
Star World: Started With Unranked Talent.

Ronan is an unlucky guy who was caught in a space rift after destroying his enemies. He reincarnates as Axel in another universe. ************************* Start World began to change 100 years ago after becoming entangled in a strange force. The world was multiplied by 1000 times and all creatures mutated. Humans began to awaken superpowers and cultivate them as well. Will Ronan, who was born on this planet as Axel, be able to change his destiny this time? ******************************************** Hello, this is my second novel and there might be some errors, but don't worry I will try to become better. Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination.

Dark_lord_100 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Twilight Town

When the world expanded, the country's leaders realized they couldn't entirely govern the land they possessed. They developed a plan to grant the Grandmaster the authority to construct the city. This law was also acknowledged and advocated by several grandmasters.

As long as the city was created, they could get government and military assistance. As cities grew in size, the government gradually gained control of them.

The government and military were two entirely separate systems in Sky Mist Country. Over the years, the military has shed blood to safeguard the land, and everyone has a high regard for military troops. Some martial Alliances have also formed over the years.

"This planet is exactly like the one I came from." There were dimensional gates on that planet that people couldn't enter. This world was merging with an unknown world. Is this someone's work?'

Axel also read books about geography and education, among other things. He had never been to school and had no idea whether he would be able to attend university. He left the library in the evening to eat dinner cooked by Ethan.

"Uncle Ethan, I want to visit the city tomorrow.

"OK, young master, I'll get the car ready tomorrow."

The next day, Axel went on his tour of the city. His father founded Twilight City 50 years ago. Almost the entire city has high-rise structures, and the city is surrounded by strong walls. He also noticed police patrolling the city from time to time. The metropolis has a capacity of up to 100 million inhabitants, although the population is estimated to be between 30 and 40 million. The city felt immersible anguish as a result of the sea beast riot. Many people lost their houses and family.

The Twilight Town is close to the sea, which serves as a significant port for surrounding towns, and it is also close to the Sky Mist Forest. Sky mist forest is one of the most deadly forests, and it is surrounded by multiple countries.

The fatality rate is incredibly high in the Sky Mist Forest, but it is also very rich in natural resources. No one has ever gone all the way into Sky Mist forests. Sky Mist Forest is also close to one of the major military bases.

Axel also returned home at lunchtime. A government official is also waiting for him at home.


"Is that the city lord's vehicle?"


"I recall the city lord having a son who was in a coma."

"Did he recover?"

"No one knows. It doesn't change the reality that we have a new city lord after five years."

"You are correct. But I'm hoping he'll be a grandmaster in five years."

"After all, city lord David was quite kind to us."

Soon after, a discussion began in the city, which was quickly spread on the internet.

"Hello, Axel." My name is Edward, and I am the city lord for the time being."

"Hello, Mr. Edward."

"Congratulations on regaining your health, Axel. I'd always wanted to see you, but due to certain urgent duties, it never happened."

"It's all right, Mr. Edward."

Edward also spoke and smiled.

"You can call me Uncle; after all, your father was my savior."

"Before the beast riot, Your Father asked me to be the city master until you healed."

Axel was taken aback by this.

"What level of talent did you awaken?"

"D-level fire talent."

'As I suspected.'

'If he has awoken a higher-ranked talent, he may have the opportunity to step in as grandmaster. However, there is no hope.'

"Axel, you're right about five years."

Axel gave a nod.

"So, in five years, you must advance to grandmaster rank to reclaim your city lord status."

"Your twilight town was a key strategic location, and many families and city rulers were eyeing it." Be cautious at all times.

"Don't worry if you don't reach Grandmaster level. There's a good probability I'll stay as city lord."

"Thank you, uncle."

"Just one more thing."

Edward took Axel's jade square box and handed it to him.

"Your father requested that I give it to you."

Axel examined the jade box before opening it. It contained a space bracelet.

"You have to drop blood to activate it."

"Thank you, uncle."

Please contact me if you have any questions."

Axel gave a nod.

Axel entered his bedroom and examined the bracelet. His parent's death made him skeptical after hearing Edward's statements.

'How come they contacted Edward before Riot? As if they knew what will happen. Is there someone responsible for my parents' deaths?'

Axel sliced his finger slowly and placed a drop of blood on the bracelet. He suddenly felt a connection to it. Axel examined the bracelet, which included cultivation methods and cultivation resources. There is also a note on the bracelet, which Axel opened.

"Hello Axel, If you are reading this letter, it signifies that you have recovered and that we may have had an accident. Perhaps we are not on this earth. The fact that you have recovered makes us very happy. We are quite relieved."

"I gave you cultivation techniques and resources." I am aware that you might assume someone was responsible for our accident.

"Yes, there is someone, but you are too weak to know who it is."

"Obtain the city lord's token. "There are answers to all of your questions."

Axel clutched the letter. Just as he suspected, someone was responsible for his parent's deaths.

'I'm not sure who it is, but you better be alive. I'll find you down and take your head.'

He is familiar with the city lord's token at the possession government. When he reaches the grandmaster, he will be given the token back.

"It appears that I have yet more motive to develop my strength."

Axel opened the System and checked the notifications. he heard the notification When he dripped blood on the Bracelet.

[Detection of storage equipment. Whether to absorb or not.]

[By consuming storage equipment, storage capacity will be increased to 1000 cubic meters.]

Axel looked at the notification and selected yes. Simultaneously, his bracelet vanished, and system storage was expanded by 1000 cubic meters.

Axel scrolled up to see what else was new.

[The quest has been finished. One of the system functions is turned on.]

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