If you dig up a piece of ore belonging to our viscount, then you will have to pay ten times the compensation!"

Reagan's big action attracted the eyes of both Isaac and Hunter, and I have never seen Reagan like this on weekdays.

But good kick! The kicked heart is relieved, really relieved!

Earl Green, who was sitting in the main seat, looked even more ugly, and the silver knife and fork in his hand were bent.

Bill was stunned for a moment, then looked at Earl Green again: What should I do? The other party won't eat our set!

Earl Green let out a long sigh and eased his emotions. As soon as he gritted his teeth and waved his hand, give it to them, and end it quickly!

Bill understood what he meant and was about to compromise when Reagan spoke again.

"Not only that, but you also have to pay us to start!" He raised his fingers, "We used three fourth-level magic scrolls in the battle for a total of 80,000 gold coins! My young master's magic The bullets fired by the weapon have totaled 110,000 gold coins, and the cost of various treatments for the injuries of the knights, adding up to a total of 200,000 gold coins!"

Bill was dumbfounded. He had never heard of such a shameless request. He didn't know how to answer it for a while.

Earl Green, who was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, finally couldn't bear it anymore. He patted the table with his fan-like palm, and there was a deafening sound!

Pointing at Reagan's nose, he cursed: "Don't go too far! This is simply taking an inch!"

"Crack!" Regan's palm also slammed on the table, although the sound was not as loud as the other party's, but the momentum was not weaker than the other party's at all.

Just got up with Earl Green, and shouted: "That's how it is! If you don't agree, let's fight again! Anyway, our knights are waiting outside now, and I can rush in and take your earl's mansion with a single shout. It's demolished! Can your defeated soldiers still organize to resist! Come on! Who is afraid of who!"

"It's simply too much!" Earl Green slapped the palm of his hand on the table again, turning the wooden dining table into dust. The vindictiveness of his body poured out and condensed into an aura that pressed towards Reagan.

Hunter, who was behind Reagan, drew his sword and stood up, and the violent vindictiveness in his body confronted him.

"Are we going to fight? We're not afraid!"

Reagan also retreated behind Isaac, who had released four metal blocks, and provocatively said to Earl Green, who had released his grudge: "Come on! If you can't talk about it, go to war!"

Although Isaac didn't speak, several lightning bolts gradually condensed behind him, circling in the air, aiming directly at Earl Green.

After Earl Green saw this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched a few times, and his momentum instantly weakened.

The two sides confronted each other for two or three minutes, but neither side had any intention to do something, but Reagan's intention was obvious. If you, Earl Green, dare to do it now, we will directly demolish your Earl's House! There are only two golden knights in the Earl of Green now. They are not the opponents of Hunter and Isaac at all. The knights of the Earl of Green are afraid of being beaten by Crane and the others. It is estimated that the fight will take less than half an hour. can end the fight.

Earl Green's vindictive energy slowly recovered from his body. He took a deep look at Regan behind the two of them, and nodded: "Okay! You're ruthless, I'll pay you the 200,000 gold coins!"

Reagan also replied: "Can't you just promise earlier!"

"Humph!" Earl Green let out a cold snort, unwilling to ignore Reagan.

Then Reagan sat down with Bill and continued to negotiate. The whole process was smooth, and the compensation was quickly settled. Earl Green also took out his seal and affixed it, waiting for Reagan to take the contract back to him. After Claire covered it, from a legal point of view, that area became the territory of the Viscount Griffin.

"The matter is over, and we don't care about the Lysis Chamber of Commerce. You can deal with it yourself. Go slowly!" Earl Green said coldly.

"Wait!" Reagan reached out and stopped.

"What's the matter with you!" Earl Green felt that his emotions were on the verge of eruption.

Regan pointed to Bill's heart and said, "The dagger that our young master inserted into his chest is worth three thousand gold coins."

Then he reached out to Bill, "Give me the money!"

"You fart!" Bill jumped up in anger, "That broken dagger is only a few silver coins at most, you are corrupting money!"

"That's the ancestral dagger that our master left to the young master! It's worth 3,000 gold coins, so let's talk about it!" Li argued with reason, "If you say that, will the discussion collapse again!"

After listening to Reagan's words, Hunter cooperated to arouse the vindictiveness in his body.

"Enough!" Earl Green shouted, "I'll give you the 200,000 gold coins together, is there anything else!"

Anyway, 200,000 was spent, and it was not bad for the 3,000 gold coins. In short, the **** had to be sent away first.

Reagan spread his hands~www.mtlnovel.com~ Lord Earl knows righteousness, it's all right. Remember to evacuate all of your people within three days. "

After Regan and the others walked out of the Earl's Palace, they vaguely heard the sound of things being smashed and Earl Green's angry roar.

However, all three of them had smiles on their faces, which was really cool!

"Administrator Reagan, that 200,000 gold coins are also what Claire asked you to ask for?" Isaac asked.

Regan shook his head and said with a smile, "No, it's my own opinion, I hope the young master won't be angry."

Isaac grabbed Reagan's shoulders, "How can Claire be angry, he has to praise you well."

Hunter also asked: "Is that dagger really the ancestral dagger of Lord Lord?"

"How is it possible, when I went bankrupt before, I sold all the valuable things, even if there was an ancestral dagger, it was sold at that time. Like the idiot said, it was only worth a few silver coins. If you can cheat the other party, you can You can't let them go."

The three of them tacitly laughed heartily, "Hahahahaha!"

Then the three of them returned to the team, mounted their mounts and walked from the Earl's Mansion to the city gate slowly, causing the residents of Kosi City to watch, and the knights of other territories were so reckless riding in their own city. It was the first time they had seen such a scene.

A little boy pointed at Crane and shouted, "Mom, they are so handsome!"

"Much more handsome than the knights in our territory."


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