
Star Wars An Empire Divided

Transmigrated as a Force Sensitive Imperial Grand Moff, with a Wookiepedia System, two years after the Battle of Yavin. Tobias Rune tracks down the Super Star Destroyer known as the 'Annihilator' which had been Hijacked by Pirates and reclaims it as his Flagship. He ironically renames the ship 'Guardian.' A few months before the Battle of Endor, he had it retrofitted by completely replacing the command tower with a fully integrated modified Lucrehulk-class modular control core, which would be embedded into its hull. After the Destruction of the Second Death Star during the Battle of Endor, The Fleet belonging to Tobias Rune fled into hyperspace to the Chommell Sector, Naboo. Three Weeks later, he rebels against the order to execute Operation Cinder by intercepting the Imperial Fleet over Naboo from behind its moon, Rori, and initiating an Imperial Civil War. This story combines elements from both NuCanon and Legends. [ What is the Wookiepedia System? This System not only rewards the main character for completing personal goals, but also holds all the knowledge of the NuCanon and Legends versions of the Star Wars Universe. ] [ Is Rey going to be a Mary Sue in this? No, She's getting revamped, but she will have relatively the same personality. ] [ Tags: Contentious Content, Romance(s), OP Main Character, Empire Building, War ] Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. I do not own the backgrounds applied behind the character images. I do not own the Character image of Rey from Star Wars. Paul Wiz Johnson Producer, Artist. (Left Background) Talon UK. (Right Background)

InkSavant · Outros
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39 Chs

Battle of Theed

The corridors of the core module shook, the Guardian was under heavy fire, but was persisting against enemy turbolaser fire with its heavy shielding. Operation Cinder was not to be allowed, the peaceful planet of Naboo must not be destroyed.

The Rebel Alliance, now known as the New Republic, were firing on both Imperial Factions even though his Star Destroyers were outright ignoring the Republic Forces. It wasn't like the rebels could tell who was friendly or not, they were Star Destroyers and had the same friend or foe transponder system.

[ Task Added: Destroy the Torment. 150,000,000 Credit Reward. ]

Sitting behind his desk in the habitat section of the core module, Tobias Rune was turned toward the portview window of the room, staring out into the abyss filled with explosions and death. "My Lord," a young holographic woman appeared on his desk behind him.

He glanced over his shoulder towards the blue representation of the brown haired and dark toned female who spoke.

"The N-1 Fighters piloted by Leia Organa, Sosha Soruna and Shara Bey have been acquired. They're being escorted to you now." She announced and bowed her head to the Moff before terminating the message.

[ Task Added: Cease Hostilities with the NR. Random NuCanon Ship Blueprint. ]

Rune wasn't blind, he could feel through the force that Princess Leia of Alderaan was on her way. Her latent force sensitivity was evident. There were a total of six Imperial Security Officers and two death troopers escorting the three captured prisoners.

Leia Organa walked uncharacteristically without rebellion, she didn't even walk slow on purpose. She seemed to hold her head high, dignified. She had quickly begun to notice that they weren't being brought to the bridge of the vessel.

When she had originally been brought aboard with the other two, she assumed she would be able to team up with them and break out. They had been quickly subdued after their fighters had been ionized and tractor beamed into the main hangar.

So as she was being marched through the corridors, she began to feel a strange sensation. It was as if there was another force user within the presemise. They were getting closer to him. Was it the same presence she felt when the super star destroyer revealed itself from the opposite side of Naboo's moon Rori?

Sosha Soruna on the other hand was purposely making the Death Troopers and officers step on her heels and shove her forward. She was rebelling in a little way, showing off to her new comrades in arms. She seemed to fail to notice that Shara Bey and Leia Organa were completely obedient until they reached the Grand Moff's office. Two officers entered in front of them, then the three were ushered in from behind by the others.

Sosha's eyes narrowed on the man who sat there, staring out of the viewport in the room. She recognized him as the man who had taken over the Chommell Sector after Panaka had been assassinated.

Princess Leia however stared at him curiously, measuring him up. She had a plan in her head, in these close quarters and the three of them together, she believed she could easily take out his guards.

"Why didn't you just shoot us down, Tobias?" Sosha asked with an inquisitive, yet rebellious, tone as she didn't address him as Grand Moff.

Just as one of the Death Troopers was going to hit her in the back with the butt of his rifle, The Queen of Naboo found herself dragged along the reflective metallic floor of the office. This immediately alarmed Princess Leia seeing the Queen being dragged by an invisible force.

Soon enough, Sosha found herself in an anatomic position standing beside the Grand Moff, who had his head turned slightly to look at her. Tilted somewhat to the side to get a full view. "Welcome to the Guardian, Miss Soruna."

With his Greetings, an enemy TIE fighter exploded against the capital ship's shields directly outside the window, only a mere meter away from making a collision.

He didn't directly answer the Queen's question, but seeing her struggle, made him snicker slightly under his breath. He turn turned around on the chair and gazed over the other two prisoners who had to be held back after they had seen part of his capabilities.

"How does an Imperial Moff have the ability to use the force?!" Leia Organa asked with a bewildered expression, her big brown eyes seemingly confused. She knew that the Empire had inquisitors, but she had no knowledge of an Imperial Moff having trained in the force. Not even the Rebel Intelligence network had picked that up.

Raising a brow at the Princess who had spoken, he was expecting more of a sarcastic and insulting demeanor. Though she seemed to have matured rather nicely from four years ago.

"How? I'd talk about Midichlorians, but I know you can use the force too, Princess. Spawn of Vader, Daughter of Queen Amidala." His last couple lines made everyone in the room almost freeze hearing the name of Leia's mother.

The realization seemed to have shocked everyone in the room, even the guards. However the one most shocked was Sosha who was standing there in the same position as before. Her mouth was almost agape, but was being held shut by the force. As his hand was raised, with his elbow propped on the arm of his chair.

"The enemy of your enemy is your friend, right?" The three of them all looked at him with a strange gaze when he had said this bit.

Just then the command tower of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer known as the Torment exploded as the Guardian was bombarding it. Their eyes immediately shifting to the exploding Star Destroyer.

[ Task Completed: Destroy the Torment. 150,000,000 Credits awarded. ]

[ Task Added: Destroy the Ground Invasion Forces. 500,000 Credit Reward. ]

Imperial TIE fighters could be seen launching from the Super Star Destroyer, heading directly towards landing crafts heading for Theed. From the looks of it, these TIE fighters would easily be able to catch up with them before they even breath the planet's atmosphere.

"Friend?" Leia seemed to sound as sarcastic as when she had first seen Tarkin on the Death Star four years ago. Yet she seemed quite a bit more controlled since then, less of a tomboy. "You're going to conveniently switch sides as the Empire weakens?" She scoffed, "What are you a..."

"Scruffy nerf herder?" He rhetorically answered with a questioning tone, releasing Sosha who stumbled forward and used the arm of his chair as support. It seemed it was somewhat easy for him to interrupt her or even finish that sentence.

Just as Sosha was about to push his chair over however, he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her over his lap. His other arm would rest on her lower back, keeping her pinned there as she kicked her legs. and flailed her free arm trying to get out of his grasp. However it seemed his strength was entirely fortified by the force, she could only wiggle and squirm against him.

"Unhand me, Rune!" The Queen squeaked out loud, before 'calming down' as she felt his hand release her wrist and caress the top of her head with his finger tips. Well, it wasn't really calming down, it was a bit more of a disturbed feeling.

Without tilting his head down to look at her, he gazed at the back of her head. "Are you going to not push over my chair?" He'd ask with a playful tone, his fingers trailing down the back of her head and brushing their nails against the back of her neck.

She immediately, with an involuntary movement, shook her head.

"Seems like I'm not releasing you." He'd tease as he looked over at Leia who seemed to feel as if the man was messing with them now. The Queen was clearly the youngest and most inexperienced of the trio.

Rune's eyes however narrowed on Leia, "If your New Republic ceases firing on my Fleet, we will assist you in destroying the 'Old Empire' and its idiotic plans."

Leia could feel that this man had a heavy distaste for what the Empire was doing, and had been doing for decades. If he disliked this so much though, why did he continue being a Moff or even a member of their military?

"And you won't betray the New Republic?" Leia asked just as Lando's MC80 Star Cruiser came out of hyperspace with the reinforcements that had been expected. However the Torment had been finished earlier than anticipated.

Explosions could be seen amongst the skies of Naboo as Imperial crafts were shot down by fighters and laser fire. The TIE fighters had caught up with the Imperials who chose to commit to the failing Empire.

With Leia Organa 'incapacitated' and taken aboard the Guardian, General Lando pulled back fighters attacking the Super Star Destroyer and concentrated against the forces that were actively attacking the planet.

Rune shrugged softly, "Will you betray the Imperium?"

Leia smiled smug, he very well knew that she wasn't in complete control of the Republic. He also knew that she would never be in control of it. "You're really no longer part of the Empire." She said with a light huff, before looking down towards the Queen. "Are you going to let Queen Soruna go?"

"Only if she agrees to marry me in three months, when her term is up."

He knew that the constitutional monarchy of the Naboo were elected every four years and the Monarch could could only have two terms according to the time of Amidala. However he could only assume that the limit on terms had been eradicated afterward. The only way one's changes can remain permanent, was if one remained Queen or King.

Rune knew that in three months, the Battle of Jakku would commence. That could very well be a deciding moment for the future Orders which will arise from its aftermath.

"F-fine... I'll marry you." A disgruntled Sosha gave a docile whine, finding herself swiftly on her feet in front of him. The Queen immediately raised a hand to slap him, but stared at his unflinching expression. She lowered the hand hesitantly, his eyes looked as if they were filled with arm dark. However they didn't reflect much light, making them seem dark, cold and lonely.

Sosha closed her eyes with an aggravated sigh before walking around the desk and rejoining her three friends. She kept her arms secure around her chest, her eyes glaring out the window; trying not to look at him again.

Leia who seemed rather sympathetic towards the Queen, let out a sigh. Yet she saw it as one way to make one less enemy and another probable friend for the future. "Can you patch me through to the Restoration?"

He nodded softly, using the holographic keyboard within his standard grey desk, he sent a hail to the Restoration and within Moments a hologram of Lando Calrissian answered the call.

"Hello Beautiful," the cape lover immediately cracked an inside joke as he laid eyes on the Princess. "So, what have we here?"

On the resolute, he was standing in front of a holographic projector which showed the office in detail. The Grand Moff would have looked unfamiliar to him if it weren't for having Imperial dossiers on hand within facial recognition software he was using.

"Are we... Holding hostages?" He sounded like he was playing a game of charades.

Rune shook his head slightly, "We are not with the Empire. We wish to aid in the destruction of the other remnants, before making our own future." He said with a rather unsophisticated tone, his eyes resting on the man's head.

"Your own future...?" Lando looked skeptical, his eyes gazing over to Leia who nodded to him, attesting to the Grand Moff's claims. "Then what are you?"

"We are the Imperium."


[ Task Complete: Make peace with NR. Resurgent Star Destroyer Blueprint awarded. ]

[ Task Complete: Destroy the Ground Invasion Forces. 500,000 Credits awarded. ]