
Spring Trails

Studying is not easy, naturally. We all encountered things that we didn't expect but we had to conquer in order to achieve all our goals. This story is about a highschool student named Haspen Avris who wants to finish his studies and get a good job and be financially stable. But life is not that easy. In order to have those things we dream. We never give up. Keep moving on until we reach our goals and live to the fullest.

AillSet · Realista
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1 Chs

Chapter One


Back on the time I'd rather not say when. We had this adviser that is mean and so strict. I thought if I would just sit there quietly and attentively, she may not notice me.

I was sitting in the side because we weren't allowed to sit in the back except for the sits in all front. So we're all sitting in front in an U-shaped facing the blackboard.

We're all 20 students if I'm not wrong. Our adviser is in mid 60s I think. We all kind of heard rumors that she is mean and a terror teacher so when we entered the classroom we all sat down and just look around quietly.

When the session starts I always stared at her face and looked at her eyes when she's speaking. I was practicing that to have a habit of watching someone who's speaking.

She was discussing sort of Psychosocial Supports Activities and the factors about it. And one time one of my classmate was scribbling something on her hand. Her name is Jane and she was sitting, facing the blackboard where our adviser is standing and speaking.

"You. What are you writing on you hand? What's your name girl?" She walked pacing towards Jane and leaned. "What's your name?"

Jane looked at her and the class starts laughing.

"What's your name?" She asked for the third time.

"Jane Scott." She answered lowly and base on the look she has, she was hesitating to answer.

"Miss Scott what are you writing on your hand? What's that? Huh?" She asked and back away a little to looked at Jane.

Jane lowered her hand a little that was holding a pen and looked at the teacher.

"Nothing ma'am." Jane answered.

"Nothing? What are you doing that you're that busy bowing your head. I won't continue the discussion if you don't finish that one." The teacher told her and turn back a little to looked at the class.

" It's so disrespectful! I am talking in the front and you are here, busily scribbling something on your hand. " Ma'am looked at her again and said, " Do you find my class boring Miss Scott? If you find it boring you can go outside! "

" No ma'am . " Jane is afraid and I know she was embarrassed.

" No? Tell me Miss Scott, were you forced to come here in school or was it your own will?" Ma'am looked around and asked, " Did your parents forced you to come here or was it you own will to come here?!"

Some answers  'yes' in low voice and some remained silent.

It's the first time we witness Ma'am Mera got angry.

The whole class was silent and no one dares to laugh.

The room was silent for few minutes. After, Ma'am Mera continue her discussion.

"We'll be having group activity. Group yourselves into 4 groups. Naturally each group should have 1 leader and 4 members and form a line with your group mates. Choose a Flower name for your groups then pass a ¼ sheet of paper with the name of your group and members. " She wrote something on the board.

We named our group Lily and passed the ¼ sheet of paper. She collected it and shuffle.

" Okay. Who's the leader of group Sunflower?"

" Mae Tores ma'am . "

" Tulip?"

" Nicole Perez ma'am. "

"  Lily? "

" Hazel Morrie ma'am . "

" And the last group Rose?"

" Joshpel Neviro ma'am ."

Ma'am Mera put the papers on her table then point at the blackboard.

" Group Sunflower will present a drama using the song [ The Traveler's Song ] you can search it. The drama should be long as the song. " Ma'am pointed the doorway and said, " You can practice outside but make sure not to disturb others' class. "

The group Sunflower started to go out and ma'am continue her instructions.

" As for group Tulip. Make a poem about Psychosocial Supports. The poem should consist 4-5 stanzas and should properly express the theme I've given. "

" Group Lily will have a video presentation about [  Bullying. What's the right thing to do. What do the victim needs and the possible outcome of it ]

A video presentation okay? Not a slideshow. " The teacher sternly said.

" As for the last group. Make a dance or create a dance, using the song [ Goddess of the Mountain ]. What idea you'll get from listening to it and what do you think the mood of the song. The dance should express it clearly. "

" All the groups should present it next week on Monday. It should be enough time for you to practice it. The criteria will be given on the day it will present and hopefully you'll will do a great presentation. Do you all understand? "

" Yes ma'am . " We all answered.

" Okay you can start practicing. "After she said that she left the room and we started gathering to plan what to do.


Ma'am Mera returns after an hour and few minutes.

"That's it for now. It's lunch break already you can all go." She said then immediately left.

Me and my few classmates are left in the room. I sit and looked around thinking what should we do first in the video presentation.

After thinking for a minute, my brain seem responding slowly that I can't even come up with an idea on what to do with the video.

I sighed and reach for my bag and fetch my lunchbox . Placed it on my desk and unwrapped the plastic on my spoon and starts eating.

" Ma'am Mera is so scary right?" Mae asked

" Yeah." I shortly replied then continued eating.

It's noon and it's freaking hot here inside the classroom. My head hurts and I'm sleepy. So after I finished eating. I sit there, dazing and trying to get some sleep even just a bit.

Anyways it's lunch break.