
Star World: Started With Unranked Talent.

Ronan is an unlucky guy who was caught in a space rift after destroying his enemies. He reincarnates as Axel in another universe. ************************* Start World began to change 100 years ago after becoming entangled in a strange force. The world was multiplied by 1000 times and all creatures mutated. Humans began to awaken superpowers and cultivate them as well. Will Ronan, who was born on this planet as Axel, be able to change his destiny this time? ******************************************** Hello, this is my second novel and there might be some errors, but don't worry I will try to become better. Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination.

Dark_lord_100 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

New Talents(4)

The rhino was a monster of the middle stage one star level. The monsters are rated on a scale of one to five stars. Each rack is also classified as low, medium, or advanced.

This rhino's strength exactly matches Ronan's current strength. He greeted the Rhio with his fist.

"It's hard."

Ronan took a step back and the same for the rhino, and the armor on his body cracked slightly.

"What a strong defense."

He dashed back to it, this time wrapping his hands in fire and striking the rhino. He noticed a little crack in its defense this time.

The rhino, too, greeted him with its razor-sharp horn. Despite being aware of the danger, he confronted it full-on.

He wanted to test his defense, but he quickly regretted it.

When the rhino struck the horn, he felt a searing pain in his abdomen and backed away. He examined the area where his armor had split and his skin had been damaged.

The attack on the Ronan caused the rhino's armor to shatter. He also noticed a golden layer behind the armor. He immediately recognized this rhino, who had awakened the gold talent.

He was taken aback by the rhino's cleverness. It has two levels of shield, indicating that it possesses dual talent.

"Now is the time to become serious."



He launched a series of fireballs, breaking the rhino's defenses. He drew a spear from the space and struck the fractured spot.


In pain, the rhino roared. He ran towards it, striking the end of the spear with his strength, which penetrated deeper into the rhino's body. The screams of rhinos could be heard in that location.

He took two arrows and shot them into the rhino's eyes, causing it to lose its vision. He struck the burning fist on the head without hesitation.

Despite being in full defense, Ronan's attack reduced its defense in the other areas. When Ronan's fist struck, it turned into meat sauce.

He exhaled after confirming that the rhino was dead. He realized he couldn't defeat the rhino without his ability to use fire.


[Strenth*54, Agility*23, defense, Intelligence*7, Soul energy*21]

[Congratulations on obtaining gold in the talent element.]

[Congratulations on obtaining the Talent Soil shield.]

[Congratulations on acquiring talent Sturdy Skin.]

[Congratulations on obtaining cultivating fragments.]

Ronan was astonished to see this, but before he could question, the system's harsh voice sounded again.

[Detecting host has not cultivated soul energy. It'll be saved in the system]

[Detecting host not had the intelligent attributes. It'll be saved in the system]

[The detecting host has not achieved the status of star disciple. Cultivation fragments will be saved in the system]

[A quest has been generated.]

[Progress towards Star disciple and cultivate soul energy]

[Reward: the intelligence attribute will be unlocked.]

"System, why didn't I have intelligence attribute."

[Host, the intelligence attribute has been locked by the system.]


The reason was explained by the system. Others may tie intelligence with their mind or mental energy, but Ronan was different.

Because he relied on his soul talent to learn new things in his previous life.

His intelligence was influenced by the soul's talent, and when he was reborn in this world, his soul suffered injury. As a result, the system sealed everything relating to the soul.

He felt ashamed after hearing it, and he couldn't blame himself. In his previous life, he routinely used soul talent to learn new things.

"All right, you won."

"However, what are cultivation fragments and soul energy?"

[Cultivation fragments are the cultivation base of the others.]

[By devouring it, you gain some cultivation.]

[As for soul energy, it will strengthen your soul.]

[Occasionally, you may be able to obtain their memories.]

"But how come I didn't get these things when I devoured the other animals?"

According to the system, this could only be gotten from one-star monsters and so on. It is also dependent on luck. This is also determined by Ronan's devouring ability and cultivation base.

Ronan is well aware that not all monsters have powerful souls. As a result, acquiring soul energy is not always possible. There is an opportunity for containing a cultivation base.

He moved towards the other rhinos and some of the similar talents and cultivation fragments. He then moved on to another rhino herd.


"Where should I go now?"

Ronan has nearly killed fifty rhinos, the majority of which are first-order low. By devouring them, he gained several abilities and raised the rank of his powers.

He locked the bull's area and approached it. But after entering, he noticed the situation and fled since he spotted lions hunting them.

He recognized the lions in the advanced tier based on their pattern. He is not one of their opponents, so he fled. He understands his limitations and will not go beyond them.

"Should I return home?"

He quickly returned to the city. He drank a drink of his beer.

"It's very... refreshing."

He accessed the system and checked the status.

[Name: Axel Twilight.

Talent: Devour(??? ), Soul control(S), Fire(S),Water(D), Jump(D), Sprint(C),Gold(D) Shapeshifter(D),Neurolink(D), Regeneration(D), Clone(D), Attribute Checker(D),Rage(E), Odor detection(D), Vision(D), Auditory sense(D).Danger perception(D), Soil armor(D), Sturdy skin. (D)

Physique: Pure Yang Body(Spirit level)

Martial Arts: Twilight body forging technique, Snake crushing fist, Tiger roaring fist, Blazing fist, fireball, fire arrows, Fire breath.

Quest: Library Quest(Upgrade the system library with this world's cultivation knowledge.), Star Disciple quest.

Skills: Weapon mastery(C)

Special items: soul energy, cultivation fragments.

Storage:1500 cubic meters.]

Soil armor and sturdy skin have been increased to D. He also acquired a gold-related talent.


When Ronan was checking the status, the doorbell rang. He opened the door and gazed at Li Yan, who was dressed for school.

"Hello, dear."

Ronan hugged her, and she hugged back.

"Did you visit the dungeon?"


"Don't worry, I'm not hurt."

"Let me see."

"Are you sure?"

When she heard Ronan's comments, she was already flushing. She whispered.


"I'd also like to speak with Li Yan about something."

He escorted her to the residence.

"What exactly is it?"

When he held her, he noticed Li Yan's attributes. As a result, he decided to speak the truth about himself.

"The truth is that I am not..."


[Name: Li Yan.

Ability: Ice

Favorability: 90]

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