
Stare of the Basilisk King

GodofDeathDragons · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Chapter 17

( Gryffindor common room, 8 am)

Hermione and Ginny were on their way down to the common room as they were about to reach to the door only to be stopped by a stern voice that belonged to their head of the house.

"Ms, Granger, Ms, Weasley" Mcgonagall Said Making the two girls stop and turn around looking at the stern face of their head of the house.

"Professor?" Asked Hermione looking at her head of the house who frowned

"You two come with me to my office" She Said with them widening their eyes a bit in shock exchanging glances at one another as they followed their Professor.

From the corner of the room they missed seeing Ron having a smug look.

"Maybe that will teach them not to sneak out Seeing that scarhead git" Ron Said in Thought with a smug smirk leaving the common room for breakfast but little did he know Neville caught his look and glared at the red headed boy he had to go tell Harry.

(With Harry)

Now leaving the chamber of secrets he was on his way down for some breakfast and before he could get any further Neville had came to him.

"Morning Neville" He greeted looking at the plump boy

"Morning Harry, Hermione and Ginny are in trouble" Neville Said shocking Harry who widened his green eyes

"What are you talking about? How are they in trouble?" Harry asked looking at Neville

"Ron went and told Professor Mcgonagall that Hermione and Ginny snuck out the class to see you last night" Neville explained as Harry scowled Of course the git would get them into trouble.

"Thanks for telling me Neville, I'm heading to see them now" Harry Said now leaving the girls bathroom heading straight to the gryffindor common room.

( Mcgonagall's office)

"Mind telling me why the two of you snuck out at 1 in the morning?" She asked sternly as the two girls exchanged glances at one another before facing their Professor.

"We went to go see Harry, Professor there was something he wanted to tell us" Answered Hermione

"And pray tell me how you know where to find him?" She asked Before one of them could ask the doors to her office opened revealing Harry.

"Because I told them where I am Professor" Harry Said calmly with Hermione and Ginny looking relieved Neville must have told him.

"Ah Mr. Potter how nice of you to join us" Said McGonagall looking at her pupil of a lion.

"Don't send them to detention for this or take points, I asked them to meet me that night to discuss my affairs" Harry Said with his green eyes never leaving his Professor While his head of the house raised a eyebrow at this

"Hmm, very well Mr. Potter I'm sure you've told them everything right and they would keep your secret?" She Said looking at him as he nodded

"I see, then you two are free to go" She Said looking back at Hermione and Ginny who smiled

"Thank you Professor" they both said in unison as Harry nodded towards his head of the house and left with both of them following him.

(Great Hall)

They finally made it as they headed down to the gryffindor table, Ron was far from them as he narrowed his eyes at Potter along with Hermione and Ginny.

"May I join you Harry Potter?" Asked a dreamy voice as he turned and saw a beautiful girl with blue eyes and silver blonde hair

"Luna! Nice of you to come over! Harry this is Luna Lovegood my best friend" Said Ginny with Harry looking at lovegood

"Sure you can join us Luna." He Said as she given him a dreamy smile as she took notice into his eyes the pupils were snake like as she saw his pointed nails that looked like claws it didn't take her long enough to know what Harry is, he is a magical creature. She became excited as she wondered what kind of magical creature was he? Then she spotted a small single red feather in the middle of his mess of black hair. She's slowly putting the pieces together, he's a Phoenix! Which explains his nails and red feather in his hair, but what about those green snake eyes of his? Phoenix's don't have snake like eyes... unless he could be a hybrid? A Phoenix and Serpent? She didn't see any scales on him or forked tongue or even fangs?. Her eyes grew wide as she finally put the pieces together, She forgotten about parsel tongue! Then the last piece! Could he be possibly a Basilisk!?

Ginny, Hermione and Harry watched Luna's facial expression as she looked at him with her dreamy expression.

She mouthed " I know what you are" in a low whisper.

Harry widened his eyes that Luna suspected what he was, Hermione and Ginny looked surprised that Luna figured it out!

"I'll tell you the details later Luna" Harry Said as her dreamy smile never left her face

"Don't worry Harry you're secret is safe with me" She whispered as he smiled back at her, he did find her somewhat cute.

On the Slytherin table Daphne greengrass had her ice cold eyes on Harry sitting at the table with Granger, Weasley and Lovegood. As she stood up from her table and walked towards the gryffindor table as the Slytherins all stopped watching for what their ice queen was going to do to Potter.

Ravenclaw Table Fleur was also watching as she noticed the Slytherin girl walk over to Arry's table frowning a bit she decided to get up and go over there to Sit with Arry,

"Hello Potter," Said Daphne Greengrass causing the boy to look up at her seeing the ice queen before him.

"And you're Daphne Greengrass?" He Asked Seeing her nod her head as she looked from Granger to Weasley and Lovegood Seeing them all sit around Potter.

"Mind if I sit by you?" She asked politely

"I don't see why not?" He Said widening his green eyes Seeing Fleur Delacour behind Daphne.

"Bonjour Arry," Fleur Said looking at him with love.

"Fleur nice of you to join us!?" He said with all the gryffindor males looking on in complete jealousy that Harry got all of the girls around him, Not only he has the ice queen of Slytherin but the Beauxbatons Champion Fleur Delacour!?

Ron was fuming in anger that bloody scarhead git is practically drawning all the girls to him as he scowled he couldn't take it no more as he instantly got up going over to his former best friend to give him a piece of his mind.

"Bugger off of him Ginny! He's using you!" Yelled Ron Making his little sister along with the other girls and Hermione glare at him.

"What are you talking about?!" She hissed

"Can't you see! He has every girl around himself! He's not good enough for you! Matter of fact he's not good enough for any of you! Especially you Hermione!" He spat glaring at his former best friend.

"Ronald Weasley... either you back off now or I'll hex you" Hermione threatened

"And if Harry's not good enough for us then who is?" Growled Ginny holding her wand under the table about 2 seconds from hexing her brother with her Bat Bogey Hex.

"Come on Ginny! You should date DeanThomas he's way better than Harry, and Hermione you should be with me! I can provide for you better than Harry. You can't be with him Hermione! I can never understand why you always stay by his side he's a bloody cheat! He's taking advantage of you and Ginny! Like the Lying snake he is! And maybe every other girl that's close to him! I guess his Veela Slut isn't Enough for him!" Ron spat with hatred as gasps were heard throughout the whole great hall.

Fleur gasped and looked offended at what Ron called her as angry tears swelled in her eyes as she ran out the great hall, However a swirl of raging magic had made nearly everyone tremble as the great hall's temperature was rising and the source was coming from Harry Potter as he scowled heavily at Ron as he began to hiss and trill angrily tapping into his instincts He had to restrain himself from turning on his Golden deadly eyes. He couldn't reveal himself yet and didn't really want to kill Ron but now he went a bit too far.

Before anyone could stop Harry, the teen swiped his claws at Ron's face marking the red headed boy scream in pain feeling fresh scars mark his face. Instantly the professors all raised up going to break it up before Harry attempts to kill Ron.

"Harry no!" Hermione Yelled as she grabbed his arm while Ginny grabbed Harry's other arm preventing him from continuing his attack on Ron.

"Mione... Ginny... let me go now..." Harry Said in a deadly tone

"Please Harry... He's not worth it! If you continue to attack him everyone will know of your secret think of what you're doing!"Ginny whispered hoping to talk some sense into Harry

Ron for his part touched the right side of his face touching his scars and flowing blood as he looked at Harry in fear.

"What the bloody hell are you!?" Ron Yelled

"That's none of your damn business! I warned you if you dare call Fleur that! I'm officially done with being your best friend it seems you can't get over your jealousy out of your arse! Yet you dare take it out on Fleur!" Harry Said with anger as he ran out the great hall to find Fleur and comfort her.

"Harry Wait!" Hermione Yelled as she ran after him.

"I can't understand how I'm related to my own brother who makes a arse out of himself! Not only you hurt Fleur but Harry too! Wait until mum hears of this!" Spat Ginny as she followed after Hermione leaving the shocked Ron Weasley along with others who were shocked at what happened

Daphne casted a icily glare at Ron who ruined her conversation with Harry as she walked away

"You reap what you sow, Ron I hope the nargles get you" Said Luna in her not so dreamy voice that was replaced with furious anger she has never been angry before in her life and because of what Ron did and said towards Harry it pissed her off as she walked back to her table

Ron now looked up at the disapproving expressions of Dumbledore,and McGonagall and a sneering Snape but was also meeted by Madam Maxine's angered expression to show she was clearly furious that he insulted her star pupil.

He was in deep shit right now and boy his mother is definitely going to send a Howler when Ginny tells her what happened