
Star Wars An Empire Divided

Transmigrated as a Force Sensitive Imperial Grand Moff, with a Wookiepedia System, two years after the Battle of Yavin. Tobias Rune tracks down the Super Star Destroyer known as the 'Annihilator' which had been Hijacked by Pirates and reclaims it as his Flagship. He ironically renames the ship 'Guardian.' A few months before the Battle of Endor, he had it retrofitted by completely replacing the command tower with a fully integrated modified Lucrehulk-class modular control core, which would be embedded into its hull. After the Destruction of the Second Death Star during the Battle of Endor, The Fleet belonging to Tobias Rune fled into hyperspace to the Chommell Sector, Naboo. Three Weeks later, he rebels against the order to execute Operation Cinder by intercepting the Imperial Fleet over Naboo from behind its moon, Rori, and initiating an Imperial Civil War. This story combines elements from both NuCanon and Legends. [ What is the Wookiepedia System? This System not only rewards the main character for completing personal goals, but also holds all the knowledge of the NuCanon and Legends versions of the Star Wars Universe. ] [ Is Rey going to be a Mary Sue in this? No, She's getting revamped, but she will have relatively the same personality. ] [ Tags: Contentious Content, Romance(s), OP Main Character, Empire Building, War ] Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. I do not own the backgrounds applied behind the character images. I do not own the Character image of Rey from Star Wars. Paul Wiz Johnson Producer, Artist. (Left Background) Talon UK. (Right Background)

InkSavant · Outros
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39 Chs

Imperial Vaults I

[ Coruscant, Imperial Palace. 4 ABY. 2 Months before the Battle of Jakku. ]

A flotilla of Imperial Dropship Transports came flowing down from an Imperial-II Star Destroyer above the planet of Coruscant. There was a total of twelve of them, each one filled with Elite Death Trooper Soldiers. The one in the lead was an exception as it also held the remaining three members of Inferno Squad.

"You target is the Imperial Palace," A hologram of the Grand Moff stated, his hands folded behind his back as he looked over the projections on his side. He could see every single commanding officer and member of the deployment teams.

Iden nodded, as did Del and Kraytia. "Is our Objective Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, Sir?" Iden Versio asked curiously, but of course remained professional at all times. However, she blinked a few times seeing him shake his head at the question. It wasn't the correct assumption.

"Sheev Palpatine, your Former Emperor, has Imperial Vaults hidden beneath the Palace. While the Death Troopers are eliminating individuals whom get in your way, you are to help raid the vaults." Rune instructed with a stern tone, gazing over the people once more, "Ignore Mas Amedda. He will either die at the hands of Rebels, or fall into the hands of the New Republic."

Kraytia was listening to her music yet again, completely ignoring what was going on. Looking up towards Iden and Del, she raised a brow seeing them so composed and professional-like. It was admirable. Though it wasn't something she was used to doing herself.

Finally after almost twenty minutes of descending into the city scape of the planet, the drop ships would land on the edge of the landing platform. The doors of the drop ships would slide open; revealing the Jedi Temple with Imperial emblems draped down the sides of them.

Kraytia grinned widely as she could feel the familiar Force Nexus. It felt like home. She stepped off of the transport with a handful of the Death Troopers and Inferno squad following behind her.

A small group of stormtroopers came walking towards them with their commanding officer leading the four troopers.

"We didn't have any communication of some reinforcement!" The officer shouted with his arms folded behind his back. "Who is your commanding... Officer?" His eyes trailed down towards the much shorter female with white hair and blue eyes. He brought a hand to his chin and scratched it slightly, seeing the cylinder at her waist. "Inquisitor?"

Iden Versio stepped forward in her Imperial Commando Armor, reminiscent of a black colored Scout Trooper armor set with typical inferno squad additions such as the paldron, "You've been relieved."

"I've heard no such––" The Officer didn't get to finish his next few words when a silvery blade came whirling out and slashing down the entire group in half. It then returned to the owner, Kraytia, and deactivated.

Iden and Del simply looked down at her for a few moments as she used the force to toss the bodies off the side of the platform.

Two hundred an forty Death Troopers began to disembark from the other dropships and begin marching towards the former Jedi Temple. They moved ceremoniously, as if marching for a parade.

It appeared to be a show of force.

Kraytia, Del and Iden lead the march in the very front. Del was armed with Tenloss Disruptor Rifles, Iden with a A-300 blaster rifle and Kraytia with a DL-44 blaster pistol alongside her own lightsaber.

A storm trooper watching from the elevated point of the stairs, watched the group proside toward the facility. With the large crowd of black armor clad soldiers, he kind of lost track of where the officer and other troops disappeared to whom had left earlier.

"Where did they go?" Stepping down alone towards the elite death troopers, the lone trooper walked towards with with his E-11 blaster rifle lowered. He was pretty much the equivalent to a Jedi Watchman, as he was to make sure no one passed without identification.

As he reached the group, he paused seeing the Inferno Squad emblem on Iden's armor. "Inferno Squad? I don't remember them sending for special operations." The Trooper scoffed through his helmet's modulator. "Thanks for the save, back on Endor."

"You have been relieved of duty, step aside." Del stated as he nudged his disruptor rifle forward, pretty much telling the trooper to move out of the way.

The trooper narrowed his brows beneath his helmet, he was being told to step aside? He was relieved of duty? He hesitantly stepped aside for them to pass, then he heard the activation of the lightsaber. "What...? He looked down towards the shorter female and only had time to blink once. Finding his head tumbling on the ground, he watched as his stunned body fell backwards and was pushed off the side of the Temple walkway. Within ten seconds, everything was dark, he was dead.

Kraytia then kicked the head off the side of the temple like a soccer ball, sending it several times further than anyone without the force could kick it. HAving used the force to enhance the effectiveness of the kick itself.

"You didn't have to do that..." Del stated under his breath, watching the young former Jedi seething on the inside. They then continued onward up the many stairs towards the interior of the temple.

The groups began to spread out amongst the various pillars, stealthily approaching the front doors. A group of Officers would begin to approach the trio who simply walked down the center towards the front door.

Suddenly a notification was sent down to Inferno Squad, "They've lost all off-world communications thanks to the Attribution's jamming Imperial frequencies. They're raising in alert. Be wary."

"Understood, Sir." Iden said under the helmet, her voice completely cancelled so it would not be heard by the officers coming towards them.

Del ramped-up his disruptor rifle's charge, allowing it to make a light humming sound.

Iden charged her rifle and glanced down towards Kraytia who was smiling blankly towards the men walking toward them. Her fingers were twirling the saber which was in her hands, playfully waiting for them to come within arms reach.

Admiral Versio on the other hand was watching the whole thing from the cameras on each of the elite soldiers. Especially that of his daughter's. His eyes were peeled, he couldn't look away.

So far the entire plan was going on without a hitch. They expected nothing from their own, not a rebellion and surely not a raid.

"Halt! State your designation and reason for visit." The one in the center of the three officers which successfully approached them. Their hands were behind their backs, their pistols holstered at their hips.

"Under the secret Orders of Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, we are to secure the Emperor's Vault. Intelligence has learned the Jedi Luke Skywalker is going to attempt and obtain its Artifacts and Wealth for his New Jedi Order." Iden reported with her weapon held idly, though it could be easily used to gun down these men.

Secret Order, that word echoed throughout the Officer's head. For a moment, they were skeptical. They had lost all contact offworld and there was interference when they tried communication without groups on the planet itself.

They could only assume there would be an invasion of some sort or a rebellion. Yet they had a whole group of soldiers here? The officers glanced side to side, noting that there were a bunch of Death Troopers. This was one way to get their point across. Someone powerful had indeed ordered to acquisition of the Vault.

"You may pass." The officer to the left stated and the officers went to resume their posts. The Troopers would rush passed them with Del and Iden at the lead.

Kraytia broke away from them, using the force to hide herself. She became completely invisible, manipulating her very own body at the molecular level. She couldn't be sensed by force users, picked up by conventional scans, or security systems.

The former Jedi walked into planetarium which she remembered the lectures from Master Yoda and Mace Windu. She replayed those scenes over and over again in her head.

A feeling of nostalgia washed over her as she walked through the room and into the initiate training room. More lectures and training ran through her head. She remembered her small self training with an extremely short saber.

Stepping into the center of the room, she closed her eyes and let out a quiet whimper. Hundreds of meters away, she could feel the pain and anguish from Operation Nightfall. Death of hundreds if not thousands of Jedi at the hands of Anakin Skywalker and the 501st.

Younglings, Padawans, Knights and Masters. They were outnumbered, outgunned. With the force they had slain many, but it was Anakin Skywalker who was the one to put them down.

A friendly face with sulfuric glowing golden eyes, long brown wavy hair and a wreckless demeanor filled with self-hatred and anger. It was so cold, alone.

Kraytia opened her eyes and looked towards the ceiling. She fell to her knees and closed her eyes again. Imagining the Jedi younglings surrounding her, asking her to play music for them. Asking them to show her a new lightsaber or force technique, even dancing.

She could only smile quietly to herself until suddenly a specter appeared, a short green man stood in front of her. "Hrrrm. Lonely, you are. Meditate you must, hmm."

"Little old green ear, huh?" Her eyes narrowed on the force ghost which had willed itself to be in front of her.

It was Jedi Master Yoda, smiling at her kindly. Snickering at her little nickname she had given him decades ago. "Redeemed, you have been, hm.." His eyes closed partially as Kraytia tried to pat his head, but her hand went directly through him as if he wasn't there. "Your master's death, took a toll it did."

Kraytia smiled at the old man, though her lower lip quivered as she was about to cry. To allow her sorrow and morose thoughts overcome her. "My new master can bring you back... Master Yoda. He can bring you all back..."

Yoda's eyes trailed to the ground as he turned his body to the side, looking up the wall and towards the ceiling. His hands leaning into his cane as it pressed against the ground with ease.

"Twisted by the dark side, I'd become, from unnatural powers." The Jedi Master argued with a kind tone, smiling at the selfish thought the former Jedi disciple had offered. "There's no Death, young one. There is only the force."

Kraytia chuckled inwardly, hugging herself quietly.

Del turned the corner and stopped, looking at the little green man who was standing in front of the vulnerable looking teen. "Jedi?" He muttered under his breath in question. He didn't approach, he just turned on his heel and rejoined Iden.

For the most part the Officers and guards in the Palace gave them a large amount of room to move around. They couldn't affirm the orders from Rax, in addition they had been classified as secret. Even if they did try to affirm these orders, they'd probably be demoted or worse, executed for leaking them.