
Star Wats: Gray Jedi

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His name was Zain Harrison. Loves games, anime, and manga. One day he came across a mysterious Star Wars book. Inside the book lies a glow more beautiful than looking up at the stars. There were no pages not even signs of ripped out pages. In the book only lie a question and consequence.

Have you wonder how life would be to live in Star Wars?

Random reincarnation

Zain: Who is the author ? Is they implying that it's possible but low chances of being a human ? Or even male? I knew I would miss my family and everyone but this is what we live for to one day see out our dreams.

As Zain begone to touch the book the stars suddenly shined bright and consume him.

Do you wish to be human? Yes

What is your resolve? I wish to grow strong to protect myself and family


Most would think a great bright light will shine but darkness bestowed this Zain Darkness , Anger , Sadness and vengeance all collapsed upon him. Thousands of thoughts and memories perpetrating Zain brain but he couldn't break free of the ambush. Body flooded with agony and pain feeling as if I was mutating and transforming. A great pressure or aura in Zain body flared calming the brain and enlightening the senses. The aura didn't stay long shortly after it disappearing in a heart beat. Zain was then able to regain consciousness and breath once again.

His body was in a devastating condition, unable to move he hid into the bushes. His body had numerous blasts wounds.

Zain: Telling by all the dead soldiers, it seems the person's body I am in now have died on the battlefield. From this day forward I will become strong enough so that no one can fuck with me.

Zain hid on the sideline as he watched the empire and Stark Union fight on battlefield. The aura from within Zain appeared again, He then followed the aura as it got stronger it leading to the entrance of a cave. The aura seems to be strong in the cave but could be dangerous. Zain had no other choice since it'll would be better than staying out in the war zone. The aura soon led him to a beautiful lake in the cave. On the verge collapsing from exhaustion and hunger. Zain drunk the water from the cave curing all his wounds so fast, even headaches.

Zain: This water it like miracle water!!! If I had this too I'll be out there fighting crazy too.

Suddenly the all the miracle water begin to vanish. The miracle water was then slurped away by artifact on Zain left arm. Zain was unaware of its presence

Zain: How come I haven't felt it before? There's seems to be some type of cloaking mechanism on it. This must be a high grade storage artifact. Wait there's something else in the storage artifact other than the miracle water.

In the storage artifact, Zain found a holograms. The hologram hold footage left for the previous body owner. The footage was breaking up into 7 videos, so Zain naturally just played the first one.

Playing hologram

Hey grandson, I should be dead by now but your shouldn't ply on small things young one. Your grandpa was once i great Jedi that venture numerous planets and fought against evil. This grandpa always wanted to pass his knowledge onto you but due to your crippled external force I could never. However, this old man know these world is vast and mysterious, if grandson someday overcome this disaster grandpa have left some tutorial force moves in the other 6 videos . The artifact is divine condition type but did grandson know there's more than one function. The second function is for concealing your force level. Hopefully grandson grow to become a strong ruler one day.

Zain: Even if I could use the force how can I with this body? The voiced asked me if I wanted to be a human, I answered yes so why did it make made me a Demi human. But I don't necessarily feel this isn't my body by the left faded tattoo from my previous is still here. Have I not been reincarnated but combined into another body. If that is true then my internal force isn't cripple I understand the force through grandpa holograms.