
Stargate: Harry Potter and Merlin's Legacy

In the grip of haunting dreams that gradually unveil the secrets surrounding the Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter finds himself thrust into an extraordinary cosmic odyssey that surpasses even his most vivid imaginings. Armed with the formidable Legacy of Merlin, Harry embarks on a journey through the Stargate. His path is fraught with challenges, from confronting Alien Parasites burdened with an overwhelming ego to dealing with Space Vampires oblivious to the concept of regulating their food supply. Or an entire galaxy inhabited by fervently religious Humans who worship a race of ascended geniuses convinced of their superiority over humanity. As Harry delves deeper into the cosmos, he contemplates the limitless possibilities awaiting him—more galaxies to explore, an entire universe to unravel, and the tantalizing prospect of venturing beyond the cosmic edge into the uncharted realms of the multiverse. What other enigmas and marvels lie in wait for the young wizard in this vast and unexplored expanse? ————————————— For 20+ more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Lemons (18+) for this Story on www.subscr*ibestar.com/ashmodai Thank you for your continuous Support! ————————————— Disclaimer: The Wizarding World, the Stargate Universe, and any other fictional works featured in this story are the intellectual property of their respective creators. I solely possess ownership rights over my original plots and characters.

Ashmodai · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Chapter 17: Infiltration

Harry soon reached the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately, it was just a dead end—a round room at the end of a long corridor. Harry had underestimated the resources Setesh had available on Earth.

It was obvious that this room could be entered through a ring transporter. But he didn't think that Setesh had enough Naquadah or the facilities to construct some.

The tunnel being only accessible through the Rings is a bit troublesome. If he planned to remain covert and unnoticed, he obviously couldn't activate them. He has the ability to control them remotely. He can feel them in the compound above him; there was no shield blocking him from them.

But the Ring Transporters were loud, bright, and obvious. If he used them, then he would be seen.

Alternatively, he could wait in the center of the tunnel and hope they would activate the rings soon. Ring transporters functioned in such a manner that if matter was on the other side of the transporter, it simply got exchanged with the other side, switching places.

Unfortunately, if this really was an escape tunnel, then it was unlikely that anyone would be using it. An escape tunnel is only meant for emergencies; no one should even know that he was here.

Right. He could use the cameras in the tunnels to lure them to activate them. But then he could do it directly himself and use the advantage of a surprise attack.

Apparition is also out of the question; he hadn't figured another way out yet and still needed a clear picture of the target to be able to appear. On a bright note, he managed to remove the loud crack accompanying it. But he was pretty sure that was something quite a few wizards had accomplished; he had seen Dumbledore do it.

Maybe he could get a clear picture of the location. His powers were greatly enhanced, and his Legilimency should be too. Closing his eyes, Harry focused. After a few seconds of concentrated meditation, he began to feel something. Many somethings.

He could feel the minds of the people in the compounds. It seems his mind magic has outright evolved to telepathy. Human minds were quite small in comparison to Sethesh's mind; his was multiple times bigger. At least he supposed that it was Setesh's mind because, without trying to enter the mind, this was the only way he could differentiate between minds. The human mind seemed to have a similar size.

Choosing one of the human minds further away from the others but still inside the walls of the compound, Harry dove into the mind of that person. This felt more like the few times he had used Legilimency, only this time the mind he was entering was far more docile; it didn't take him any effort to exert full control over it.

Harry, after searching through the memories of the random mind-controlled human, confirmed that Setesh was the master of this compound. The human himself was nothing more than a cleaning servant, responsible for maintaining the compound. Using his enhanced powers, he accessed the man's senses and checked his surroundings.

Leaving the man's mind, Harry waited until he felt that no one was close by anymore; he silently apparated to the location he picked up from the servant's mind. Now that he had the ability to locate Sethesh by searching for a mind bigger than the others,

Of course, a being as paranoid as Setesh, hiding on Earth, was never without his guards. So there was no point in waiting for him to be alone. Setesh was too much of a coward to not be surrounded by them; after all, they could always fight for him or serve as human shields or as hostages.

Seeing no point in waiting, after his main concern was that he didn't want to fight all of his guards, and most of them were guarding the perimeter of the compound, he chose to directly head for Setesh.

Sneaking through a door behind one of the servants, he soon arrived in a large throne room. Setesh was sitting on the throne while he was being attended to by his mind-controlled drones. Young women were sitting there surrounding him, tending to him, while four guards were standing on each side of the throne, armed with muggle machine guns.

Left and right of the throne were two pedestals with masks of Setesh's guards fixated on them; from inside of them, he could feel the Nish'ta. This must be from where he was controlling new human slaves.

Thanks to Harry's concealment, Setesh wasn't able to feel his presence. So he had a bit of time to try something new out; focusing, Harry disabled the guns of the guards telekinetically, making them useless. Before he appeared in the center of the room, right in front of Setesh,

Instantly, the four guards pointed their guns at him, while Setesh was able to feel the symbiote inside of Harry now. With glowing eyes, the Goa'uld asked in their language, "Who are you? How dare you enter my domain?"

Harry, unbothered by the guns pointed at him, also used his Goa'uld mode with the glowing eyes and deep voice and replied, "Have you already forgotten me, brother? Did you really think you could betray us and get away with it? Now that Ra is dead, you are the only one able to pay for your betrayal."

"Ra is dead? You… no, you are Osiris. You should be imprisoned!" He was shocked by the revelation. After all, he has been trapped on Earth for the last few thousand years and knew nothing about the state of the galaxy, nor that the Tau'ri had killed Ra with a nuclear bomb. "Fool, you came here all alone. Did the stasis make you lose your mind?"

"Oh, no. This host is just very powerful. Good that you wasted your time on this planet being called the greatest and other worthless platitudes and never discovered the powerful race of Hok'tar living hidden on it. By the way, Isis also sends her regard." Harry mocked in the typical tone of a Goa'uld.

"Do you take me for a fool?" Sethesh gritted out, totally affected by the provocation. "Kill him!" he ordered.

The guards pulled the trigger on their automatic machine guns, but nothing happened.

"I told you. This host is very powerful." Harry said, shooting stunners at the guards around him. Setesh didn't hesitate and used his Kara Kesh to shoot a shockwave at Harry. He simply apparated to the side and continued to stun the girls in the room before he also shot a few stunners at Sethesh, knocking him out.

"That was easy." Harry muttered as he approached the unmoving form of Sethesh. "You can still hear me, brother. Can't you? Well, this must be familiar to you." He said this as he pulled his old stasis jar out of his moleskin pouch.

The old Harry may have had a dislike for killing or torture, but a Harry with thousands of years worth of memories of a Goa'uld had a completely different state of mind; he had no regard for other lives. He still wouldn't go out of his way to kill senselessly, but he wouldn't hesitate if it benefited him.

So he used his telekinetic abilities to rip the symbiote out of the host's spinal cord while keeping the symbiote alive but killing the host in a bloody mess. "You will have a nice enough time in there to get a taste of how much I enjoyed myself there. After all, Ra could be really cruel; this may be stasis, but the mind is still working. So enjoy!" Harry said with a grin as he put the struggling symbiote into the stasis jar, sealing it.

After all, a living symbiote between his own and Pansy's would be a good research subject. Now that Setesh wasn't present anymore, his slaves would soon be free of the influence of the Nish'ta; after all, this composition requires the Goa'uld to be present.

He quickly collected the pieces of advanced technology and stored them in his pouch. Among them were a considerable amount of Zat'nik'tels, a few Goa'uld grenades, Naquadah from a dismantled Ring Transporter, another Kara Kesh, and nine staff weapons.


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