
Book 5, chapter 21

Book 5 chapter 21

Over the next two weeks, Zee wasn't sure what she was expecting, but normalcy was not it. She attended her classes like usual, all the while, waiting for something, anything, to happen. 

Was the emperor just sitting on his hands? The anxiety of not knowing what he would do was fraying her nerves. Had he changed his mind? Zee pushed down that budding hope. No, Farsaic was up to something. He just hadn't acted yet.

The answer to her burning questions ran in the front door in one early morning before classes. Nate was holding the day's paper with a look of horror on his face.

"Zee, you need to see this!" Nathan gasped, out of breath, as if he ran all the way across district one.

"What is it?" Zee asked, her mind racing with possibilities.

"Just look," Nathan urged, handing her the folded paper.

She took it and looked at the front page, her thoughts coming to a screeching halt. On the front page was an image that shook her. It was a being that dwelled in the depths of her nightmares, and it was in the middle of ripping apart a space station. 

"What is this?" Zee asked, horrified. 

"It's the blood gorgers." Nathan took several deep breaths. "They used a forbidden artifact to create a spatial storm. The damned bugs purposefully did that to lure out a Farahar to attack the planet Draug. The monster killed almost everyone, turning the planet into a ravaged wasteland," Nathan said. 

Zee's blood ran cold as she read the first few lines on the front page. Nate was right. Nearly four billion people had lost their lives, slaughtered by that colossal abomination. 

In all the chaos, it was estimated that only about nine hundred thousand escaped. The loss of life was truly unimaginable. Zee knew the blood gorgers would retaliate, but this? 

This was so indiscriminate, a mass slaughter of civilians and soldiers alike. It was the most horrific attack in Lorocan history.

"Please tell me they killed it?" Zee asked, clutching the paper in a white knuckled grip..

Nate slowly shook his head. 

"I don't think so. They think it was one of the ancients of the Farahar. Even with three battle groups of the imperial navy, all they could do was delay the creature while people evacuated," Nathan said.

Zee read, going over the same information Nathan just told her. He was right. Given its colossal size, durability and immense power, it had to be one of the ancient horrors that dwelled in the Null realm.

Even her grandpa had nearly been killed by a younger one of these things back in the planar space on Sphedhara. Zee shuddered as she remembered its bone chilling screech, and the sense of terror its presence invoked. Those monsters were like natural disasters, better to be avoided than confronted head on. 

She read further, hoping there was more. Surely the emperor was doing something about this? The answer to her question was at the bottom of the page. In response to this tragedy, the emperor was calling an emergency war council with all of his senior staff in two days. 

It was no wonder why the emperor hadn't been causing her trouble. He was no doubt extremely busy dealing with all the fallout from this attack. Suddenly, the concerns she had felt so trivial. With so much going on, she didn't need to worry about him causing her problems. The emperor had more than enough on his plate. 

The news was shocking, but Zee went to classes. It was a good way to distract her from the tragedy that had happened. As expected, the atmosphere in the academy streets was somber. Everyone was talking about the attack, about the refugee's, and all the people who were killed. Speculation abounded as to what the emperor was going to do about it. One thing was certain. The people wanted blood. There were already protests in the streets demanding the emperor take bloody vengeance on the blood gorgers. Zee had to agree. 

She passed a small group of students in the hallway, with one of them sobbing uncontrollably. Their friends were trying to console them, but it was of little help. The doubt, and the fear of losing their loved ones was written plainly across their faces.

From what Zee could tell, they were from Draug, and their family had likely been on the planet during the attack. It was heartbreaking. That wasn't the first person either. There were quite a few students in the academy who were from Draug. Some of them put on a strong front, hoping their families escaped, while others looked positively devastated.

It left a bad taste in her mouth, knowing that she was partly responsible for this atrocity. She was a large reason why they were even at war with the blood gorgers in the first place. 

In a dark mood, Zee joined Allison in her sword combat class, but it didn't look like anything productive was going to happen. Even twenty minutes after class should have started, Master Fier hadn't arrived yet. That was probably for the best, as most of the class looked too lost in hushed conversations to get anything done.

Allison was the only one who didn't seem affected, looking as calm as ever. Her expression was cold and lifeless, as if nothing could touch her. It was definitely the mask she put on whenever something terrible happened. It made her hard to read for most, but not for Zee. She knew Allison well enough by now to know when she was shaken.

"You alright?" Zee asked softly, nudging Allison's arm gently with her elbow.

The facade cracked ever so slightly as Allison's gray eyes turned on her.

"It seems like everywhere we go, there is tragedy. Is that because we are here? Or is everywhere in the universe this bad?" Allison asked.

"I don't know. I like to blame myself for all of life's problems, but Mellic says that is not a healthy way of thought. You can't blame yourself for the actions of the enemy. All you can do is push forward," Zee said.

Allison raised a perfect eyebrow.

"I didn't know farmers were prone to bouts of philosophy?" Allison replied.

Zee huffed. "I think Nate would be offended by that. Farmers read books too, even if most of them can't read all that well," Zee said.

Allison's facade cracked further, and a slight smile tugged at her lips. 

"Can farmers even afford books?" Allison asked.

"No, my family has rocks that we used to write on," Zee joked.

It was too bad that Nathan wasn't around. His outrage at their jokes about farmers would have made them a lot more fun. Joking around might not have been the right way to cope, but this was Zee's method. Terrible jokes were how she hid just how much she was affected.

Allisons retort was cut off as Master Fier, and more curiously the headmaster of the academy, entered the training hall. Beside the headmaster was a woman in flamboyant gray robes with the imperial crest emblazoned on her chest.

She had to be a high-ranking official belonging to the imperial court given the deference Fier, and the headmaster showed her. 

"An imperial courtier. What do you think she wants?" Allison asked in a whisper.

"I dunno, I guess we are about to find out," Zee said, as the woman cleared her throat loudly.

The training hall went quiet, as the officials' gaze flitted over the students. Zee's heart leapt in her chest as that gaze rested on her. With a straight back and a serious heir, the woman pulled out a wax sealed scroll and cracked it. Without dropping eye contact with Zee, she started to read.. 

"On behalf of his imperial majesty, Jenelovia AL Farsaic, I am here to formally summon Zee, of Clan Viotto to the palace. His eminence is overjoyed to see his great granddaughter once again. As the Heir Apparent, he would love to welcome her to join the war council," the courtier said.

Zee wanted to curse aloud as everyone in the training hall stared at her with a slack jaw. With the declaration, it was like a noose was suddenly tied tightly around her neck. Her mouth went dry.

Well, Shit! In one fell swoop, the emperor had gone and ruined a half a year of friendships.

The courtier had just revealed not only that she was the emperor's granddaughter but also that she was the Heir Apparent. Zee couldn't help the scowl that crept onto her face. At that moment, she really wanted to punch the courtier right in her smug face.

Allison startled Zee from her shock, by nudging her with an elbow. "Well, that was unexpected. I guess I should address you as a princess now," Allison said.

Zee turned her scowl on her friend.

"No, you will not.." She turned her glare on the rest of the training hall. "That goes for all of you. You better not call me princess, or your highness. If I catch any of you bowing, I am going to kick your asses," Zee said.

Much to her growing ire, most of the students, including Hespa, bowed to her. The show of deference made Zee want to throw up. Today just kept on getting better. 

The news that Zee was the successor to the throne spread like wildfire. By the time she was in her last class of the day, people in the halls were bowing to her as she passed.

It was embarrassing and made her sick to her stomach. Zee wasn't royalty, and most of all, hated bowing and scraping. She just wanted to be left alone, and the courtier's appearance had ruined her blessed peace.

She entered master Anton's classroom and went straight for her seat at the very back. The students already in their seats watched her every step, but she studiously avoided their gazes.

Elvot eyed her curiously, as she sat beside him, his eyes full of questions. Zee wasn't in the mood to deal with nosey questions, so she studiously ignored his gaze. Apparently, Elvot couldn't sense her foul mood, and decided it was a good time to ask questions.

"Are you really the Heir Apparent?" Elvot asked, his question making the entire class go deathly quiet.

Zee took a deep calming breath, forcibly holding herself back from committing violence on the man. Her murderous glare, combined with a bit of blood drenched aura that leaked out, was enough to make him go pale.

"Forget I asked. Oh, look, Master Anton just arrived," Elvot said, in a higher-pitched voice than normal.

Zee hadn't intended on using her aura to intimidate the man, and actually felt bad about it. Just because she was in a foul mood didn't mean she could take it out on someone she considered a friend.

Anton's class passed in a blur. Thankfully, the eccentric man didn't seem to give a damn about her new status. Small victories. Once the class was over and most of the students left, Elvot stood from his chair, making to flee the room. He wouldn't meet her gaze, studiously looking anywhere else.

"Wait, Elvot," He paused, but didn't meet gaze as he gathered his stuff from atop his desk. Zee sighed. "I didn't mean to get so upset with you. It's just been a tough day for me, and I shouldn't have taken my frustration out on you. I'm sorry, please forgive me," Zee said.

With books in hand, he slowly turned, finally able to look at her. He didn't say anything for a few long long seconds, making her think he might just walk away. Then he let out a breath.

"It's alright, just try not to do it again. Being swamped in your bloodthirsty aura is incredibly jarring," Elvot said.

 "Sorry again for that. When I am upset, it sometimes leaks out," Zee replied.

Elvot cracked a tentative smile. "My dad has always told me about people with auras that reek of blood. If I am being honest, I didn't quite believe him until now," Elvot said.

"Is your dad a combat class user?" Zee asked, relieved at the change of subject. 

"He is a general, one of the high-ranking staff in the navy," Elvot said proudly.

"I didn't know you were from a family of such high prestige?" Zee asked.

"I could say the same about you," Elvot said hesitantly.

Zee grimaced. "About that. Please don't go around bowing, or calling me your highness, or princess," Zee said.

"So it's true?" Elvot asked.

Zee let out a defeated sigh. "Ya, unfortunately," Zee said. 

"You don't sound very happy about it," Elvot said.

"That's because I am not," Zee grumbled.

"And why is that? You are suddenly one of the most high-status people in the empire. Everyone of any importance will be jumping over themselves to get your attention," Elvot said.

Zee shuddered at the thought. "Who would want that? That kind of attention sounds positively dreadful," she replied.

Elvot laughed. "Now that I think about it, you are probably going to hate the attention," Elvot said.

"Any advice?" Zee asked in a defeated tone.

"It sounds counterintuitive, but if you don't like to deal with people, make allies. Then you can use said allies as shields to keep the circling lizards at bay," Elvot said.

His words prompted Zee to give Elvot a sweet smile. "That's a good idea Elvot, thank you for signing up," Zee said.

He froze and vehemently shook his head.

"Ohh, no! I am not dealing with that kind of mess," Elvot exclaimed.

"Come on Elvot, it won't be that bad. All you have to do is help keep the vultures at bay. Who knows, it could be fun," Zee said unconvincingly.

"I should have kept my mouth shut," Elvot muttered.

Zee gave him a friendly slap on the back, which made him nearly drop his pile of books. 

"Don't be like that. We can endure this hardship together," Zee said.

After her last class of the day, Zee took a circuitous route back to her estate. Given all the unwanted attention, she was strongly considering Bastion's suggestion from the previous day. 

Ruining her reputation was a small price to pay if she could be removed from her current predicament. Sadly, her attempt to return to her place of residence without running into anyone failed.

A man stepped from the shadows of the alley, his presence, and appearance completely hidden. Zee couldn't even sense him with her Spatial Ripple skill, which made her go on high alert. If not for her eyes telling her he was there, she wouldn't have noticed him at all.

It was the sign of someone with a class specializing in ambush, like the assassins' class. 

With a practiced motion, her sword slipped from its scabbard, causing her opponent to crack a wide smile.

"No need for such hostility, I intend no harm," He said, raising both hands to show he was unarmed.

Zee didn't lower her guard, sending a mental message to Kur Zul. 

"Search around us, see if there is anyone else spying on us," Zee ordered.

"Yes mistress," The ghost sent her a mental nod, and she could feel his presence moving away.

With that done, she addressed the shady man's statement. 

"You intend no harm? People who ambush someone in an alley alone are usually hostile," Zee replied.

He laughed and reached up, tugging off his hood to reveal his face.

With bronze skin, and dark black hair, he was handsome, all things considered. He looked to be in his mid twenties, though age was hard to tell with cultivators.

Her eyes traced the sharp lines of his jaw and the subtle curve to his nose. She examined the high quality of his etched leather armor, and the top quality daggers sheathed at his hips. It was equipment that only someone with money to burn could afford. 

 Considering how sneaky he was, and the fact that he looked a lot like a certain old man, brought her to one conclusion. She knew of only one person who fit the bill.

"You must be Tavza. I heard you had a class like the emperors, now i can confirm it," Zee said in greeting.

He grinned. "My reputation precedes me. You are quite sharp, cousin," Tavza said.

Zee furrowed her brows at the man. "So, what brings you here? Surely you didn't confront me in an alley for some idle banter?" Zee asked.

"I just wanted to see the heir apparent in person, and to meet a long-lost cousin," Tavza replied.

"I see... Well, now that you have seen me, I best get going. I have places to be," Zee said, moving to walk past him.

He took a single step out into the alley, a sign that he didn't intend to let her pass. Zee had no patience for this kind of thing.

"Move, or I will make you," Zee said calmly, letting her full powered aura out.

It filled the alley like a surging river, oozing with bloodlust. To make sure he got the point, she infused her aura with both her embers of ebb and flow and compression.

It was enough to make most peak E grade cultivators run for their lives, and yet, Tavza only grinned. He held his ground for a few seconds, making it clear her aura didn't affect him, before taking a step out of her way. Then, to add insult to injury, he gave her a bow that appeared insulting instead of respectful.

"Do have a pleasant day cousin, I hope to see you again, soon," Tavza said, his body fading into the shadows of the alley and disappearing from her senses in seconds.

Zee swore inwardly, cursing herself for letting her anger get the better of her. Revealing her power like that was probably exactly what he wanted.

What an absolute asshole!