
Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

A letter from Nurmengard School of Witchcraft and Wizardry came to his door. Grindelwald has been waiting for his arrival at the school he has built. But he has also received a letter from Hogwarts about his enrollment. Two different magic schools wanted him, one run by Gellert Grindelwald himself and the other run by Albus Dumbledore. This world of Harry Potter seems a bit different from what he knew because one thing is for sure, something’s not quite right with this world. He has so many questions about it, and he’ll try about to find out the things that have been altered from the actual timeline. Chapters will be updated daily at 22:45 GMT+7! Don't forget to leave power stones and you can read up to 40 chapters ahead on [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/pokapoka Community Discord server: https://discord.gg/fUTE3bckdX

Poka_Poka · Anime e quadrinhos
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504 Chs

Chapter 464 "New School Year Begins"

"What about him??" Melanie was a little worried. After all, Capone's spell hit Henry directly.

"It'll be fine; my spell isn't good enough. Of course, it was enough for the seniors to take them away." Capone smiled. The seniors told me that they knew Mr. Wallup as well. His reputation is so high in here, so someone will definitely come to me to make a good relationship with him."

"I originally wanted to deal with Henry before they arrived, but I couldn't hold back. Even if I can't deal with them at once, I have a lot of backup plans. I'm prepared for school later if things like this happen again." Capone looked quite remorseful.

Melanie tilted her head and moved closer, "Are you going to be fine?"

Capone sighed, "Hopefully. I have been suppressing it all the time, but I am still swayed by anger, and I have been thinking for too long. There are too many opportunities for me to retaliate against him. I should quickly judge his emotional state and thoughts instead of using someone's help to take care of the problem.

Looking at Capone, Melanie patted his head.

Capone was taken aback by Melanie approaching suddenly. He took a step back, and his face flushed slightly, "Melanie?"

"Look, it's not that you're not good enough. I think you're great. Now, I'm starting to regret not learning my dad's way of speaking. Forgive me for not being able to find good sentences to praise you. But—"

Melanie looked at Capone seriously, "You are really great."

Capone's face turned red visibly, not only because of her sincere praise but also because she was too close. He could even see Melanie's eyelashes.


"Capone, don't be so pressured on yourself. It's good behavior to get used to thinking about how to do the best way of action, but there is no need for you to do it at all times. Mr. Wallup never does that. He thinks he will do better next time, not to blame himself."

Capone looked at each other in a daze, then laughed, "I see, Melanie."

"You have always been smart in my heart, even someone as powerful as Mr. Wallup taught you. But now, do we really have to think about future strategies?"

Capone nodded, "Henry will be taught a lesson by the seniors, but he is a freshman after all, and the seniors will not do too much. According to my judgment, he may have found a new plan, so when he comes to school, he may target us in the dark."

Melanie said thoughtfully, "Although you can ask Mr. Wallup for help, and those third-grade seniors should be happy to help you, you should make your own decision."

Capone clenched his wand, "Well, he has taught me for so long; this is the first test he gave me, and I want to rely more on my own strength."

"I can help, too." Melanie laughed.

Capone froze for a moment and nodded, "Sure."

"I have an idea."


"Sean, three first-grade boys were brought by a group of third-grade students." On the train that had started to slow down, Hermione said to Sean with some headaches.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"I don't know. But the boys who were brought in didn't suffer any harm, but I observed them, and they should have been hit by a spell that won't hurt their body." Hermione was annoyed.

"Didn't both sides say there was nothing wrong?" Sean asked.

"True, the first grade or the third grade said that nothing happened, and I can't ask more questions about it. You should know the leader of the third grade, a boy named Ryder."

"Ryder? I know him well. What do those first years look like? Is one of them..."

Sean described to Hermione what Henry looked like.

"He's the one who's been taught the most of the three graders. Sean, you know what's going on?"

"I can probably guess..."

Sean told Hermione about the conflict between Capone and Henry in Diagon Alley and concluded, "I assume they just wanted to sort their problems out in private, and these third graders happened to just go past them in the midst of conflict."

"That kid is kind of annoying," Hermione said, frowning unhappily, and glanced at Sean again. But he's only in the first grade, and he hasn't even been sorted. You have to talk to tell them not to do that again."

Sean smiled, "Don't worry, they would know it later."

"I also think that Sean is good at teaching people and that Ryder was doing well in the beginning," Daisy interjected.

"While Ryder is a bit arrogant, he has a good foundation and a good heart. It took me some time to correct him." Sean spread his hands.

"The benefit of being your fan, eh?" Daisy laughed.

"Thank you for your compliment, Professor Wallup's little fan." Hermione rolled her eyes at Daisy.

"You're welcome, Miss Granger, whom Professor Wallup admires."

"You guys…"

Looking at the two who were playing around, Sean smiled. He had guessed the whole scene of the matter, but Capone had never come to him so far. It seems that he is going to seriously solve and finish his first test.

"Okay, we've arrived. We have to get off."


The students were enthusiastically talking in the Great Hall. After a summer vacation, they returned to Hogwarts and saw their friends again.

"I think the two of you can get the male and female student council chairmen. Professor Flitwick must be very happy when the time comes. Both male and female student council chairmen have always been in the hands of Ravenclaw." Several classmates were encouraging the new Ravenclaw prefects, Sean and Hermione.

Sean spread his hands, "Let's just go with the flow, but I don't think there's any problem with Hermione becoming one."

"You two have always been the first and second best students, and even Sean is a teaching assistant," Sean's roommate, Michael, interrupted. Slytherin's prefect is Malfoy And Pansy, Gryffindor is Neville and Parvati, and Hufflepuff is Ernie MacMillan, and Hannah Abbott. You two have long been competitive since the beginning."

"Don't say that, and we still have two years left," Hermione said.

Even though she said that, looking at her expression, she was obviously a little moved.

Sean smiled silently. He is not very interested in the position, and when he reaches the seventh grade, he will probably have to fight against Pride later on.

While talking, the hall door opened, and Professor McGonagall walked in with the first-year students. The students consciously looked at the increasingly large group of first-year students.

They looked nervous and curious at every part of the hall, while other students looked at the new students with a sense of superiority as in previous years. This is probably a phenomenon that occurs in every school around the world.

When they stood still, the Sorting Hat grinned and began to sing. Like last year's song, The Sorting Hat seems to be emphasizing the lyrics, which emphasize the unity of students.

"No new songs for the first time," Daisy whispered.

"Probably not enough time to write one," Sean replied.

"You two, don't talk." Hermione turned her head and glared at the two of them.

Sean and Daisy exchanged their eyes and shut their mouths obediently. At this time, the new students had already begun to be sorted.

"Mike Alfonso."


The first student was assigned under the green banner, and the Slytherins gave a burst of applause. With the previous experience, Professor McGonagall accelerated the process when the number of new students increased.

One after another, students were assigned to various houses amidst warm applause and were warmly welcomed by their seniors.

"Henry Reiss."

Hearing the familiar name, Sean looked up, and Henry looked demotivated. The most interesting thing was that the row behind Henry was Melanie, and behind Melanie was Capone. The Sorting Hat didn't take much time and quickly sorted Henry's house.


The Slytherins applauded for a while, and Sean looked along and saw Henry walking straight toward Draco.

"Huh, interesting..."

"Melanie Locke."

Melanie attracted a lot of attention. She turned her head and peeked at Capone, who was behind her and quickly ran over. When she put the hat on, the Sorting Hat took some moments for the first time, and it took seven minutes before he finished his decision.


Melanie took off her hat and, let out a long sigh of relief, ran towards Ravenclaw's table with an unconcealable joy on her face. Sean clapped his hands and looked at Capone. He seemed a little nervous, and he kept pursing his lips when he looked at Melanie.

"Come here, Melanie." Daisy beckoned Melanie to come over; she sat next to Daisy and greeted the people around excitedly.

Sean leaned over to say hello, "Welcome, Melanie."

"We will be in the same house from now on, Mr. Wallup."

"It's an honor. But why didn't you go to Gryffindor?" Sean asked casually.

Melanie's eyes widened all of a sudden, "How do you know?"

Sean shrugged, "It was obvious."

Melanie's character is actually closer to Gryffindor, but she ends up in Ravenclaw, which can only prove that she bargained with the Sorting Hat and chose a house that suits Capone. Although Capone had only just sat on the stool, it was also obvious he would be sorted to Ravenclaw.

It wasn't his intention, and he didn't even say anything about it. Obviously, after learning that Sean was a student at Ravenclaw, Capone would likely be in Ravenclaw more. Melanie came to Ravenclaw to be with her friends, and Capone knew this.

Now, Hogwarts has implemented group classes. Sean has always felt that it is not important which house he is in; what is important are the things he does later.

By this time, the Sorting Hat had already made a voice.

"Ravenclaw!" Melanie immediately clapped her hands happily.

Capone scratched his head and walked over quickly. The first thing he looked at was Sean. Sean just smiled faintly and gave him a thumbs up.

Capone immediately relaxed and had time to talk to Melanie. The sorting was still going on at a fast pace, and it wasn't until the last student was sorted into Hufflepuff that the hall returned to calm.

The old man sitting at the teacher's table stood up and showed a smile.

"Welcome," he looked cheerful. The new school year has begun, and Hogwarts has new students. Before the dinner begins, I want to say a few words."

The usual opening speech went by.

"Let us begin the dinner."

After the short opening speech, the food appeared on the table, and the sound of the knives and forks was already heard.

"Professor Dumbledore looks very happy." Hermione said as she took the food.

After cutting a piece of sausage and putting it in his mouth, Sean glanced at Dumbledore and said, "Well, he looks happy."

Amidst the chatter, the delightful dinner ended with pudding, maple syrup pie, and more.

Dumbledore stood up again, "Before everyone's food rushes, I have something to explain to you before all of you go to bed."

He held out one hand to the side, "First of all, please allow me to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Alastor Moody."

Moody, with his magic eye and prosthetic limbs, stood up from his seat.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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