
Star Crossed: The Idol King & Empress of Evil

.... "The fates will curse you to a life of hell." She stared those loathsome eyes. Her very being screamed from inside. Her hate knew no bounds. And yet...and yet...why was he looking at her like that? Why did he not hate her? Why was there sadness in his eyes? Why? "I'd rather take a million years in hell!" she spat out. "Yes...I did it. I killed your most precious person." She flashed a manic smile. "You'll suffer for the rest of your life...Emperor. And nothing makes me happier..." Her mad laughter echoed throughout the palace, etching a bone chilling fear into the hearts of everyone who was present that day. The evil Empress had fallen. ..... Wang Shina was shunned and exiled from her palace by her husband, Emperor Kang, and his concubine for an unforgivable crime. Evil, manipulative and cunning, Wang Shina only knows one thing: hatred. And she wasted no time in admitting her guilt. After committing the horrendous crime to oust her husband from power, she was cursed by the kingdom's most powerful shaman: she will have to live as an old woman by the day and will change back to her real appearance during the night. And she will keep on living this cursed life for years until she finishes the task of changing the fates of 500 couples over the years. Now, almost centuries later, Wang Shina goes by the name Cherry and is out to complete her mission after which, she can die in peace. Finally on her last mission, Wang Shina receives the last couple's names whose fates she will rewrite. Enter Shin Jinhyun, a popular idol and the country's Idol King who is fated to be with Sung Yoona as per Wang Shina's task. But fate plays a cruel joke as Jinhyun and Yoona turn out to be the reincarnations of Cherry's ex-husband and his mistress. And furthermore, Jinhyun's heart has room for only one girl: the lady in red, Wang Shina. *Cover belongs to the author. Please don't copy*

Tea_Tae · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
342 Chs

The Rogues (1): First Episode

The cameras flashed brightly as the host, Kang Sedong, climbed the stage. He was the most popular host in the country, known for his variety show skills for over fifteen years. Although he was ruthless when it came to questioning his guests, his controversial remarks make him very popular among the public. 

Sedong smiled and waved to the cheers of the studio audience. 

"Good evening everyone!" he yelled over the loud cheers. Welcome to The Rogues 101!"

The crowd thundered loudly, shouting slogans to support their favorites. 

"As you all may know," Sedong went on. "Out of the twenty lucky trainees, only five will get to see their dreams come true. The first spot winner will get a solo debut while the other four will debut with a group under Rogue Culture!"

Hoots and claps followed his statement as the guards tried very hard to keep the crowd under control. But they were too excited. 

"And now, please welcome on stage, the amazingly talented trainees of the first season!" Sedong bellowed. A trumpet went off and slowly, one by one, the contestants walked onto the stage in an uniform line. 

The sight of the twenty beautiful trainees captivated the audience. Their visuals were on point and the makeup perfectly complemented their natural skin tones. It made them extremely endearing. The social media was erupting with predictions and hashtags. 

"Woah just look at those beauties!" 

"The trainees' visuals are spot on!" 

"I like the one with the curly hair! She sings well too!" 

"The tall one looks really pure. Just like an angel." 

"Yoona looks radiant in those clothes!" 

"Semin is gorgeous!" 

The trainees stood there, smiling widely at the audience. They were all cheering wildly for the girls. 

Sedong raised his hand to calm down the crowd before he turned to the contestants. 

"Before we start," he said. "Let us get to know more about our participants. Let's start with…" 

He peered at the girls, trying to decide whom to ask. 

"How about…you?"

He pointed at Semin. She was taken aback but kept a confident front. 

"Tell us why do you want to be an idol?" he asked, handing her the microphone. 

Semin cleared her throat. "Hello everyone!" she greeted with a warm smile. "My name is Kang Semin!" 

The audience was instantly smitten by the bright eyed teenager. 

"I want to be an idol because I want to help my grandmother and my father," she said with earnestness. "They work really hard for my sake. My father has to work in different regions in order to provide for my needs. He couldn't even make it here today due to his work. So if I can become an idol, I'll take the burden off his shoulders. He can rest at home and watch my concerts whenever he wants! Which is why I will work hard for their sake!"

Her words struck a chord with the masses. With her youthful appearance and bubbly personality, there was no doubt she would be a fan favorite. 

"That is a very good sentiment, Semin!" Sedong complimented her. "Best of luck to you. Now let's see whom to choose…" 

He went on to ask five other trainees about their aspirations. All of them were met by enthusiasm from the crowd. 

"And now let's ask…you!"

Sedong pointed at Yoona. She looked surprised but pleased. 

"Why do you want to become an idol, Yoona?" 

"Hello, I am Sung Yoona," she said with a smile, slightly bowing at the audience. The pure, angelic girl was a frenzy among the crowd. She looked like a shining star and her eyes were twinkling with hope. 

"I…honestly don't have a gallant answer like the others," she shyly admitted. "But if I had to choose a reason, I guess I want to be an idol for… Love?" 

"Love?" Sedong asked. "Are you in love with someone, Yoona?" 

"I am," she replied. The crowd was shocked at her bold confession. "But I feel that I'm not worthy of that love," she said in a sad tone. "So I want to become an idol, so that I can infuse my love for him in all my performances in the hope that someday, he will return my feelings." 

The crowd erupted in joy, shouting words of encouragement. The social media sites had a blast as the users praised her boldness. 

"Which idiot wouldn't love her?" 

"Wonder who the lucky guy is?" 

"Imagine being loved by that angel <3"< p>

"Who is it???" 

Sedong turned to the crowd. "Looks like Miss Yoona is a romantic at heart!" he joked. "Whoever that man is, he's very lucky." 

The crowd shouted in agreement. They had a new star. 


Cherry was watching the interviews from backstage. She frowned upon hearing her answer. Love? Was she in love with someone else? This could complicate things… 

"Penny for your thoughts?" 

She spun around to see Jinhyun standing there with a goofy smile on his face. The man really had no shame. No matter how many times she tossed him out, he would somehow crawl his way back in her life. 

"Are you a masochist?" she sneered. 

"Who knows?" Jinhyun smirked. "I don't mind being one for you." 

She threw him a dirty look before turning towards the TV screen. Jinhyun noted that she was looking at Yoona intently. 

"What do you think of that girl?" she suddenly asked. 

"Yoona?" Jinhyun asked in surprise. "She is talented, I guess." 

"She's pretty," Cherry said. "Pure and polite. Looks like your type. How come you're not dating her?" 

Jinhyun frowned. "I'm not interested in her," he shrugged. 

"Liar," Cherry scoffed. "All men are staring at her like hyenas at their prey." 

"She's not bad looking," Jinhyun said, picking up an earphone from a table nearby. "It's just, I'm not into her." 

"Who are you into then?" Cherry asked sarcastically. 

Jinhyun gave her a wide smile. "You," he winked as he walked towards the stage. 

Cherry's face blushed furiously in anger. She did not know whether Shuri's current incarnation was good or bad. 

But both the incarnations of her dear husband were equally annoying. 

Who wants more shameless Jinhyun?

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