
Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Fortunately, he is a magician himself, and he also has the ability to trade across borders. Then he had to develop his own viscount, and the traded Dali Pills could increase his power? ! The exercises traded from the martial arts world can actually make the knights under his command greatly reduce the time to awaken the fighting spirit? ! And what’s the deal with a dragon? After many years… The people in the territory sighed: “Thanks to the Lord for saving us, who are living in dire straits, let us know what is truly alive.” “Religion? Serious people who believe in that stuff must believe in the science propaganda by the Lord!” Every businessman who came to the territory could not help but sigh: “This is the greatest city I have ever seen, no one.” “Lord Claire, your reputation is known to everyone from the orc kingdom in the extreme west to the mermaid kingdom in the sunrise!”

Mrchampions · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

Drink cooked water!

"Goodbye, big brother! Meili is going to school!" Meili waved at Claire, carried the schoolbag Yuna sewed for her, and ran out.

Since the tauren of the twenty-odd joined the construction site, the efficiency of the building has skyrocketed, and the school has been built very quickly. And that group of naïve tauren are almost becoming professional workers now, and they will do anything **** the construction site.

After finishing the school, I have now run over to dig sewers, and divided more than half of it to build roads. Nafu City is currently engaged in construction, so I don't have to worry about not working for them.

Claire is now planning to build a road leading to other territories first, so that those merchants can smoothly enter her own viscount territory.

If there is no external capital injection, this city of Nafu is a backwater and cannot develop.

Speaking of this school, Claire first built several teaching buildings, and then built many dormitories. Those children who live far away from Nafu City live directly in the school without any tuition fees. This is the otherworld version. Nine-year compulsory education, although not necessarily nine years, but compulsory education is definitely not charged. Those children just need to bring their own food to the school, and the canteen in the school will help.

Of course, simply relying on the food is definitely not enough. Claire has to subsidize a lot of money every month, but it is all worth it.

The more than a dozen teachers in the school were brought back by Claire from other places at a high cost. Each person has three gold coins a month and a room in the city of Nafu, so that the other party can take over his family and live there. In Nafhu City, Claire, who was in character and so on, had considered it, and there was no big problem. He just spent a few days explaining to them the textbooks he had written. If they didn't understand, what would they teach those children.

But after all this work, the school finally started smoothly!

Claire didn't use any coercive measures, and the residents in the territory were happy to send their children over. They didn't have the opportunity before, but now they have the opportunity to let their children go to school for free, they are even more eager to send them over. In the future, if you can learn to work for the Viscount, then you will have nothing to worry about for the rest of your life.

A few days after the school started, the children who had finished class started to talk to their parents when they returned home.

"Mom! You have to boil the water, otherwise there will be bugs in it! People will get sick if they eat it!"

"Get used to it! I like it or not! Who told you that there are bugs in the water?" The woman asked, crossing her hips, thinking it was some neighbor's joke to tease the children.

"It's written in the books that the teacher told me, and the books are all written by the Viscount!" The boy also answered confidently with his hips on his shoulders. If he had never dared to talk to his mother like this before, but now the Viscount is behind him. Backing him up, he felt confident in an instant.

"This..." The woman glanced hesitantly at the well water she had scooped out of the bucket, and finally set a fire to boil the water.

Of course there are different situations.

"Mom! You have to boil the water, or I won't drink it!"

"Clap clap clap!" The woman took off her child's pants and started fighting. "Who gave you a habit, I haven't gotten sick after drinking it for so long!"

"Uuuuu! This is what the teacher said, stop beating, I was wrong, I don't drink boiled water!"

A generation of scientists fell on the spot...

Although that is the knowledge taught in school, there are still some people who habitually don't boil water to drink. This has nothing to do with respecting Claire, it's just a habit. In a previous life, in order to promote boiled water, Huaguo It also took a lot of time and effort.

After Claire discovered this kind of problem, she then decided to go to the school herself and give a speech on it. Thanks to the school being built, Claire finally didn't have to run to the city gate this time.

The audience of the speech was not only the students but also the parents of the students, as well as those who attended the night school. Anyway, anyone who was free in Nafu City could come and listen to the lecture.

After the news spread, the people in the Viscount became excited again.

"I can see Lord Viscount's speech again. My blood boiled when I heard it before!"

"I don't know what I'm talking about this time."

"You'll know when you go, whether you go or not."

"Of course, go, anyway, the afternoon is boring."


Before the allotted time, people kept pouring in from the school. The playground was full of people, all of them looking at the podium on their feet to see when Claire would come out.

When the time came, Claire also came to the stage. His principal was the principal of this school. He had prepared things for speeches in the principal's office early in the morning.

As soon as Claire took the stage, she received thunderous applause.

"Clap clap clap!"

"Lord Viscount, I'm here!"

"Long live the Viscount!"

As soon as Claire took the stage, she received thunderous applause.

Claire smiled. He could often feel the enthusiasm of the people. He pressed his hand and signaled the people below to calm down.

Then he cast a loudspeaker on himself: "Hello everyone! The main reason for calling everyone here this time is to explain the knowledge about hygiene."

"Presumably, all the parents who sent their children to school have told you one thing after the children returned. Boil the water before drinking it, otherwise there will be germs."

Some of the children in the crowd below nodded their heads.

"Those textbooks are all made up by me, and they are all true, so they are not lying to you."

"Do you know the sewer project that is still going on? You all know that I spent a lot of money to build it, but do you know why I did it?"

Some people in the crowd below raised their hands, "It's to make the streets free from those **** and feces, so that there is no odor when walking on the road."

Claire pointed at the other party, "That's right, but it didn't get to the root of the problem. Getting rid of odors is one aspect, but if you live in such an environment for a long time, will everyone be happy? What will happen to your body? "

They still understand this knowledge, and the man who raised his hand replied, "I'll get sick!"

"Yes! Everyone knows that rotten food can't be eaten because there are maggots on it, and rotten food can make people's bodies sick. If you live in a smelly environment for a long time, your body will also have problems."

"Everyone knows this, but I just can't figure out why I need to drink boiled water, right? Some people think that there is nothing wrong with my body after drinking raw water for so many years? This kind of thinking is wrong, maybe you could have lived to 50 years old. , but you die at the age of forty. Although the disease it brings is not so dangerous, it will subtly damage your body. Sometimes you feel healthy and suddenly get sick. This may be drinking The dangers of raw water."

"Think about it, everyone, if there are rotting corpses in the water, would everyone drink it?"

Everyone shook their heads, "No!"

"But if you take out the water in which the corpse was soaked and put it in front of you, can you tell whether it is clean water or dirty water?"

Everyone shook their heads again, "I can't tell the difference."

"People get sick after eating rotten food, because there are germs that can make people sick in those rotten food, so eating it will cause problems in the body, and when those rotten food are immersed in water, the Germs will also enter the water, and we can't tell the difference with the naked eye, so sometimes drinking raw water can cause the body to get sick."

Claire has tried her best to explain it in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. If it goes deeper, I am afraid that the people will not understand it. This is why the nine-year compulsory education is carried out. The people in their own territory do not understand the matter.

"Of course there are germs not only in rotten food, but also in many things, and the best way to kill those germs is to kill them with high temperature. So do you know what to do?"

Everyone raised their hands and shouted, "Boil the water, drink cooked water!"

Hearing this, Claire smiled contentedly. After talking so much, it was not in vain. After a few days, I will get a microscope for them to see. It will be more explanatory. Leeuwenhoek can handle it. After rubbing out the microscope, he is still an intermediate mage, and it is not difficult to get it out.

"That's all for today, everyone, go back," Claire nodded slightly and walked off the podium.

Regan immediately greeted him, "Young master, you've worked hard."

"Let's recruit more people to share the work. I can't call so many people every time I announce something, and things in Nafu City will be more and more dragged. I can't have to do every little thing myself. of."

"As ordered!" Reagan nodded. He was indeed too busy these days, and it was too exhausting for the entire Nafu City to be managed by one of his political officials.

After Claire left, the people below slowly dispersed.

A little boy walked in front with akimbo on his hips and said dissatisfiedly: "I said at the time that it was taught by the school, and you still want to beat me! Now the Viscount has said, do you still drink raw water when you go back?"

"What are you proud of! If you can speak clearly like the Viscount, I won't listen to you!" the woman scolded, "Stop, you still want to run!"

"Mom! I was wrong, don't hit me!" The little boy hugged his head and ran out.