
Star Wars: The return of StarKiller

What if Galen Marek didn't die at the hands of the emperor but survived in a comatose state and used as a living template in Kamino? What would happen if he woke from his slumber and escaped the facility? Would he finally end the empire or would he give in to it's allure and re-join his old master or would he rise to create a new power too keep both factions in check? This is the story of what might have happened if Galen survived the events on the first Death Star... Chapters will be released whenever I have spare time.

VampericOverlord · Outros
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From the Ashes..

Years have passed since Galen's alleged death at the hands of the Emperor, countless clones had been made from his comatose body and today was the day that the Dark Apprentice was created, the perfect Sith clone of Galen. Little did the people on Kamino know that during the training process for this clone, they awoke the sleeping Galen from his coma. All he had to do now was wait for the perfect time to escape the facility and what he would do from there he would decide if he escaped undetected or not.

Galen awoke with insane amounts of amounts of pain flowing through his body, his body constantly shutting down and starting up again at the mercy of the cloning device. He knew that his death would come quickly if he couldn't escape whatever facility he was being held in, as he began to struggle free from the cloning vat his connection to the force abruptly came back and overflowed his brain, he passed out from the experience.

It took nearly 4 months until he regained consciousness and when he did he felt the large amount of darkness that was in the facility, he managed to identify one of the sources of the darkness as his old master Darth Vader while the other source caused panic to fill him, the second source was himself.

Knowing that cloning was possible, Galen assumed that his old master had made countless clones of him in an attempt to make the perfect puppet with his abilities, disturbed by this Galen vowed to slay all of his clones and his old master to protect what little he had left in the universe. He decided to wait until Vader left the facility before attempting to escape, he hoped that his sacrifice for the rebels and Juno was worth all of the pain he was going through.

While waiting for Vader to leave, Galen contemplated the strengths and weakness of both the Rebels and the Empire, the Sith and the Jedi and the different lives he had lived among them. He recalled the memories of love he had with Juno, the anger he felt when dealing Darth Sidious and Vader, the greater sense of purpose he felt when giving his life saving the senators on the Death Star. With all of his memories flooding throughout his head, the complex emotions he was feeling gave birth to a new more pure connection to the force than he had ever felt before.

He realised that both sides were critically wrong, it was ok to feel emotion but the key was to never give in too it and keep the balance between aggression and restraint, love and hate, ambition and contentedness,pride and humility. Along with his vow to eliminate Vader and his own clones, he vowed to create a new power to keep the galaxy in check even if it refused too, he knew that light and dark will always clash and a third force would need to be introduced to fight them both. He vowed to create and maintain that force for generations to come, he knew it would be a long process that may take his entire life to fulfil however he knew he would have to start the process even if he could never finish it.

Sensing that Vader was about to leave the planet with his clone, Galen smiled and began preparing to blast out of the Vat using whatever power he could muster,whether it would be enough he would find out shortly. As soon as Vader's TIE fighter left the atmosphere of the planet Galen let out all the power he had amassed in a single force push that shattered the Vat he was being held in as well as destroying the wall that it was attached too.

Collapsing to the floor in pain Galen forced himself up and systematically made his way through the cloning facility killing all of his clones that he could find and any members of staff he found, not out of anger or hatred but because he knew that he had to stop them from simply carrying out the experiments on a new planet using a clone as a specimen. As he was destroying the facility with the little amounts of force he could muster together he knew he had to end this quickly and leave before Vader detected him and returned, he could go toe to toe with Vader when he was at full strength but as he was now he would have a quick and painful death at his old master's hands.

After killing most of the staff left in the facility, Galen walked into the overseer's office and began to force choke him while demanding" Where does Vader keep the lightsabers he gives to the clones, I will also need to know where an escape vehicle is. Unfortunately you will need to die regardless however how painful it is will be down to you"

He then released the man allowing him the chance to talk and he responded "You are too weak to be a clone, are you the original? That is not possible, you were left brain dead after the Emperor beat you in a duel, your recovery is amazing, it is a shame that Vader will have to return here and kill you before I get the chance to study you"

As the words left his mouth, the sound of a lightsaber turning on filled the room and Galen instinctively dodged to the left as the weapon skimmed his flesh, looking at his assailant caused Galen some amount of shock, the dark version of himself was staring at him with a smile on his face.

He said"My name is the Dark Apprentice and I have taken over your mantle as Darth Vader's apprentice, I have sealed off the memories that belong to you and any weaknesses that come with them. I'm the perfect version of what you could have become if you had stayed loyal to Vader until the end."

Galen smiled and said"All of my memories? Then you will not be prepared for this" Galen force pulled the Apprentice's lightsaber into his hands and jumped out of the office windows towards the overseer's landing bay that was nearby and boarded the Apprentice's TIE fighter and flew away form the planet as fast as possible.

Back in the overseer's room the Apprentice killed the Overseer while shouting" I will kill you Galen, you will not survive when we next meet, I will take back my lightsaber at that time and ram it down your throat."

Galen decided he needed to go to a safe place to recover his abilities and after plenty of thought he decided to go to into hiding on Yavin 4 and try to restore his strength for his new task, creating a faction strong enough to keep the peace in a fractured and suicidal galaxy....