
Start anew from Conan

"Karate triumphs over Kyogokuma, swifter than a gun within seven strides. Proficient in scaling skyscrapers to apprehend snipers. Allow Gin to shatter the defense and pilot the helicopter for a swift escape. This marks the inception of an endlessly unfolding fanfiction. The inaugural crossover transpires in the realm of Conan, with forthcoming integrations of animations such as Sea of Dead Fire, Dragon Ball, Academy City, Under One, and Battle of Two Cities. Stay tuned. [Siyang's seventh novel boasts an extensive array of premium content, including titles like "Naruto: Long Time to See," "I Have Been Guarding the City of Advancement for 100 Years with Pirates," and six thousand other premium works such as "Ninja World Correction Belt," all ensuring quality. The outlines are complete, and there is no incomplete record. Please feel assured to bookmark and read!]" **it's a translation **I'm a new translator so don't expect too much

Stella_Vermillion_8770 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 3: Ke Xue's World

It was a twist of fate that the body Ji Xing had invaded through the Seven Star Bead also bore the name Ji Xing. However, the full name of this individual was Ji Xing Qixin, a 16-year-old first-year student at Tomei High School in Tokyo.

"Japanese high school students..."

Ji Xing Qixin's parents divorced when he was young, and both had remarried. Five years ago, his mother and stepfather welcomed a younger brother. Feeling alienated and unable to express the accumulating depression, the mature boy had just...

Quietly ended his own life?

Startled, Ji Xing quickly went to a side cabinet, tore up the suicide note beneath a water glass, soaked it, and shook it.

The content of the suicide note was not extensive, mainly explaining that his death was unrelated to the karate gym. Naturally, Ji Xing couldn't allow others to see it.

The sleeping pills he took seemed to have been neutralized by the Seven Star Beads. Ji Xing felt no discomfort and continued searching through his memories.

"I haven't been abused..."

His mother could be considered neglectful, possibly due to overlooking the teenager's sensitive and fragile psychology while paying more attention to his younger brother. On the biological father's side, although uncommon, the child support was adequate.

The Dashan Karate Gym, located in Tokyo, was one of the most abundant gyms. Ji Xing found himself in an independent strength training room, implying that to have the privilege of using it, one had to pay more.

Observing the five-year-old younger brother, who appeared somewhat annoying, Ji Xing wondered whether the memory had been filtered.

Shaking his head, Ji Xing put his family situation aside and concentrated on his current surroundings.

The Seven Star Bead had a protective effect, ensuring that he wasn't overwhelmed by the influx of memories. Even with four distinct memories—Ji Xing before crossing, human Ji Xing after crossing, the demon after crossing, and Ji Xing Qixin from the One Star World—he remained coherent.

This process of digesting and organizing memories usually took about three days. The more familiar Ji Xing became with the environment, the faster it would be.

Ji Xing's primary task was to understand the nature of this world. Adjusting his emotions, he left the independent strength training room.

Upon opening the door, the echoing sounds of 'Hey,' 'Hoo,' and 'Ha' filled the air, accompanied by the swishing of fists and legs.

Peering ahead, Ji Xing witnessed a vast area divided into two sections. On one side, around forty to fifty people formed a queue, practicing karate routine moves under the guidance of their instructor, Da Shanyan. The movements were precise and forceful, encompassing both boys and girls, ranging from over 30 years old to young adults in their thirties.

On the opposite side, several children, the oldest being five years old, were learning basic stances and etiquette from another female instructor. The youngest girl, about two or three years old, bowed with a chubby face, appearing serious but overdoing it with a deep bend that almost caused her to topple.

Ji Xing smiled; this felt pleasant.

Ordinary things from before time travel, witnessed after a month, were now full of life, as if he had returned to a peaceful daily routine.

"This little girl is so cute... brains must be delicious... Damn it, this body is purely human. The demon's instinct seems to be deeply ingrained in my mind."

Ji Xing cursed his involuntary thoughts and proceeded to the toilet with a water cup. There, he disposed of the suicide note, rinsed the cup, and headed to the water room.

When fetching water, Ji Xing noticed the water dispenser's retro style. The date August 1, 1992, automatically popped into his mind.

"Well, a bit early."

Passing by an independent practice room, he recalled it belonged to a girl in the third grade of junior high school—Hetian Yangnai, a delicate and cute girl who could also be fierce at times. In another practice room, he heard the sound of heavy strikes and remembered it belonged to the signature and assistant teacher of Dashan Karate Gym—Satoshi Maeda, a national karate champion.

"National Champion? Why does this name sound familiar?"

Ji Xing halted, searching for information on Satoshi Maeda, but his expression gradually became perplexed.

"This memory... something is wrong."

After a brief hesitation, Ji Xing lightly knocked on Maeda Satoshi's practice room door.

"Ji Xing? Is there something I can help you with?" Satoshi asked, having noticed Ji Xing.

"Ah, no, it's okay. Excuse me, Maeda-senpai," Ji Xing replied in slightly stuttering Japanese.

Retreating to his independent practice room, Ji Xing closed the door and paced for a while.

"Gizmos that make money... APTX4869... Knowledge of Biology... Gun making and use? Karate?"

Suddenly, Ji Xing had numerous goals and ideas.

Taking a deep breath to calm his mind, he recognized that APTX4869, the Black Organization's research on life sciences, was crucial. Obtaining this knowledge offered a chance to solve the problems caused by the demon instinct.

At this moment, the muffled sound ceased. Maeda Satoshi, who had discovered Ji Xing, stopped the three sandbags and looked over.

"Ji Xing? Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked.

"Ah no, it's okay, excuse me, Maeda-senpai," Ji Xing replied.

Withdrawing, Ji Xing returned to his practice room, closed the door, and paced for a long time.

"Gizmos that make money... APTX4869... Knowledge of Biology... Gun making and use? Karate?"

Detective Conan?

Is this the world of Ke Xue?

In the river, in the river.

"That's great!"

Conan is not a simple modern civilization!

The world of Ke Xue has many unscientific black technologies, especially the bug-level black technology, APTX4869!

After taking it, the 17-year-old high school detective Kudo Shinichi turned into a 7-year-old Conan. In a sense, this is an incomplete "elixir of youth" that can rejuvenate people!

The elixir is available. It can be seen that Ke Xue world has an extremely in-depth research on biological science. If he masters this knowledge, Ji Xing has a chance to solve the trouble caused by the demon instinct.

Even... a new life?

At this time, the muffled sound was interrupted, and Maeda Satoshi, who had discovered Ji Xing, stopped the three sandbags, and looked over with his movements lightly.

"Ji Xing? Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked.

"Ah no, it's okay, excuse me, Maeda-senpai," Ji Xing replied in slightly stuttering Japanese.

He withdrew, returned to his own independent practice room, closed the door, and paced for a long time.

"Gizmos that make money..."


"Knowledge of Biology..."

"Gun making and use? Karate?"

Suddenly, Ji Xing had many goals and many ideas.

Take a deep breath to calm the mind.

The most important thing for him here is APTX4869, which is the research result of the Black Organization on life sciences.

If you want to get these things, there are nothing more than two ways, follow Conan and wait for the opportunity, or find a way to enter the black organization as an undercover agent.

And no matter what kind, it is not what he, an ordinary freshman in high school, can do now!

"Sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood by mistake. There shouldn't be too many problems with the main body in a short period of time. It can restrain desire. The time ratio of 365 to 1 is enough."

Ji Xing thought for a while, and put on a posture.

Punch, punch!

Alternate hands, feel tired after a hundred times.

But Ji Xing didn't stop.

Karate in the scientific world is not scientific.

Maolilan broke the telephone pole with a punch, and Kyogoku kicked the wall with ease, dodged bullets physically, received BB bullets in his hand, and transformed into a humanoid Gundam.

He has no reason to do it!

Sure enough, there seemed to be infinite power lurking in this body, Ji Xing gritted his teeth and persisted, and he punched a thousand punches at once, but he was still able to hold on.

He couldn't reach it with his tongue, so he wiped the sweat off his forehead with a towel, took a short rest, and practiced another karate routine move—knee punching.

The restless heart since time travel was soothed by the tireless exercise.

"Phew... I'm saved."

"Getting better!"

New book set sail, welcome new and old book friends to enter the pit.

Seeking support for recommended tickets and monthly tickets.

(end of this chapter)