

As the sun rose, Zecharia and his companions continued their journey led by the mysterious lady stranger towards the border of Eldoria. The princess's profound sadness and surprise were evident, and Zecharia could sense it keenly.

Nevertheless, Zecharia's heart weighed heavily with concern for the people of the town of Nareth, a small village he grew up in that was under Eldoria's rule. He knew that Yaihr's thirst for power would likely lead to the town's devastation, so he couldn't bear the idea of leaving its people to face the darkness on their own.

Driven by determination to ensure the safety of his fellow townspeople, he encouraged his comrades to change their route and pass through the town of Nareth first.

Upon their arrival in Nareth, Zecharia and his companions were met with skepticism and fear from the townsfolk. Many were reluctant to abandon their homes, despite the looming threat of Yaihr and his vampire army. But with Cereal's soothing words and Zecharia's impassioned plea, they managed to sway the hearts of the hesitant villagers.

"Listen to me, please!" Zecharia said. "I know how hard the idea of leaving your homes is, but if you stay here, Yaihr and his minions will have their way with you. They will change you into their kind, and they can do even worse than that."

"But where will we go? How can we trust you to keep us safe?" one of the villagers asked.

"Trust in us, my friends. I am Cereal from Grigori. We're heading to a place where you can regroup and stand against the darkness that threatens to engulf us all. But we must leave now, before it's too late," Cereal assured them.

And because of Zechariah's persistent persuasion, the people there finally agreed to join them.

Preparing for his departure from the parish of Nareth, Zecharia knew he had to carry Father Andrews with him. The aged priest served as a support beam and mentor not only to Zecharia, but to all residents.

He went to the church. He found Father Andreas. He told him about the danger that could happen if they didn't leave.

As Zecharia and Father Andreas stood by the church, a quiet feeling wrapped around them. They heard the soft sound of leaves in the wind. Father Andreas sighed heavily, his old hands pressed together.

"It's tough to think we're going, isn't it, Father?" Zecharia said, his voice sounding very sad.

Father Andreas nodded, his gaze still fixed on the church. "Indeed, my son. Hmmm.. This place has been my home for as long as I can remember… But yes, I know, sometimes change is necessary, even if it's difficult."

Zecharia placed a reassuring hand on the old priest's shoulder. "We carry the memories of Nareth with us, Father. They will give us strength on our journey."

Father Andreas managed a faint smile, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and resolve. "You are right, Zecharia. The memories of this place will always be with us, no matter where life takes us."

With teary eyes, he looked at the small church one more time. It had been his safe place for a long time. The church was more than just a place to pray; it was his safe place, his house, a safe spot in the crazy world. Every part had memories - quiet prayers, serious events, times of happiness and sadness with the people in town.

But now, it was time to say bye to the familiar comfortst of Nareth and start a journey into the unknown.

With a heavy heart, Zecharia turned away from the church, his strenght will fueled by knowing he had Nareth's spirit in him, a light of hope to show the way.

And as they began the trip, Zecharia had the memories of the town and Father Andreas's strong belief, sure they would help each other through any tough times and whatever trials lay ahead.

Meanwhile, in the dark halls of Eldoria's castle, Prince Yaihr seethed with fury at the thought of Liora's escape.

"They're heading to Nareth! Let's go find them! Fast!" Yaihr commanded.

"As you command, my lord! We'll hunt them down like the vermin they are!" Yaihr's general affirmed.

As the sun was setting, Zecharia knew that Yaihr and his vampire soldiers would pursue them. And so despite their exhaustion, Zecharia and his group pushed on, their determination unwavering in the face of imminent danger. They knew that if they faltered, if they allowed themselves to be caught by Yaihr's minions, all would be lost.

The relentless chase through the winding forest paths drove Zecharia and his companions to run without pause. Their breathing was heavy, and their hearts pounded excessively in their chests. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a tree branch seemed to send shivers down their spines filled with anxiety.

Zecharia could sense that Yaihr was closing in on them. So, he decided to stay behind to confront Yaihr's men and slow down their pursuit.

"Jack, Cole. You know what to do. Take care of the people and the Princess!" Zecharia instructed.

"Oh brother, always doing things on your own!" Jack exclaimed.

"Hahaha, I'd love to join you, Zecharia, but I think Martha needs me more," Cole said, glancing at Martha, who rolled her eyes at him.

The Princess looked at him without saying a word, but concern was evident in her eyes.

They moved forward while Zecharia prepared to confront the first wave of Yaihr's approaching troops.

As the first wave of Yaihr's men, numbering nearly a hundred, advanced from afar, they spotted a person standing in their path, holding a sword as if waiting for them. It's Zecharia.

His sword gleamed in the dark surroundings, as if enticing them to approach. The heavy beat of his heart echoed in his ears. He steadied himself for the impending clash.

Without any hesitation, the majority of his enemies jumped upon him like a wave of fury, their sharp claws and swords thrusting as they sought to defeat him. But Zecharia was not easily defeated.

With a primal roar, he launched himself into battle, his movements is like a gleaming blade of steel and fury. Each swing of his sword was like thunder, every block a testament to his unwavering resolve. Despite the looming dangers around him, he continued to fight, a solitary symbol of defiance amidst the chaos of war.

Blood and sweat mingled as Zecharia danced amidst the violence, his senses sharp and his instincts contrary to any disorder. For every enemy he brought down, all had their heads severed, it seemed two more appeared, but still, he pressed on, his determination unyielding.

The clash of steel rang out like a symphony of war, the ground beneath Zecharia's feet slick with the blood of his fallen adversaries. Yet still, he fought on, his every movement a testament to his indomitable spirit. His speed and agility are otherworldly.

And then, finally, as the last of Yaihr's men lay broken and defeated at his feet, Zecharia stood alone amidst the wreckage, his chest heaving with exertion but his spirit unbroken. In that moment, he knew that he had faced down his greatest challenge and emerged victorious, a solitary figure bathed in the glow of his own triumph.

Afterward, he commandeered a horse from the fallen enemies and mounted it, galloping back towards his companions.

After returning to his companions with full of blood all over his body, it seemed that Yaihr and his numerous forces were closing in on them, almost catching up. They could see each other from a distance. Because of this, panic spread among his companions.

"Jack, Cole, and those capable of fighting! Prepare yourselves!" Zecharia shouted, ready to face the approaching enemy head-on.

Yaihr's rage and the frenzy among his vampire companions were evident as they approached. But unexpectedly, the sun began to rise. A sense of desperation gripped Yaihr and his vampire soldiers. The once invincible creatures of the night now found themselves facing a more frightening foe than any they had encountered before: the rising sun.

With each passing moment, the rays of the sun gradually emerge, casting gentle light into the darkness, seemingly driving it back from where it came from.

"Retreat! Fall back! Save yourselves from burning! We cannot withstand the sun's rays!" Yaihr's voice echoed through the forest, a bitter realization dawning upon him that even their dark powers had limits in the face of nature's light.

With the threat temporarily thwarted, Zecharia and his companions continued their journey towards Nareth, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that the battle against Yaihr and his dark forces was far from over.