
Star Wars Twists of Fate

Honest, enduring. Introverted, yearning. Talented, sly. The world wasn't fair to him. His sister, one year junior to him, socially outcasted him. Brutally bullied by his peers. Left to rot, by a world of sinners. Dying from shock, he catches the attention of a passing god. This passing god offers him a new life. A life in a universe he is often too familiar with. He is granted three wishes: One Change. One Unique Ability. One Passive Element. 1. Palpatine's Yacht is destroyed in hyperspace during his mission to kill his family given by Darth Plagueis. 2. Indoctrination Force Technique 3. Game Element ( System/Hub ) [ Tags: Action, Adventure, Brutality, Contentious Content, Espionage, Game Elements, Gore, Harem, Important Character Deaths, Kingdom Building, Mature, Reincarnation, Smart MC, Strategic Minded MC, System, Timeline Divergence, Transmigration. ] Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

InkSavant · Outros
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56 Chs


At the end of the week, the deadline to leave the New Aquilaean System was coming near. The Jedi must have reported back to the Jedi High Council by now on Coruscant.

Valad could only imagine their contemplation and active debate. Jin and Obiwan were probably be the first ones to be interviewed. Then they'd probably take in Ky Narec and Asajj Ventress to hear their thoughts of him. It was going to be quite clear that they were going to want to meet this mysterious figure known as Valad. He was an anomaly, something akin to the chosen one, but it was clear he had no qualm with killing a child for the 'Greater Good.'

One could only assume that this was a boy who was on the verge of falling to the dark side of the force. Or was a completely grey, neutral individual who still needed the Jedi's attention. The Jedi were the ones in the Republic who had the most power when it came to force related religions.

They actively hunted down Sith when they became apparent, sent out Jedi Shadows to destroy or even collect darkside relics.

It was because of their radical views that many Jedi had turned to the dark side of the force or completely abandoned the order in the first place. That was also the reason for the hundreds of different Force Sects existing throughout the cosmos. At the same time, they seemed to create friction with other force orders such as the Potentium Exiles, Disciples of Twilight and even the peaceful Jal Shey.

Valad was currently in the mass communication relays control room, looking over the information which was propping up across the galaxy. He was connected to the HoloNet through a separate line, which made it so his ship couldn't necessarily be hacked from the outside unless his Electronic Warfare system was active which allowed him to electronically hack other ships, wireless tech and instruments.

His eyes were narrowed on the cylinder in front of him which was protruding out of the ground. It was a holographic projector which was very geometric in shape and simple in form. There was no decals on it other than the fact that the top was black, and the rest of it was a pale grey.

"Why did I buy this thing...?" He asked himself looking over the device when all of a sudden a call was immediately answered. A hologram of a Jedi appeared before him, but it wasn't just any Jedi. There was a rather short, green midget standing there with a cane in hand.

Valad simply stared at the individual whom appeared, the individual staring right back at him, imitating his gaze. Was he waiting for a greetings?

"You've called the Imperious, how may I help you?" He decided to sound like someone had just called him on his personal phone, of course instead speaking of the ship instead of his residence.

The Master Jedi arched a brow and spoke. "Hm. Valad Katsure, you are? Hm."

Valad simply smiled hearing the man speak, it was Master Yoda of all people. He knew there was a second green midget, Yaddle who was on the Jedi Council around this time too. "Hm. Master Yoda, you are. Hm." Instead of sounding like a question, he imitated the green one's voice. "Hm. Looking good, at nine hundred years old, you are. Hm."

The Master Yoda sported a small smile, "Hm. Much admiration, for this Master, you have." Tapping his cane the being known as Yoda shook his head slightly.

Seeing the boy for the first time, he seemed to have some weird feeling. He wasn't dark, but he wasn't light. He seemed to be that of a Neutral individual, concerned with mainly freedom.

If anything if one were to try and classify Valad's moral alignment, it'd be somewhere around Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Good. Of course everyone has the potential to have an evil streak, or to become downright dark.

The Valad who he was witnessing now seemed to be a bit different from what was reported about him. He was more relaxed, somewhat friendly and seemed to even imitate the Master of the Order.

"Hrrmmm. Wish to invite you to our temple the High Council would like." Yoda said with a light gesture of his hand, which drew Valad's gaze down towards his hand for a moment before looking up at the midget on the pedestal-like holographic projector.

Squinting slightly, he would nod slowly. "Just a moment..." He took out a post it note and wrote down that he was going to the Coruscant Jedi Temple and plastered it on a nearby mouse droid. "Go to the bridge little one," he ordered and patted the little droid on the head.

With squeaks and chirps, the little black toaster on wheels charged out of the mass relay control room and allowed the small door to close behind it.

Looking back over at Yoda who was still watching him, he gave a light wink and suddenly vanished from view.

Yoda raised a brow and looked at the transmitter, it was still going. The transmission hadn't ended. "This thing broken is it? Hrm." He tapped it with his cane before pausing as he felt the sudden shift in the force.

It was like standing next to a neutral nexus of the force, Yoda's eyes widened slightly as he turned his body, tapping his cane on the ground. He came face to face with the young Valad who was standing directly in front of him. Looking down at the small green man, with his head tilted to the side.

"There a possibility that you are the apprentice of the dark woman is? Hmmm?" Yoda asked with a joking remark, considering his display of power. He knew that the Dark Woman could use the ability to teleport and even phase through walls.

Sensing the joke, Valad chuckled and rolled his eyes.

The other Jedi Masters in the council chambers were a bit thrown back by the sudden feeling of a neutral being within the Temple. It was sudden, unexpected, as if it had just teleported into their mists.

Suddenly the doors opened and the Jedi Master Yoda came waltzing in with his cane, as if casually entering the room. He made his way to his seat and climbed right on into it before getting comfortable.

Mace Windu raised a brow seeing the Master of the Order acting so casual, with a small smile worn tirelessly across his lips. His eyes then skeptically looked forward to the door as a lone male entered the room.

Obiwan who was standing in the center of the room gasped as the man had suddenly appeared.

Jin however seemed to be rather calm and reserved, watching as he came into the room. His eyes marveled over the change which had come over the boy. It had only been less than a week and his aura had already changed. Like a large weight had been lifted from his stride.

Dressed in his black tunic with silver trim, black trousers and simple boots. Valad sighed and looked over the Council members who were all taking in the sight of the boy.

Many of them tried picking him apart mentally, but unlike the visit Jin and Obiwan had exclaimed, he had everything either hidden or he had lost the baggage along the way.

Much like Anakin Skywalker, he had a fear of loss, but it didn't indicate that it had any control over him. He had a plain goal set out which he seemed he would like to do. The Balance was with this boy, but was it the Balance the Jedi sought?

The report of lust being felt towards Fay, seemed to not be standing here. His eyes gazed over the members of the council, even if they were attractive, he had little to give empathetically.

"We welcome you to the Jedi Temple," Adi Gallia initiated the greetings, a calm and beautiful voice tickling his ear. She had brown skin with blue patches, blue eyes and a headdress. She was indeed physically attractive and alluring. She was once destined to die during the second year of the Clone Wars at the hands of Darth Maul and his brother. That however shalt not come to be.

However it seemed he showed no real attraction to her outwardly. He was interested in both of her and her sister Stass Allie. He just kept his wits about himself rather than displaying everything at once.

"It's a pleasure to be invited here, to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant." Valad said, choosing his words to be akin to enjoyment, even lust. He knew what they might be looking for in him. There would be no picking him apart. There would only be defiance, he wasn't going to let them read him as easily as before.

"We have come to an understanding that you have intimate knowledge regarding the Sith threat... You're saying there is more than Two of them?" Mace Windu picked up where his fellow Councilwoman left off.

Valad nodded slightly, "There was more than two. Now I'm rather sure there are just two for the time being. That is unless he decides to convert those whom have already been disillusioned with your Order." He was making quite the point. Over these years within the Republic and the Jedi Order there had been a falling out throughout its ranks. Bureaucratic corruption didn't only affect the Senate and the people represented by it, but it also effected the stability of the Order.

It hit closer to the heart for the Jedi to hear such a thing.

"How did you come across the identity of this... Darth Plagueis?" Mace Windu continued to put Valad on the spot, in which he remained calm in response. Completely, eerily, calm.

"Darth Maul was taken from the planet of Dathomir by Darth Plagueis," He informed them with his head tilted to the side as he was asking where he had gotten the information. It was clear that Mace wasn't trusting this information immediately due to the Senator's position. "He was either taken from or give by his mother, Kycina of the Nightsisters."

All of the Jedi Masters present had their brows raised as they heard of the Nightsisters. A darkside coven of witches whom sometimes acted as darkside mercenaries on behest of paying clients and favors.

"Investigate this we must, in secret, we shall. Hmm." Yoda would interrupt Mace Windu before he could continue speaking.

The proud Mace Windu nodded, silencing himself as he found Yoda to be a much better Jedi then himself. He trusted the old hermit's judgement, that and Jin was still recalling the whole plea of Master Fay.

"Do not endanger our brothers and sisters. What did Master Fay's plea mean by this?" Jin asked as he brought to spot light to himself. This was something they hadn't shared with the council, which made everyone seem a bit curious and moved, maybe irked.

Valad stared at the Jedi Master for a moderate amount of time, "Darth Plagueis's plan other than shedding his mortality, is to destroy the Jedi Order both physically and politically. He wants the Jedi to be seen as the enemy of the Republic, enemy of the People. To instill his own form of justice and order in the Galaxy. However, it is likely he will spearhead a war soon... Something Hego Damask has warned Dooku about prior to his conversion."

Yoda grumbled inaudibly hearing about his former apprentice, Jin seemed to shift at the moment of hearing his former master's name.

"From what I understand, Dooku has returned to the planet of Serreno to reclaim his noble title of Count." One of the Jedi Order members stated as they leaned forward, clasping their hands together in thought. "What is his role in this upcoming war, you speak of?"

"The de facto leader of the Separatist Movement. An Alliance of Worlds who wish to separate from the Republic and form their own Galactic Empire, free of the Republic's corruption. Of course... The way they will go about it is rather... Dark." Valad explained with little gestures of his hands as he spoke. It was like a typical person who was getting into a conversation with others.

"Why are you giving us this information?" Mace Windu spoke up, this time with a more cynical outlook. "What do you gain from this?"

"He knows where to strike, surgically. He knows my emotional weaknesses, at least one of them." Jin tilted his head hearing Valad say this. He recalled that Darth Maul had a killing Intent as soon as he had seen the Queen of the Naboo.

One of Valad's weaknesses? Then he recalled the small Anakin Skywalker's attraction to the Queen. Remembering what the boy had told him before about the child, it seemed he had left some information out.

The reason he killed the boy, wasn't to avert the Jedi's destruction, it was to save the girl.

At least that is what he thought. Even though he had postponed the war according to the Quest he had completed. He was probably accelerating it, or making it start on time.

The Jedi would have to be very coy when it came to this subject due to the prejudice held towards the power the Order held. Considering they could at any time become a fully organized military organization. They could become peacemakers instead of peacekeepers.

That was what the Senate feared.

If the Jedi started to get more politically involved, especially with a Sith hidden amongst the rabble, it would cause foreseeable damage and problems. They had to keep all of this in the shadows, wait until the Sith Lord is further into the spotlight.

"Is that all Master Jedi?" Valad asked as he was getting rather anxious with this inquisition vibe going on. His eyes were focused outside the window towards the sunset which coated the planet's urban and industrialized surface. In a way it was beautiful. In another it was downright rotten and ugly.

"You may leave, back you shall come. Hmm." Yoda announced with a slow nod as he was adjourning the meeting on that note.

Valad smiled lightly in return and vanished into a puff of dark alabaster grey smoke that quickly dissipated into nothingness. He had returned to the Star Dreadnought as it was making preparations to enter the Unknown Regions through hyperspace.