
Star Wars the Old Republic. The tale of Satele Shan.

During some time during the Old Republic. Satele Shan, Bastila Shan, Carth Onasi, Zaalbar, Mission, Juhani, Jolee Bindo, TM-3, and Hk-47. Travel around the galaxy finding the Star Maps in able to find the Star Forge. That the Jedi Council had sent her on. But what happens when Satele finds what that she is Darth Revan the true Sith Lord of the Sith instead of Darth Malak. Will she remain true and loyal to her friends? Or will she become the Dark Lord once more, joining Bastila Shan on the dark side? I know that Revan is originally a Male. But I loved playing the Old Republic as a female character. And I loved the romance between the female Revan and Carth Onasi. So that is what my story is about. A romance between Satele Shan aka Darth Revan and Carth Onasi. But what happens when Satele Shan joins her older sister Bastila Shan on the dark side and becomes Darth Revan once more. Will she remain true to the dark or will she find redemption once more.

TravisLaRowe23G · Ficção Científica
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4 Chs

(Vs Master Uthar Wynn and Yuthara. )

Chapter three:

Statement, Master. The meatbags have arrived to take you into the tomb. Hk- 47 said.

Alright I'll be right there. Satele said to the droid. Carth wasn't sure why she liked the droid. Satele walked towards the droid. Satele turned to face Carth. I'll see you once I get the fourth Star map. Then we can see about that future. Satele winked and excited the room.

I'll hold you to those. Carth said.

(Inside the Naga Shadow tomb.)

After retrieving the fourth Star map. Satele began to battle Master Uthar Wynn and Yuthara. Igniting her red and purple lightsabers. And Master Uthar Wynn and Yuthara ignited their double red sabers, getting ready to battle Satele.

As the four lightsabers crashed together. Master Uthar Wynn used Juyo the seventh lightsaber form and the most vicious form of lightsaber combat, and Yuthara used Niman the sixth lightsaber combat form the martial arts lightsaber form, and Satele used Soresu the third lightsaber form the defensive form, to block the attacks of both of her opponents with her two lightsabers.

As the three continued to battle for hours and hours, Master Uthar Wynn and Yuthara began to get tired. So Satele changed up her tactics, instead of using her lightsabers she called upon the Force to use against her two opponents.

She then used Force Grip to grip Yuthara off of the ground, then started throwing Yuthara wall against wall, before activating her purple lightsaber into Yuthara's chest killing her. As Yuthara laid dying, Master Uthar Wynn got angry after seeing his apprentice laying dead on floor.

Master Uthar Wynn then charged at Satele with his double red lightsaber, still using the Juyo form the most aggressive form, to attack her with. But Satele quickly activated her red lightsaber the only one she had left after killing Yuthara with her purple lightsaber, she continued to use Soresu the third lightsaber form and the defensive form, blocking Master Uthar Wynn's attacks. As Master Uthar Wynn the old man got tired and wearied out. Satele then used Force Choke to snap his neck, killing the old man where he stood.

After her battle that lasted for hours, and after becoming victorious in the battle. Satele then went over to grab both of Master Uthar Wynn's and Yuthara's lightsabers to keep them as a trophy and a reminder of her winning battle in the Korriban cave, and grabbing the fourth Star map.

Before heading back to the Ebon Hawk where Carth and her friend's waited for her return.