
Start - The World Behind the Door

NOT: Unless you are a sadistic maniac who enjoys constant suffering of a human being, I strongly advise you not to read this novel. *** Yu Valarfin is a young university student who has lost his family and is alone. While thinking there is nothing tying him to life, he receives a phone call and has to leave his house. But when he opens the door, he is confronted by a world he has never seen! Finding himself trapped outside the door in a fit of absent-mindedness, Yu is forced to undertake an impossible mission filled with witches, demons, and death, with no power to help him. *** -Isekai -Dark fantasy -Male lead -No power fantasy / no op main character (regular human strength) -No loli romance -No rpg/system *** Arc I - The World Behind the Door (7 chapters / 34.000 words) Arc II - Golden Letters of Rolderhelm (43 chapters / - 186.000 words) Arc III - Sound of Bells Arc IV - Touching a Star Arc V - Dream of the Doves Arc VI - (In writting progress) *** Must read that notes before starting (please): 1) I am writing the original version in Turkish, this is a translation. 2) It's a slow-paced story. 3) And when I say slow, it's really, rea~lly, rea~~lly slow. Even slower than you can ever think. 4) If you're the kind of reader who says after 30 chapters "I've read too much, now I want the character to be strong", this is definitely not for you. 5) The story will be longer than 15 arcs and events will start around arc 3. So the first two arcs are like a prologue to the story (yes, 220,000 words long prologue). 6) The reason why the story is so long is that I want to give a realistic view of character and story development. You may not see much in one arc, you will see things as the next arcs come. 7) Since the original version is in Turkish (and my English is not very good, I use DeepL) you may see some grammatical problems. Probably the most common one is the he/she problem because my language doesn't have a he/she distinction. I'm trying to improve my English, but if you say it's too bad, I can stop the translation and continue after I've improved more, or if you point out my mistakes, I'll try to fix them. *** PLEASE DO NOT READ IF: 1) you have no tolerance for narcissistic characters. 2) you are not a masochist. 3) you are not patient. *** I don't want to make you to read something that you don't like and I know the story is for a very small audience, so I don't want you to get bored, it's important that you read the notes.

Berke1 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
188 Chs

Arc 3 - Chapter 4: Attack on the Demi-lion Village (2/2)

A two-meter monster roared as it ran, burning towards them. Yu would be lying if he said he wasn't a little scared.

Yurine's wind spell swirled and slammed into the front of the monster, lifting the earth meters high.

Seeing the earth rising up, the monster was startled, lost its balance and fell to the ground with the earth piled on top of it.

The rinos were frightened by the noise and the flaming beasts, moving as if to break their ropes. If the animals hadn't tried to run in separate directions, they might have dragged their wagons away.

"Hoo! Hoo! Stop, boy! Hoo!"

He managed to calm and stop four of the rinos, but the others were still afraid. Finally Yu had no choice but to cut the ropes of two of them so that the frightened ones would not influence the others and overturn the wagon.

The rinos broke free from their ropes and ran into the trees, disappearing from sight.

"Yu, something else is coming!"

He stopped tending to the remaining rinos and instinctively jumped out of the driver's compartment of the carriage and came to Yurine's side.

"Are you serious? There were no other monsters?"

Yurine saw Yu's hand trembling and grabbed it. A huge three-headed dog, a Cerberus, was chasing the burning beast.

"You'll manage, won't you?"

"Uh-huh... Are you scared? Don't worry, it is the duty of superior beings to look after their subordinates."

While Yurine was joking, Yu was completely serious, he had been afraid of the dog all his life and would continue to be afraid.

"It's coming at us, Yurine. Kill it."

Yurine raised her hand and swung it as if to cut the void. The blade of wind from her hand traveled in an arc towards the dog.

The dog was too late to recognize the knife, and could not make a move to avoid it. The wind blade cut off all three of the beast's heads and it fell to the ground after running some more without its head.

After Yurine killed the dog, Yu took a deep breath

"What is this thing?" Yurine asked. They were looking at the monster whose body was still burning.

Other people called the creature monster while Yu only described them as a beast man. He was exactly a demi-lion.

The lion-shaped creature was badly wounded. Its body was full of holes and cuts, except for its charred mane and feathers, blackened and charred by the fire.

"Yu, take out that sword."

Sticking out from behind the belly of the prone beast was a jet-black sword, similar to Sivina's rapier but slightly thicker and emitting an ominous aura. "It's hot, I can't touch it."

"Yu, the creature is dying. And you have gloves on your hands, you'll be fine in that heat."

"I think he's dead, never mind. Besides, I can't see the hilt of the sword, I can't pull it out by the sharp point."

Yurine manipulated the wind and used her magic to turn the beast onto its back.

"Holy shit, it's like a force."

Yu's excuse was broken when the beast returned, he grabbed the sword by the hilt and struggled a little to pull it out. When he realized he couldn't do it with one hand, he grabbed it with both hands and pulled, and when he felt the heat, he threw the sword to the ground.

Then Yurine used her magic again and pushed the beast with the wind to the edge of the river to prevent it from burning any more.

"Yu, let's pour water with a bucket."

They did as Yurine said and started pouring water on the monster using buckets from their wagons.

"Wait a minute! Why are we trying to save it?"

The coin was late, Yu was just realizing that they were trying to save him.

"Yu, because it's the right thing to do."

"But it's not a pet, it's a wild beast. What if it attacks us?"

Yu occasionally turned his head toward the three-headed, dog-shaped monster behind them. Even though he was definitely dead, they were in a fantasy world and he didn't want him to suddenly turn into a zombie and start an attack.

"Monsters have no minds to be grateful to those who save them."

"Yu, you don't need to be afraid. If that happens, I'll protect you."

The walls of his ego had strengthened after what had happened at Rolderhelm. If his little daughter had told him that a month ago, his ego would have sobbed with tears, but now he was only mildly hurt.

Of course, besides his bruised ego, he was proud of Yurine and liked her protective instinct.

"What if he attacks unexpectedly?"

What would happen if Yurine was sleeping and Yu was on guard duty and he suddenly jumped on them? Yurine shook her head and did not answer the question.

"Are you going to cast a healing spell now?" he asked with a sigh when he realized Yurine wasn't going to give up on saving him. "He has too many wounds."

"Yes, I will use the book."

Yurine needed the book of light spells from the small library to cast her new healing spell. She went to the wagon to get it.

Meanwhile, Yu saw the beast's chest rise and fall slightly, it was still alive.

"The animal's balls are showing, I'll throw this on top of him so Yurine won't see it."

When he took off his jacket and threw it at the creature's groin, the air suddenly turned cold.

"I'm glad I bought a bunch of the same ones, because I'll never wear them again because they touched the creature's balls. The damn creature cost me a jacket and two rinos."

When Yurine came out of the carriage, she was holding a thick book. She held the huge book with one hand, took Yu's hand with the other and started chanting the incantation.

"Hepa'e Xi Rhaea - Noxu Tevhae - Si Luel'la..."

After reciting the incantation several times, she closed her eyes and focused herself on the healing spell. Buds of light gathered around Yurine's body.

This was the second time Yurine had used this spell. The first time, Yurine had used it when Yu had another seizure and Yu had experienced how effective it was.

Of course, Yurine's use of a mana-consuming spell that should be used to heal the wounded to help Yu in his seizure was a bit over the top.

The buds of light that gathered around Yurine's body spread their wings and turned into butterflies, and the butterflies began to fly above the monster with the particles of light falling from their wings.

Light poured from the butterflies' wings and enveloped the monster's body. Yu felt relief in his chest as Yurine continued to focus on the healing spell.

When the spell was over, the monster's burnt feathers and mane had not returned, but there were no more cuts, holes or scorch marks on its body. Only its body remained, covered with bare skin.

"Yu! Yu! Did I do it?"

"Yes, you did it. Congratulations, Yurine."

Yurine happily hugged Yu while he stroked her head with a gentle smile. The hug lasted a long time, as always. When Yurine left him, Yu looked at the carriage.

"We gave a wagon for one of the escaped rinos. I hope this beast is worth enough to cover our losses."

They were two rinos short and their speed of movement would be reduced. Yu was planning to have the beast tow the wagon, he had to compensate him somehow.

"It's dangerous here, let's leave before we linger too long. Maybe other monsters will come."

"I think we should wait until he wakes up, maybe something useful will come out."

"If you want a pet I can get you a smaller cat, you don't need that thing."

"Yu! Don't mock the living!"

"Says the little girl who calls people as low life form?"

"Ha!" Yurine placed her hands on her waist and puffed out her chest. "My superiority and the inferiority of others, except you and mom, is a fact. I'm not kidding when I say that!"

Yu leaned over and pinched Yurine's cheeks. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad that Yurine was a narcissist like him.

"Yu, let's cook. If the monsters come, I'll kill them all."

"Hmm... The young lady seems to be settling into this butler's job quickly. I have to say, I'm not going to be a butler forever, it's just a short-term role."

"But I thought after I rescued my mother, you'd stay as a butler to stay with us."

While Yu went back to preparing dinner, Yurine climbed on top of the wagon and stood guard in case a monster came.

"There is no way I can serve an adult. I wanted to take on this role because you are my daughter, I can't stand being ordered around by my peers..." Yu also didn't say anything about staying with them afterwards.

Even if he wanted to stay with them, to be with them forever, the world would not let him live that long. He thought of the best thing he could do; the best thing would be to rewind time, to eliminate the threats to them and leave them with a good life.

"It hurts me..."

It hurt to think about it. He was so selfish that he couldn't bear that things would go on after he was gone.


Yurine was worried when she saw that Yu had suddenly gone quiet. In order not to worry her, Yu cleared his mind of his thoughts and spoke.

"And why should I stay with you as a butler? Maybe I'll stay with you as Rie's lover."


Such a life could be beautiful, but Yu believed it was impossible. If he were to bind people to himself in the new world, without curing his illness, he would only make them suffer.

Still, he wanted to make Yurine angry because she was cute when she was angry. He looked at Yurine's flushed face and smiled.

"The prince didn't know Cinderella either, but he fell in love and married her because he danced a little. So there was no need to know..."

Yurine was kicking the roof of the car. Yu had pissed her off like he wanted to and saw the sweet look on her face.

"I hope it's not a sin to talk like this behind the deceased's back."