

She has become an obsession. I watch her every day. I know her routine while maintaining my own. She is in my every thought. I will go out of my way to see her. She just doesn't know who I am. I have never met her in person. One day she will know who I am. Because unlike her husband I will sacrifice the world for her.

Crissy_Downey · Terror
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6 Chs

Day 5.

Every day she has the same routine. She wakes up at five and goes for a run. Then cooks breakfast, makes her ungrateful ass husband lunch, and walks the kids to school even though they are old enough to walk themselves the half a block.

She comes home, sees the fucktard off to work then grabs her coffee and computer and walks out to her wrap-around porch sits on her swing, and types while drinking her coffee. Thanks to my schedule I can watch her till about nine. I am not sure what she does after I leave but today that changes.

I bought a camera. I am going to put it up on my trailer and angle it right at the house. I need to know. I fucking have to know what she does while I am working. How long does she stay on the porch? I sit down to drink my coffee when her phone rings.

"Hello," I hear her answer.

"He is at work thankfully,"

"No, maybe this weekend though,"

"I know Kate, what am I supposed to do?" Now I am curious does she know that he is cheating?

"I can't make the truck get here faster." she sounds angry.

"He is the fucking Sherriff not the highway patrol."

"No!" Now I am invested. I don't give a fuck if I am late.

"I'll call you back my nephew is calling."

"Hey," she seems more relaxed and her tone instantly changed as she answered.

"OH just dealing with people. Girl trouble?" My watch goes off and her head snaps in my direction. I pull my baseball cap down lower and head for my golf cart. guess that is my cue to hope the camera catches what I need to know. I also make a mental note to buy a wiretap. I need to hear everything.

Nine hours later I am home. it isn't really home but the closer I am to her the better I feel. I look through the window from my chair across the street. She is on the couch with her husband and kids watching TV. I grab the camera and watch the footage.

Around ten she goes inside and then leaves for about three hours. When she comes home her husband pulls in behind her. He can't keep his hands off her as he helps her unload the groceries she bought. Maybe he isn't cheating. That doesn't look like a man who doesn't want his wife.

After they put all the groceries away I have to fight the urge to touch myself as I watch him fuck her on the kitchen counter. He is rough with her. She doesn't seem to mind. At one point it's like she looks right at my camera as she comes. her tits smashed against the granite as he fucks her hard from behind. I watch as he uses his belt to spank her. She cries out in pleasure with every hit. I stand and go inside. I may need to take a cold shower.

I sit on my bed and watch more. He flips her over and grabs her around the neck. He slams into her hard. Her thick ass bounces on the counter. She throws her head back, I take note of how she doesn't touch him though. If I were to fuck her I would want her all over me. She tries to kiss her but he doesn't let her. Why? what is so wrong with him that he denies her what she clearly wants.

I find myself stroking my own cock as he fucks her. He looks angry as time goes on. I can't tell what he says to her but her entire face falls as he slams into her. She now looks angry as she lays her head on the counter while he fucks her once again from behind. I feel my arousal disappear as his whipping seems to become brutal. She is fighting tears as he whips her. After ten minutes he seems to come and he basically shoves her away.

"Is aftercare not a thing?" I am slightly grateful that their room is the other room in the front of the house. She goes to her room and disappears for an hour. She slowly walks back out. He left shortly after he was done with her. She looks as if she has been crying.

Then her children get home and she appears to be happy. She fixes them a snack. Then they all play outside for a few hours till her husband is back home. She is in the kitchen again singing. She looks happy, but it is fake. That I can tell for sure.