
Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Fortunately, he is a magician himself, and he also has the ability to trade across borders. Then he had to develop his own viscount, and the traded Dali Pills could increase his power? ! The exercises traded from the martial arts world can actually make the knights under his command greatly reduce the time to awaken the fighting spirit? ! And what’s the deal with a dragon? After many years… The people in the territory sighed: “Thanks to the Lord for saving us, who are living in dire straits, let us know what is truly alive.” “Religion? Serious people who believe in that stuff must believe in the science propaganda by the Lord!” Every businessman who came to the territory could not help but sigh: “This is the greatest city I have ever seen, no one.” “Lord Claire, your reputation is known to everyone from the orc kingdom in the extreme west to the mermaid kingdom in the sunrise!”

Mrchampions · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

Drinking wine and hugging the maid

This night, none of the nobles in Nafhu City could sleep. The five gunshots seemed to hit their hearts, causing them to sleepless and terrified all night.

They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the next morning when a notice was posted outside the city.

The assassins escaped, which means they were not exposed, fortunately! Run, run as far as you can, and be back forever! Useless things, assassinating individuals can't do well!

After learning that they had not been exposed, those nobles breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered their servants to prepare gifts and go to "condolence" to the Viscount who was assassinated yesterday.

Of course, the main purpose is to find out if Claire has any suspicions about them.


"Lord Viscount, this is my condolence gift to you. It's too thrilling. The Viscount's mansion was actually sneaked into by an assassin!" Baron Eugene pretended to be frightened and said.

Claire glanced at the gift that was handed over. It was worth several hundred gold coins. If it wasn't for a guilty conscience, who would send such an expensive gift to condolences? The last time I pitted you for 500 gold coins was like a dead father and mother, this time So active?

The rest of the nobles also brought their gifts one after another, and soon filled the living room table.

"Damn." Claire also pretended to sigh, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Is the Viscount injured? We have been worried since we heard the gunshots last night. Not only us, but your people are also worried." Eugene continued to try again.

Claire shook her head, "I wasn't injured. I wasn't asleep when he came in, so I shot him away with a gun." As he wished, he told him everything he wanted to know.

The nobles present were all overjoyed. It seems that the two sides just met each other, so they and others must not have been exposed.

Claire continued, "Don't worry, everyone. From today onwards, there will be knights patrolling the vicinity of the Viscount Mansion every night. This kind of thing will never happen again."

Eugene's smile stiffened for a while, but it soon filled with smiles. This move was the surest way of their next assassination plan.

"That... does the Viscount have any suspicions?" Lord Wilbur asked tentatively, sticking his head out.

These nobles are very timid, and they must ensure that they are 100% free from suspicion, so that they can fall asleep peacefully.

Claire's eyes widened. I said before that you were just a bunch of useless trash. That's true. If I asked this question, even if I didn't suspect you at first, I should be alert now.

However, he still pretended not to understand anything, dragged his chin and thought for a while before saying, "I don't know, I haven't been back to the Viscount for a long time. After thinking about it, I don't seem to have offended anyone. Who do you think is most likely to assassinate me?"

Claire threw the words to the other party, and the more than ten people in the other party were stunned for a moment, and looked at each other.

"Robber!" Baron Eugene said first.

"Yes, yes, it must be the robbers outside the city!" The rest of the nobles also echoed.

"They saw that the lord of the Viscount had returned, so they wanted to kidnap the Viscount to extort money."

"Yes, the group of robbers outside the city are vicious, and our previous goods have been robbed by the other party several times."

"That's right, Lord Viscount must be wary of those robbers outside the city!"

Claire smiled, "Is that so?"

Baron Eugene wanted to say something, but footsteps came from outside the door.

That was the knight captain Hunter. Compared to before Claire came, he was much stronger at this time, and even the aura he exuded surpassed that of the knight captain who died tragically before.

"Lord Lord!"

Claire glanced around at the nobles sitting on the sofa, and they all nodded wisely.

"Master Viscount is busy first, I will go back with confidence when I see that you are all right."

That's right, when I see that you don't know that it was us who sent the assassins and that we spilled dirty water on others, we'll go back with confidence.

"Lord Viscount, retire!"

"Slow walk, no farewell." Claire waved with a kind smile.


After confirming that the other party had left, Claire took Hunter to the conference hall and sat down, and asked, "How many apprentice knights are there in the barracks now?"

"Reporting, Lord Viscount, there are now a total of thirty-one apprentice knights, three bronze knights, and one silver knight of mine in the barracks."

Claire nodded. Although this strength is not yet the armament strength that a viscount should have, it is enough.

"How is Crane training recently?"

Hearing Claire asking about Crane, Hunter also showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes, "He trains very diligently every time, and he should be the next one to advance to the Bronze Knight."

The last time I saw Crane, the other party was already an apprentice knight, but I didn't expect Hunter to rate him so highly.

Claire touched her nose and continued to ask, "How far can the Viscount's Dou Qi cultivation secrets allow you to cultivate?"

"This is what the previous Viscount left behind, enough for us to cultivate to the level of a great knight."

Claire pondered for a while. Generally speaking, a few golden knights can hold up the face of a viscount, and a high-level knight is more than enough, but Claire's ambition is more than that.

"Use it first, and then I will find a way to get you a fighting qi secret that can be cultivated to a higher level."

Claire doesn't have enough financial resources yet, and the douqi cheats that are enough to cultivate to the level of a great knight were bought during the richest period of the Griffin family. It cost more than 600,000 gold coins, and now let him buy a higher-level Douqi. Cheats can't even buy him if he sells it.

"Thank you, Lord Viscount!" Hunter was secretly excited~www.mtlnovel.com~ He was right, Lord Viscount was planning to revive the entire Viscounty!

"How about the thing I asked you to do?"

Speaking of this, Hunter's expression also became serious.

"Report to the lord, everything is ready!"

"Okay..." Claire replied softly.

Afterwards, the two discussed carefully in the conference hall.


In Nafu City, the people here became angry after seeing the announcement posted, and they were about to explode with anger.

what! The Viscount has finally come to such a good Viscount, exempted us from so many taxes, and led us to a better life. Someone actually wanted to assassinate him!

And this is what happened in the Viscount Mansion! This is unbearable!

Not long after the announcement was posted, people spontaneously formed an organization and patrolled inside and outside the city of Nafhu, intending to find an assassin who could go to assassinate the Viscount Lord.

But just after noon, a new news spread that the robbers outside the city sent people to assassinate the Viscount.

And this news spread inside and outside the city at a very fast speed, and the original hatred for the assassins was also transferred to the robbers outside the city, and the people who cursed were those **** robbers.

And after doing these things, the nobles were completely stabilized, and they transferred the public opinion to the robbers outside the city, and no one doubted them. It was not the first time for them to do this kind of thing, and some of them had experience.

As long as you spend some money to get those small gangs to help spread the news, you can quickly turn the blame of public opinion on others.

But they were drinking fine wine in their mansion and enjoying it with the maid in their arms.