
Star World: Started With Unranked Talent.

Ronan is an unlucky guy who was caught in a space rift after destroying his enemies. He reincarnates as Axel in another universe. ************************* Start World began to change 100 years ago after becoming entangled in a strange force. The world was multiplied by 1000 times and all creatures mutated. Humans began to awaken superpowers and cultivate them as well. Will Ronan, who was born on this planet as Axel, be able to change his destiny this time? ******************************************** Hello, this is my second novel and there might be some errors, but don't worry I will try to become better. Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination.

Dark_lord_100 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

New Year

Flesh tampering is the sixth layer of the body technique. Ronan filled them with medical liquid made from the things he assembled.

Ronan got into the tub and began the sixth layer. He destroyed and recreated the muscles with Star Force and Yang Qi. His entire muscle group is reconstructed correctly.

The medicinal liquid is used to build muscle. His entire body becomes a hungry beast and begins feverishly consuming the medicinal liquid.

His whole body was filled with power. The entire procedure was finished by the morning. His strength has already surpassed 30,000 pounds.

Ronan awoke in the morning and left the tub. He put his body to the test with swords. Although regular swords can pierce his skin, they can not harm his muscles.

Even spirit swords can't hurt him once he finishes the last layer.

He checked his status.

[Name: Axel Twilight (Muscle refinement stage).

Talent: Devour(??? ), Soul control(S), Fire(D),Water(D), Jump(D), Rush(D), Shapeshifter(D),Neurolink(D), Regeneration(D), Clone(D).

Physique: Pure Yang Body(80%)

Martial Arts: Twilight body forging technique, Snake crushing fist, Tiger roaring fist.

Quest: Library Quest(Upgrade the system library with this world's cultivation knowledge.)

Skills: Sword mastery, Gun Mastery, Dagger mastery.

Storage:1500 cubic meters.]

When Ronan completed the blood refinement, the physique was added to the system. He is aware that on this planet, people awaken special physiques.

Pure Yang's physique will awaken as long as Ronan completes the seventh layer. The awakening of this physique did not surprise Ronan. Until now, everything of his body forging had been done with Yang qi.

Ronan got dressed and went to school.


"Ronan, your body has changed in some way."

While seated in her seat, Li Yan asked.

"What change?"

"I'm not sure, but I think you're different from yesterday."

"Then why don't you search my body and see if you can find it?"


When Ronan heard this, he smiled.

Classes began as soon as the day concluded at noon.

In the Martial Arena.

"How did you get stronger in one day?"

While gasping, Li Yan asked Ronan.

Ronan was not the same as he had been the day before.

"I didn't give it my all yesterday."



"Come again."

They soon began fighting, and the outcome was the same. She made no direct attack on Ronan.

The school was about to end.

"Ronan, what are your plans for the New Year?"

"I haven't decided yet."

"Why don't you come over to my house?"

"Am I going to meet my father-in-law?"

"You...what are you talking about?"


"I haven't consented to be your girlfriend yet, but you're already considering marriage."

"Will you then become my girlfriend, Li Yan?"


"You... have no idea how to propose to a girl."

"I don't know because I haven't dated anyone."

"You are the first."

"Do you think you think I believe you?"

Despite the anger in her voice, her face was full of smiles.


"In any case, come to my house for New Year's."


They soon parted ways. There was already a driver waiting for Li Yan, so she left in that.


The Star World year is 360 days long, with each month lasting 30 days. The way different countries celebrate the New Year. It is also the establishment date of Sky Mist country. Everyone will spend time with family and friends.

"Happy New Year, Young Master."

Ronan received a present box from Ethan.

"Happy New Year, Ethan."

Ronan accepted it with a smile as well.

"I'm heading to Li Yan's house, Ethan."

"Do you have any plans for today?"

"Well, there is a party tonight."

"I'm going to announce the university's construction."


Ronan went to Li Yan's house in the evening. Li Yan is already at the door, waiting for Ronan.

"Is what you've said true?"

"Of course, Father."

"You'll find out sooner or later."

"I'm telling you this because you may be upset with Ronan."


When Li Feng learned that Ronan was going to visit his house, he informed his father about the identity of Ronan.

Li Mo adores his youngest daughter the most. To be honest, he moved to Twilight City to avoid the Chen family.

Because he can't control his rage whenever he thinks about his father's decision. Because of this, he almost ended his relationship with his father.

"Roana, here..."

When Li Yan saw Ronan, she waved her hands. He approached her and hugged her.

"Happy New Year."

"Did you miss me?"

She pushed and spoke.

"Who misses you?"

"I'm going to kill that bastard." Li Mo was roaring.

Li Mo noticed Ronan holding his daughter.

"Calm down, Dad."

"You also know his identity."

More importantly, sister loves him."

Li Mo relaxed and looked at her daughter, who was smiling.

"I haven't seen her smile like this since her mother died."

Li Feng sighed as she gazed at her sister.

Li Yan blames herself for his mother's death.


Ronan and Li Yan entered the house.

"Hello, Uncle."

Ronan smiled as he approached the middle-aged man on the sofa.

"You must be Ronan."

"My daughter often mentions you."

"Thank you for looking after my kid."

"It's fine, Uncle."

"Happy New Year, Uncle,"

Ronan handed him a present box.

"I'm not sure what uncle likes. So I've prepared a small gift for you."

"Haa...it's okay."

Li Mo is relieved that Ronan has some respect for him.

"Hello, Ronan."

"Hello, Li Feng."

Ronan smiled as he greeted Li Feng.

"Master, dinner is ready."

They quickly took their seats and began eating.

"I heard you're already an Advanced trainee, Ronan."

"Indeed, uncle."

"There is a significant change in the exam right now."

"What university are you going to?"

"Well, I haven't chosen yet, but I recently learned that our town has a new university."


Li Mo was taken aback by this and instantly calmed down. He is aware of Ronan's information. There's nothing wrong with Ronan getting advance notice.

"Where did you get the news, Ronan?"

Ronan spoke with a smile.

"I have my ways, and I heard they're going to disclose something in the evening."

"Turn on the tv."

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