

Jade Parker threw on his black t-shirt followed by his favorite jacket which was black on the outside with red lining on the outside and fully red on the inside. Together with his jeans and black Nike sneakers, he thought he looked pretty good as he took a good long look in his full length mirror. It had been over a year since he last been to school and he wanted his first day back to be perfect.

"Jade, are you ready to go yet? I got your lunch all packed and placed it in your bookbag." A feminine voice yelled from outside his room door. "Just head out whenever your ready. You remember how to get there right?"

Jade smiled a little as kneeled down to quickly tie his shoe. "Yeah Aunt Aria, I remember. Thanks for all your help." He couldn't help but laugh as he stood up and checked himself over once more. "Lets make today a great one."

Jade Parker, a 15 year old high school student with a kind personality and a strong sense of right and wrong. He was just an average guy with nothing special about him, nothing unique to set him apart from others. Of course, thats if you dont count the other personality that lay dormant in him, a personality that did what it wanted regardless of rules or morals. This personality was the reason he hadn't been to school in over a year, and the reason he had been expelled from his previous school. A dangerous and unpredictable existence that he had nicknamed "Jode".

Jode was the exact opposite of Jade in almost every way. Jade hated to fight and preferred to talk it out peacefully while Jode preferred settling things with cold intelligence or straight up fighting. Jade was book smart and kind to a fault while Jode was street smart AND book smart while also being kind to only those who he felt like being kind to and a d*ck to everyone else. The two personalities disliked one another completely but they were forced to share this body whether they liked it or not and could only accept it.

For the most part, Jade was the one running the show and living everyday life. However, whenever Jade experienced a powerful negative emotion like anger or sadness, even pain or stress, Jode would come out. Once Jode was out, he would stay until someone managed to throw water into his face or he was knocked unconscious, a lame way to go out but thats how it worked.

Jade opened his door and walked out of his room, a smile on his face as he made his way though down the hall and into the living room where his aunt Arianwas currently sitting on the couch, flicking through channels. After the incident at his old high school, Jade had left Florida and moved to the Japan where his aunt Aria was living. She had been all too happy to take him in claiming that she could use the company as her husband had passed away 2 years ago.

Aria Parker, 34 years old and a twin sister to Jades mother. She looked as if she was in her mid twenties with long jet black hair that reached her waist, green eyes, and wrinkle free skin. She was easily a super model level beauty with a toned hourglass figure from regular gym workouts and all the right curves in all the right places. In all honesty, she could have probably landed any guy she wanted, but instead had chosen to remain single. It was no secret that her beauty was in fact the primary reason that Jade had even gotten into his current highschool, the principal apparently being a real pervert according to her.

Aria looked up from the TV screen as Jade walked into the living room, a smile on her face. "Well look whose all ready for his first day back in school. You look like such a lady killer!! You'll have women falling for you the moment you walk in."

Jade rolled his eyes as he picked up his bag which was actually by the couch instead of the front door like Aria had originally said. "Thanks for the kind words Aria but lets not exaggerate...at most I'll have a single female fall for me."

"Thats the spirit," Aria replied with a small laugh as she stood up from the couch. She walked forward and began fiddling with Jades hair, having to reach up as she was only 5'4 while Jade was 5'8. "Now, do you remember what we discussed? I'm sure you do but lets hear you say it anyways."

"If you feel a negative emotion, take a deep breath and talk it out," Jade said as he watched tried to back away, Aria pretty much pressing up against him. "Don't bottle up emotions or it could expose Jode. If you cant get rid of the feeling then take deep breaths, put headphones in and try to remain calm."

Aria nodded as she stepped back, giving up on fixing Jades messy hair. "Good!! Just follow that and you should do just fine. Now get out there and show that highschool the new kid in town."

Jade nodded as he slung the bag over his shoulder and gave Aria a quick hug before walking out the front door. He could feel the fresh Autumn breeze the moment he stepped out and stopped to revel in the feeling.

Aria lived in Kanazawa, the capital of Ishikawa Prefecture which was located on Japan's central Honshu island. It was a beautiful place in Jade's opinion and it made him happy that he had agreed to come live here, especially where his aunt was living which was located next to a wide river which he frequently visited. The river ran a direct course towards the school he would be going to so it was just another reason he would have to visit it.

Normally Jade would take his time walking alongside the river and admiring its beauty but as he wanted to get to school earlier to scope things out, he moved much faster then usual. The walk from his house to school would take around 3 minutes by car but it would take around 20 minutes to 30 minutes depending on how fast one's pace was. Today, Jade made it all the way to school in around 15 minutes, around an hour before the first bell would even ring.

Staring up at the two story building in front of him, Jade couldnt help but smile. He had finally made it!! His highschool days would begin from here, and he was determined to make it a good one.

//The story needs major work to be honest but I'm trying my best to flush out the characters personalities and backstories...just give it time and you'll see me improve. I won't let you down, I promise