
Star Wars An Empire Divided

Transmigrated as a Force Sensitive Imperial Grand Moff, with a Wookiepedia System, two years after the Battle of Yavin. Tobias Rune tracks down the Super Star Destroyer known as the 'Annihilator' which had been Hijacked by Pirates and reclaims it as his Flagship. He ironically renames the ship 'Guardian.' A few months before the Battle of Endor, he had it retrofitted by completely replacing the command tower with a fully integrated modified Lucrehulk-class modular control core, which would be embedded into its hull. After the Destruction of the Second Death Star during the Battle of Endor, The Fleet belonging to Tobias Rune fled into hyperspace to the Chommell Sector, Naboo. Three Weeks later, he rebels against the order to execute Operation Cinder by intercepting the Imperial Fleet over Naboo from behind its moon, Rori, and initiating an Imperial Civil War. This story combines elements from both NuCanon and Legends. [ What is the Wookiepedia System? This System not only rewards the main character for completing personal goals, but also holds all the knowledge of the NuCanon and Legends versions of the Star Wars Universe. ] [ Is Rey going to be a Mary Sue in this? No, She's getting revamped, but she will have relatively the same personality. ] [ Tags: Contentious Content, Romance(s), OP Main Character, Empire Building, War ] Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. I do not own the backgrounds applied behind the character images. I do not own the Character image of Rey from Star Wars. Paul Wiz Johnson Producer, Artist. (Left Background) Talon UK. (Right Background)

InkSavant · Outros
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39 Chs


Reentering their VIP booth, Tobias Rune wore a shallow smile across his lips as he watched Sabine sitting in a nearby seat, a glass of Mandalorian Wine in her hand. She glanced over towards the Jedi friend and the Imperial Superior. She gestured the wine towards them and smirked, taking a soft sip.

"I took it upon myself to sell the collection of my Art Thrawn had," The mandalorian woman snickered as she nursed the glass before sitting it down on the table. She narrowed her eyes however as she noticed that the other Jedi Master and Imperial Officer didn't return with them.

Her eyes immediately traced over Ahsoka Tano who didn't seem all that happy. She appeared a lot younger too which confused Sabine right off the bat. "Did your Lekku get shorter...?" Her head lulled to the side, "Wait, did you get shorter?"

Ahsoka immediately smiled a bit and looked to the side, rubbing her elbow as she was hugging herself still. "Yup," was her short and uncharacteristic response. Usually she said more than this, but that was Ahsoka for you. She wasn't happy, so she wasn't talkative.

Tobias rolled his eyes slightly seeing the interaction before the Mandalorian girl slowly stood from the seat she was settled into.

"So where'd the other Jedi go...?" She asked, seeing the burns on Ahsoka's clothing and the fact that they both smelled of burnt flesh. They must've fought someone.

Tobias simply stared through her and gave a somewhat sorrowful tone, "Dead." It was above all the least sophisticated response he had ever given. "There were Dark Jedi waiting for us outside."

Neither Ahsoka nor Tobias told her of what happened to the officer. Allowing the woman to assume they had died in the attack rather than have been cut down by Tobias. A man who had worked to somewhat gain her trust in allegiance.

The last thing Ahsoka wanted was for her friend to feel betrayed again, even though this wasn't a betrayal towards her. It was more so that he was out for himself and his own order. This would only make the Mandalorian skeptical of his future promises.

"By the way, what is your policies with hair dye and armor customization?"

Sabine Wren crossed her arms and rested her body on one leg, leaning back and to the side, making an expression of thought. Her big brown eyes looking through him, as if stabbing him and forcing him to give a good answer.

Raising a brow when he heard this question, Tobias could tell this would obviously be a deal breaker, something that would make her rethink about joining him even though she already agreed to.

"During the Clone Wars, officers and troopers were usually given the ability to customize their looks for the sake of individuality. I look to continue that notion. Armor Decals, hair dye, tattoos. It's all allowed." He looked her over once, twice and three times. "I just hope you don't mind an Imperium Mantle being added to your attire."

Tobias knocked on the Mantle which covered his shoulders, neck and center of his chest.

She nodded slightly, looking over the material which was used, then over towards a body mirror which focused primarily on her. She tried imagining the mantle on her armor and began tapping her index finger on her bicep.

"You could make your own Mantle, so it fits your design. Or you could use an Imperium poncho mantle that just fits over it." Tobias suggested before reaching over and touching her hair. A small smile across his lips as he felt how soft it was. "Black with Blue tips, maybe?" He closed one eye as she stared up at him, reading to kick him in the shin should he mess up her hair.

Sensin the hostility, he slowly retracted his hand from her head and walked over to the open balcony over the auction. It was clearly over and people were beginning to collect what they had bought.

The items which had been bought through him were being loaded in the back of the building, into a transport which was to be brought up to the Guardian. Inferno Squad was to guard it with their small group of troopers and officers.

"So now that we have what you wanted here, what else are we going to do be doing?"

"We're going to be going back up to the Guardian. Sift through the artifacts, relics and items we got our hands on. In addition to that, release the Jedi younglings from their carbonite prisons. Seriously bad for kids to be in carbonite for extended periods of time. Will definitely stunt their growth." The Moff shook his head a bit at the thought that some of the younglings had been placed in carbonite rather than kept in stasis. Though he knew it was definitely a way to keep the Jedi from using the force to escape easily, and it made it hard for them to resist when they initially unfreeze.

Letting out a light sigh he would look towards the ceiling before shaking his head, looking over at Sabine again with a confident smile across his lips. "Let's get going then, shall we?"

Sabine putting down the glass, agreed, as Ahsoka nodded and turned towards the leaving the exit of the auction house, making their way out and towards the starport. They moved together as a unit, keeping their eyes out incase there were any more traps set for them.

The fact that Dark Jedi were able to make it planetside, let alone sneak up on them like this, meant that there were people who could bypass planetary security. Then again despite there now being more Royal Security Forces, they were still far from an actual military. All they could do was maintain the peace as long as there wasn't a greater force fighting them.


The Corvus launched from the Starport once they got on board. Iden and the rest of Inferno Squad were waiting on the bridge for their leader to arrive.

Coming up the lift, Ahsoka and Sabine stood on either side of the Grand Moff who had his hands clasped together in front of himself. His eyes were closed as he was imagining the elevator music which plagued the elevators on Earth.

Maybe he should add some? Maybe he should create some? A devious thought emanated from his head, which was immediately picked up by Ahsoka.

When the thought crossed her own mind, she raised a brow at him. He wanted to psychologically torture people with elevator waiting music? While that would be amusing and even entertaining for some people, a warship is not the place for that kind of music.

Unless he wanted to destroy other ships to classical music? She couldn't really argue with that as it was psychologically soothing music. It would help people relax, but it would still cause people to raise some brows.

However it was rather normal for Tobias, as when he played video games in his old world, he often listened to classical music as he massacred enemies and NPCs.


Entering the Bridge the trio walked onto the command strip. The Grand Moff's eyes immediately trailing over towards the woman who was on her knees, seated in front of the front viewport. her back facing the window as she remained with her helmet's faceplate pulled down.

"I see the Inquisitor's have a good time," Tobias snickered, both Iden and Del smirking a bit. "All the cargo will be in the main hangar of the Guardian. We'll be landing next to the transport." He informed the pilot before turning his attention back to Inferno Squad.

Kraytia was in one of the control pits of the vessel, rested up against a wall with her eyes closed. Her head was bobbing slightly, she was listening to music again. Though this time it looked like she was sleeping.

"Hm.." Tobias gave her a gander before turning towards Sabine and tilted his head to the side slightly. "Do you think you could get the Mandalorian Sector to join the Imperium? All groups within the Imperium granted Self-Rule as long as they follow our laws." He asked this question due to the fact that the Mandalore was someone Sabine had chosen. Even though it was quite clear that he believed she would have made a better and longer lived Mandalore, he figured she had a pull on Kryze.

Sabine shrugged, "Very unlikely. The fact that the Empire mistreated our people so severely, will make it hard to do. They're probably more inclined to be neutral."

"Like Belgium... It's why they were so screwed over to begin with." He commented on how they had been neutral during the Clone wars. If they had joined the Republic, then they would've had additional support. Death Watch wouldn't have been able to do what it had done. In addition to that, they'd have more security against separatist plots and Darth Maul's syndicate.

"Belgium?" Sabine asked with a light sneer and scoff, she had no idea what he was talking about.

"A nation state which remained 'neutral' during a World War. Due to their strategic location however, another nation carved a destructive line through their cities to get to the other side."

Sabine slowly nodded in understanding as she was recalling the history during the Clone Wars, of her people. They had chosen to not take a side in the war, and yet they were brought into civil war with the efforts of the Separatists, Death Watch and in the end Darth Maul.

"They will have to choose a side, a larger banner. A single protectorate isn't enough to keep a planet safe against a massive invasion force." He added into the argument that he tried to sell to her, and at the same time comparing Naboo and the Trade Federation.

"No kidding..." She muttered to herself as she thought about the last remaining protector she had encountered prior to the Liberation of Lothal. "So are we going to visit the Mandalorian System, or are you sending me off on a chore?" Sabine laughed a bit, she didn't mind going to Mandalorian Space. She'd be able to visit family, and talk with Bo-Katan Kryze, the Mandalore.