
Return II

Layla and Padme who had arrived at the location with an escort of ships had taken a shuttle to the ship that John was on.

Once they arrived, John was waiting for them as soon as they boarded. Layla and Padme had immediately ran towards John and hugged him, since it has been some months since they have seen him.

John was almost knocked down from the impact of catching two women who were running full speed at him.

Padme and Layla had begun to cry, saying how they missed him and asking where he was and what he was doing, since they could feel that he got stronger somehow.

John only told them that he would tell them later, since for now he wants to hear about what has been happening since he left. But before he could hear what they had to say, Starfire had come from behind him, asking who these women are.

"These are my wives Padme and Layla, the ones I told you about before" Said John since he had told both Jane and Starfire that he had wives from when he told them about how he is from another Galaxy.

While Starfire was a little upset that she can't have him to herself, she also understood that someone as powerful as John would naturally have more than one wife and possibly have over 5 and maybe more.

"Nice to meet the two of you my name is Starfire another one of John's wives" Said Starfire as she looked at John with a mischievous smile

Padme and Layla looked at John and thought that they need to keep a tight grip on him or else he will just add more girls to his already big Harem.

"Nice to meet you too, I am Padme" said Padme as she shook Starfire's hand

"And I am Layla and since you are another wife of his then that makes us sisters so let's get along from now on and work together to stop this beast from getting more girls" Said Layla as she stared at John

"Agreed" Said Both Padme and Starfire

John was looking at this situation in disbelief, since these girls are already working together, and they just met a few minutes ago. And it wasn't like he is going to add more women to his Harem, right?

After talking a little more with the girls listening to what all happened while he was gone, he was glad that he had set up a strong government since it could still be powerful even in his absence.

He was also glad that the Galaxy didn't tear itself apart, since there were still people who wish to bring the Republic back, but it's only a few of them who have no support from the people at all.

After a while John was taken back to Coruscant where the people have already heard rumors about the Emperor's return and heard that he was heading back to Coruscant, so millions of people were waiting in front of the Palace since a Galaxy wide Broadcast would happen soon. By whom was the question that everybody asked, but many already knew since the military was already informed of John's return, plus all of the most important figures were also informed.

As John arrived at Coruscant he had taken a shuttle to the broadcast in front of the Palace where he will address the Galaxy and inform them of his return.

As his shuttle landed and the doors opened, John walked down the ramp and onto the platform. As soon as his face was revealed, the crowd of people erupted in cheers and many begin to celebrate.

The same was happening on all other planets around the Galaxy, since it was being broadcast to the entire Galaxy. Though there were some who were not glad of his return and those were the Republic Remnants since their plans will have to be put on hold since they can't take advantage of his disappearance anymore since he has returned.

As John approached the broadcast, the soldiers that were lined up all bowed saying "We welcome his Majesty home" all at the same time, which made John happy to be home. Did he regret being in the Mass effect Galaxy, no because he met new people and had acquired new powers that made him even stronger.

After waling down the middle of the line of soldiers, John approached the broadcast and begin his speech

"Citizens of the Imperium, I have returned" said John, which caused the crowd to erupt in cheers once again.

John waited for them to quiet down before he continued, "The reason for my disappearance is the Vong and their Creator Yun-Yuuzhan who banished me to another Galaxy because I was in his way and threatened his creations. This Yun-Yuuzhan is considered to be a god, but that won't stop me from destroying him for threatening me and the citizens of the Galaxy" Said John as the people once again started cheering while some promised to join the military to destroy them

"Now onto the next matter, the Galaxy that I was banished to is filled with many races which you all will be able to go to once a Wormhole gate is constructed to connect this Galaxy with the other. The imperium already has planets in this New Galaxy, and I also helped save them from an Invasion by a powerful robotic race that was planning to wipe the Galaxy of life which costed many lives, but in the end I brought them under my control" Said John as he continued explaining what happened to him which made the people curious since they wanted to see this new Galaxy and would get the chance to once the Wormhole gate was constructed.

Those who didn't know what a wormhole gate was had immediately looked it up on the Galactic web, which most people used to find out information on things that they didn't know.

After ending the speech, one last cheer was heard before John walked into the Palace for the first time in years for him since time was faster in the Mass Effect Galaxy.

While walking through the palace, Kina and Atra tackled him to the ground since they hadn't seen him in a while and were glad that he was okay.

After talking with Kina and Atra for a little, he had gone to take a bath since it had been a long day as the speech took a couple of hours, which was exhausting since he never did that many speeches and left those to other people.

After entering the bath, John had relaxed while thinking about Stargate since he planned to go there next, and he knew that right now he has no way of going to the Vong universe since he doesn't know where it is and the system told him that the wormhole reward that he was going to get was not rewarded since Yun-Yuuzhan had blocked all access to the Vong system with his power.

Wile John was sitting there thinking about the Vong the door to the bath had opened, and 5 figures had come in which were Padme, Layla, Kina, Atra, and Starfire.

Looking at the 5 girls and seeing their faces, John knew that this would be a restless night.

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