
Star Wars An Empire Divided

Transmigrated as a Force Sensitive Imperial Grand Moff, with a Wookiepedia System, two years after the Battle of Yavin. Tobias Rune tracks down the Super Star Destroyer known as the 'Annihilator' which had been Hijacked by Pirates and reclaims it as his Flagship. He ironically renames the ship 'Guardian.' A few months before the Battle of Endor, he had it retrofitted by completely replacing the command tower with a fully integrated modified Lucrehulk-class modular control core, which would be embedded into its hull. After the Destruction of the Second Death Star during the Battle of Endor, The Fleet belonging to Tobias Rune fled into hyperspace to the Chommell Sector, Naboo. Three Weeks later, he rebels against the order to execute Operation Cinder by intercepting the Imperial Fleet over Naboo from behind its moon, Rori, and initiating an Imperial Civil War. This story combines elements from both NuCanon and Legends. [ What is the Wookiepedia System? This System not only rewards the main character for completing personal goals, but also holds all the knowledge of the NuCanon and Legends versions of the Star Wars Universe. ] [ Is Rey going to be a Mary Sue in this? No, She's getting revamped, but she will have relatively the same personality. ] [ Tags: Contentious Content, Romance(s), OP Main Character, Empire Building, War ] Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. I do not own the backgrounds applied behind the character images. I do not own the Character image of Rey from Star Wars. Paul Wiz Johnson Producer, Artist. (Left Background) Talon UK. (Right Background)

InkSavant · Outros
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39 Chs

Seven Dark Jedi

A disturbance in the force. They were being watched, the miniature fight hadn't gone unnoticed. The force sensitives in the auction room all looked at one another for a few moments, the nodded.

"Continue doing what you're doing, Sabine." He turned and gave the girl a light wink before shifting towards the door and darting out. The Jedi Master and Ashoka Tano followed soon after.

Sabine nodded slowly, "Yes Sir?" She didn't really understand what they were suddenly moving about for. She could only assume it was something to do with feeling the force. At least she could buy things without restraint, a grin forming over her lips.

Maybe they were selling some paints she could use, maybe parts of a new saber that Ezra could build. The ideas were endless as she turned back to the auction and gave it her full attention.

Security generally allowed them to leave, since there was no stopping someone from leaving or coming back after the auction had started. Once they left however they found themselves walking out of the front doors of the building.

Ahsoka was in the center, dividing the Jedi Master from Tobias Rune. Their eyes narrowed on the group of seven individuals dressed in dark garb. They all had lightsabers in their hands, and while the Jedi and Tobias all recognized their ring leader, only Tobias knew who all the others were.

"Jerec and the Seven Dark Jedi, quite the band." Tobias snickered to himself as he drew the lightsabers he had just acquired from a lone inquisitor. Now there were seven of them, this wasn't going to be an easy fight.

"Three targets in one go," Yun uttered under his breath as he looked towards his Master, then back towards the others. "This should be great."

Tobias had his eyes narrowed on Sariss, at the moment she wasn't making a particular gaze upon anyone. That was a good sign, the last thing he needed was to be sudden vaporized by her deadly sight.

"Out of all of them, Sariss is the most dangerous." Tobias muttered quietly in Tano's direction, causing both Jedi to nod at the observation. Though they didn't know whom Sariss was, or which one it was.

However they could tell who he was looking at, the blond female human who had a heavy killing intent emanating off of her.

"If we kill the Imperial Officer there, we'll gain his power base... Though its strange," Jerec's sight was through the force, so he didn't need to even look at Tobias as he spoke of him. "It's like he's a vergence in the force. Be careful... Take care of the Jedi Master first, I have a feeling he'll be the most tricky."

Out of all of them, he was more knowledgeable about the Jedi Master of the party in front of him. He was a warrior, and a priest. A member of the Jedi Order that shouldn't be looked down upon.

His eyes narrowing forward Tobias saw Luke's temple burning once more, the future had reverted. His eyes darted over to the Jedi Master, then looked forward. Immediately he began to run forward, shoving off the ground with his toes. His movement was silent as his unique colored lightsabers were flowing behind him in his hands.

The two other Jedi did the same, charging forward towards their enemy.

The seven dark jedi activated their lightsabers in unison and went to charge towards their targets. They needed to remove them in order to grant themselves a military power, they needed might for their plans.

Jerec hadn't planned to continue his service under Palpatine forever, with the death of the Emperor, he could go along with his own plans. He wanted the Valley of the Jedi and on top of that, he wanted to take over the Galaxy, he wanted power.

Tobias clashed with Maw and Yun, deflecting Maw's red saber just before it could reach his neck. then double backed and swiped at Yun's feet. Only for the young Dark Jedi to jump over his feet. Suddenly the young man found himself flying through their air and skidding along the ground.

Maw lunged forward, Tobias stepped back and kept one saber in front of himself. He easily deflected the Dark Jedi's attack. The two of them were using completely different types of attacks and styles.

Maw was using the typical flashy attacks, while Tobias was forcing the Dark Jedi to keep his distance by using a fencing like stance. Reaching out and striking, giving dainty swipes to deflect the attacks.

This however was being too time consuming as Maw was easily able to adapt to this type of swordplay. He would reach forward with the force in order to attempt and grasp Tobias. Only for Tobias to deflect it with the force and lock sabers with the man. However soon as he did this, he used the force to send out a ripple of energy, sending the Boltrunian barreling across the muddy grounds of the city.

"So this is what it is like... Fighting someone from the light side..." Yun said as he was standing up, somewhat disoriented from having been thrown away prior. He waved his yellow blade in the air, then charged for Tobias who had his back turned to him. He raised his weapon above his head, he was ready to strike down. However right as he was about to do so, with his speed augmented by the force, Tobias darted backward as he attached his sabers together and brought them into an iconic spinning motion.

In that same moment Tano had taken on the two Pic and Gorc in a lightsaber duel. Using her two sabers to their best of their ability. She was acrobatic, but she mainly remained on her feet. The two enemies were formidable.

Both of Yun's arms were removed in a blink of an eye, he then found himself kicked down from behind, he let out a grunt and quietly lost consciousness in the dirt.

"Yun!" Maw growled out and got up off the ground and charged towards the Imperial. He had his weapon out to the side, ready to swipe the neutral force user. "Die coward! I will personally put your head on a pike!" However as he closed in, Tobias could easily anticipate his next move.

As the reptilian slashed his blade diagonally in an upward rotation, only for Tobias to duck slightly to narrowly avoid the attack and bring his own sabers up to dismember the creature's blade arm and lower jaw.

Maw gurgled wildly as he screamed out, unable to taunt his prey before it impaled him in the sternum. Tobias wore an expressionless look on his face, as if he was just a machine, as if he didn't care. However truthfully, this was his suppression and his focus.

He ignored what he couldn't change, he ignored what distracted him. He remained focus on his intent, his will to survive. Nothing else mattered.

That's when he heard a scream, or was it more like a roar? His eyes immediately darted over to the Jedi Master K'kruhk who was virtually burning out of existence. Sariss was using her Deadly Sight on the Jedi Master. While his resistance did some good, he was still disintegrating.

Tobias growned prominently as he darted over towards Tano, slashing Gorc in the back while suppressing his own presence. This distracted Pic in the middle of a strike against Tano, only for Ahsoka to disarm and behead the Dark Jedi. Tobias proceeded to behead Gorc as well as they'd then change their target towards Jarec and Sariss. Apparently te Jedi Master had already killed one of the other Dark Jedi, leaving those two for last.

However the two were too late to intervene. Just as the Jedi Master used his own saber to destroy Jerec's his defense against the force failed and he disintegrated into foul smelling smoke of burnt flesh and fur.

"Master K'kruhk!" Ahsoka shrieked as she felt his death, witnessed him become nothingness.

Tano could feel the emotions rolling off of Tobias as he stood there staring at the remains of the man's Jedi Robes. Sorrow, guilt, anger and yet there was a tinge of relief. She knew the reason why, he wanted to keep the Jedi he was taking from the auction. He wanted everything, he was plagued by greed and need for power to create his nation in his image.

She wasn't about to say anything, the last thing they needed was an active dispute between one another before they finished this business.

Jerec knelt down and picked up the fallen Jedi Master's lightsaber and activated it for himself. A grin forming over his lips as he turned towards the approaching opponents. "Sariss, take care of the boy. Your fighting styles are closer to his," he ordered as he began walking towards Ahsoka Tano who was running for him anyways.

Unlike Tano however, this time Tobias was walking towards Sariss who was attempting to use her dreaded deadly stare. However in this case she couldn't.

"W-what...?" Her head began to pulsate, her mind felt as if there was a heavy pressure on it. That's when she noticed it. He was using the force to grip her mind in a literal sense. He was squeezing her mind, creating a migraine by increasing pressure. Her ability to concentrate on both arenas, the force and the physical aspects of combat, began to dwindle.

She stumbled forward and deflected Tobias's first several Jabs, taking several paces backwards in order to avoid getting hit.

"Sariss... Daughter of Lord Cronal," the girl's eyes widened hearing the name of the man who had trained Jerec her master. The man who was in control of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau around the time during the Battle of Yavin.

Sariss was surprised and distracted enough to trip as she took a step backward and fell onto her back. She locked her saber with the man as he brought his down at her. His eyes blankly staring into her.

The pressure in her head was getting worse. Blood began to trickle out of both her nostrils, the pain was almsot blinding. Her sight was blurring in and out of focus. She clenched her teeth and wailed out. She turned her head to look over towards her Master, both Jerec and Ahsoka had burn marks on their clothes and skin. They had burnt each other plenty of times, hadn't laid any mortal wounds.

"Join me Sariss, the Empire is gone. The Prophets have been eliminated by Luke Skywalker. Soon you won't even have your Master, it's do or die." Tobias leaned into the saberlock, bringing them dangerously close to her face, whispering down to her. It sounded like he was hitting on her, under the threat of death.

Looking at Tobias from the corner of her eye, she smiled at the gesture and gave a faint shake of her head. She had foresaw, she would die eventually by his hand or anothers soon after. She closed her eyes as she accepted death, deactivating her lightsaber and allow his blade to strike her down.

Tobias deactivated his lightsaber and glanced over at Tano who was trading blows with the former Jedi Master turned Dark Jedi. Her experiences of fighting to survive for all those years were keeping her alive now.

Her white blades clashed and swiped at his red singular weapon. She appeared determined, swift and devoted in taking this man down.

Jerec was eager to survive, he wanted to Valley of the Jedi. He wanted to have an Empire of his own! He wanted to rebuild the Empire! The Dark Jedi screamed out, taunted Tano and the Tobias who was idly standing by.

Tano knew why he was standing by. It wasn't that he wasn't going to help her, it was more so that he didn't want to get in her way. She could feel him using the force to not only protect her, but to heal her wounds from a distance. A faint glow encompassed her warm orange flesh. She was quickly being revitalized while on the other hand, Jerec was just beginning to falter.

"This... This is impossible!"

"Nothing is Impossible, only improbable!" Tobias retorted which made Tano snicker a bit despite the loss of a long lost colleague.

She pushed Jerec back, death was inevitable. He knew this, he could sense it.

"I won't be dying here..." Jerec muttered and used the force to throw the Jedi Padawan away, but only managed to make her skid across the muddy grounds in front of the auction house. Her heels digging into the dirt. He then turned towards Tobias and chucked his lightsaber at the man.

Tobias simply smirked seeing the Jedi Master give into his emotions. If this tactic worked, he would have his lightsaber back in his hand at any moment. However, it wasn't going to go Jerec's way.

"Sorry Jerry," Tobias mocked as he used the force to combust the lightsaber's very powercell through his ability to manipulate electronics through the force. The weapon exploded into flames and its debris scattered across the ground.

Jerec now unarmed and practically hopeless, went to turn around in order to intercept Ahsoka Tano with the force. Only for her to send her right hand into his chest, sending him stumbling back, then her other blade came around and slashed his throat clean open.

Shocked and momentarily disturbed that he was about to die, he slipped backward and flopped onto the ground with his extremities spread out. His bald head resting in the mud which made up his surroundings.