

_pipacska1_ · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


She ran so fast she could but he was faster. He took her wrist and pulled her back and pushed her to the ground. She sreamed for help, cried but no one could hear her except him. He knelt down to the ground and began to take off her pants. He was about to take her leftover clothes when a guy in a dark coat appeared beside them and pushed him off the desperate girl. The abuser was frightened and ran straight into the dark forest. The girl's savior squatted down and started to talk to the shocked girl

"Hey, stop crying please, everything is okay, he won't come back, I promise you! Stand up, I take you home, okay?" He smiled at her and helped her get up

"What's you name?" he asked her.

"I-I'm Kaia" she answered.

"Alright Kaia, I take you home, there you will be save.