
Squib Tales

Ellis Potter is a squib, just not in the regular sense. Like any, good old squib, he can’t use normal magic like the rest of the wizarding world. But he can use an entirely different kind of magic. One that’s completely new and unpredictable. All Ellis wanted to do was to keep his brother, Harry, safe and sound. Maybe it would have been easier to have been born a regular squib...

LilNightinGale · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 - Burnt Bridges

The smell of a traditional English breakfast woke Harry from his slumber. He sat up and rubbed his eyes before letting out a quiet yawn. As he moved closer to the kitchen, he could see Ellis standing on his toes to reach the stove top better. Ellis wore a brown apron, nothing special, just something that he had found in one of the drawers. Harry smiled warmly at the sight, realizing that Ellis was cooking for them, not the Dursley's.

A few minutes later, Ellis finished cooking and plated the food. He set a plate down in front of Harry, who almost drooled at the sight of it. Harry was a decent cook, but Ellis had always been the main chef. The Dursley's always forced Ellis to cook for them, so that was probably where he got most of his expertise from.

They finished eating fifteen minutes later and proceeded to prepare for the coming school day. Both of them dressed themselves and grabbed all their essentials. However, both had a bad feeling about today. About what? They weren't sure.


"Did you hear? One of the first years got mauled by a troll!" A passing third year Hufflepuff whispered with eyes that shifted from side to side. Their friends eyes widened with surprise and fright before quickly changing the subject. Harry shivered at the horrible rumor and clutched Ellis's hand tightly. Ellis shared the same sentiment.

As they walked down the hall, the rumors became absurd, "It was probably Potter," one student remarked snidely. Ellis winced: they were probably talking about him. That probably explained all the glares he received.

Later that day, there was an announcement. Everyone had gathered in the Great Hall, already knowing what the Headmaster would be disclosing based on their solemn expressions. Even though the student body was rather depressed, people still managed to steer clear of Ellis. Gryffindor students were squished together, leaving a gap between them and the Potter twins. The twins suppressed their growing sorrow but Ellis couldn't help but blame himself for Harry's distinct lack of friends.

"Today marks the unfortunate demise of a student," Dumbledore's eyes lowered, "Hermione Granger was valiant in her efforts as she tried to protect the students of Hogwarts from the rampaging troll. She was noble and brave, everything her house should be proud of." The students expressions did not change save for the small smiles from some Gryffindor. No one had really known Hermione, so while they felt pity, no one felt they had lost much.

"Dismissed," Dumbledore walked away from view, probably to go explain the situation to Hermione's parents. The students were given the rest of the day off as a way to pay their respects to Hermione (read: ironic). Some had been excited, seemingly forgetting the tragedy. Others had been quiet or indifferent. However, everyone seemed rather disappointed when they were told to stay in their dorm rooms for the time being.

Ellis and Harry sat in the living room for a few hours and talked. It started off solemn. Harry wondered if he could have done something to save Hermione, especially since he had unreasonably high expectations dumped on him after learning about the wizarding world (although that had stopped when they arrived at Hogwarts). Ellis questioned his own actions. If he had these...special abilities, why could they never help anyone? All he had managed to do with them was hurt others.

They wallowed in self pity for a while before Harry decided he had enough. Harry dragged his brother outside on the porch and told him to sit down. Ellis complied. His brother knew that the fresh air would help both of them think clearly. They sat out there for a while.

Ellis, ever the creature magnet, attracted a variety of birds towards him. They had taken to landing wherever they could fit. Some sat on his head while others landed on his free arm (Harry was had grabbed his left one). When the twins woke up, the birds were still resting contently. Ellis had to ask all of them to leave.


The next day, Ron had confronted Harry and Ellis while they were heading to Astronomy.

"Just because Scabbers wasn't really a rat and was actually a dangerous criminal doesn't mean I'll ever forgive you!" Ron spat. He then crossed his arms and pouted, like a child. Ellis still felt terrible about killing the Animagus but wanted to roll his eyes at Ron's behavior. He didn't, for fear of invoking the rage of Gryffindor (more than he already had, anyway). Ellis didn't want Harry to be ostracized any more than he already was.

"I'm sorry," Ellis apologized with sincerity, "But seeing as you'll never forgive me, please forgive my brother. He did nothing wrong."

Ron looked like he was about to deny Ellis's plea, but he thought about the benefits of being Harry's 'friend' and accepted, "Fine."

Ellis almost sighed with relief, but Harry did not appear as pleased. He didn't want Ron as a friend, especially since Ron only seems to want to use him for his own gain. Ellis noticed this, and gave him an understanding look.

It would be alright. Harry didn't need anyone besides Ellis. As long as they were together, everything would be fine, right?

Yes, Hermione is dead. I know you'll probably give me a hard time, but it makes sense, no? Since the Golden Trio didn't become friends (infact, Ron and Harry are enemies as of now) so no one would have noticed Hermione was missing, especially since in the book, everyone always mentioned how bossy Hermione was and how she didn't have anyone outside of Harry and Ron. So yeah. Major character death.

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