
Spiritual Earth a world with magus and cultivation

A lost soul from earth reincarnated into a universe of cultivation and magic. He doesn't have memories from his new world and he isn't not the same person either. He is immediately involved in an annihilation of a sect and learns that only strong cultivators can survive. Later on he found out there are different races that are ruling the world. The lost earthling wants to change the rules of this world and is planning to create an everlasting legendary sect while facing schemings, hardships and traitors. The length of a chapter is at least 1500 words. Chapter releases I don’t work as an author. I try to release at least two chapters a week.

HerbsTankard · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 7: Meanwhile at the hidden assassin sect

Meanwhile, at the Hidden Assassin sect. A sect gathering. The sect master spoke to his elders and disciples to the sect loudly.

"The preparations to invade the misty mountain sect are nearly finished. At the end of the week, we will get our revenge! Our hatred runs deep down since they stole the spiritual Qi mine. Nobody will stop our middle sect from taking revenge! We have a contract with the other sects that we will split up their territory, but they won't attack simultaneously with us. That's not needed, anyway. We have some spies up to the Nascent Soul elders. They will weaken their defense formations so we can rush to their headquarters. Nobody fights their sect master besides me. He is at the Nascent Soul stage sixth realm. I am, however, at stage eight. I have an old grudge with him.

Prepare the fighting battalions near their borders. Kill every scout or disciple who is out of their range! For any more questions, talk to your responsible elder!"

The mass of people were glad to avenge their fallen brothers, sisters and disciples and roared, "War! War! War!" It was a tremulous sound. Their morality was at the peak.

Meanwhile, somewhere in a cave cellar of a sect member. "Finally, my experiment is successful. I can use magic while combining it with demon arts. These elves can try to find me now."

he laughed loud "hahaha"

"After thousands of years of painful research, generations long, I now have a necromancy spiritual root! I successfully changed my fire spiritual Qi root into a necromancy spiritual root.

I will get my avenge for my fallen family. Humans, elves, and giants they all will get a penalty. These will be my army of dead. Let's test this power out by killing mortals. After that, I'll accompany the war of the misty mountain sect. This is the perfect moment for some tests. Thanks to this necromancy's spiritual root, I'm now at the peak of Core Formation, one step before the Nascent Soul, which means I'm a Demon Lord, close to the Demon King."

The world doesn't know the shocking news. A human was able to use magic which was only able for elves, dwarfs and dragons.


"This town is big enough for my tests." He sealed the entire area with a basic formation. Mortals couldn't notice or sense a formation.

"I've counted hundreds of thousands of lives."

"let's test this" He brought three coffins of cultivators lying in there.

"Arise" suddenly the dead bodies moved on their own.

"Kill them!"

The skeletons were rushing downwards to the town.

Suddenly, screams could be heard. "ahh"

"We are under attack!" The town's bell rings.

The whole town was in an uproar. The people tried to hide themselves. There was no escaping. Dead bodies lying on the streets. You could hear explosions here and there.



These skeletons destroy houses. Walls as thick as a fortress flying through the town.

The human who was watching the scene was on the hill laughing. The despair, pain and slaughtering makes him happy. "Good, good. With this ability, I'll be able to conquer the world. Once again, the demons will rule this world!"

After some moments, there was no living being found.

"Good, my little followers. You did a great job! Three mid Core Formation cultivators are enough to get more test subjects at the misty mountain sect! But I should hide your skeleton bodies. I think I'm buying you black robes. The sect will not notice that you are actually skeletons by then. Let's unseal this area and nobody will find the culprit anyway, haha."

A group of elves detected an anomaly in the mortal town where they were heading. "Do you think a mad human had a bad day and lost one of his screws? Like how mad can someone be to kill a whole town of mortals?"

"Folduin, there are humans, after all. Their nature is to gain more power and kill innocent people. If I were my father, I would seal them on their own continent so they can kill each other. Maybe then they have the enlightenment that killing is dumb."

"Yeah, I think you are right, Princess Findir. I just want to go back to our sect, hah. Our mission to find demon cultivations and arts is long finished! I don't know why we need to stay as envoys and watch this boring continent."

Findir replied. "You never know demons are cunning. The fact that the Demon Qi was once more used is alarming. I thought we killed their roots, but it doesn't seem so. We are here."

They saw the destruction of the town. There was no structure of houses anymore. They saw only blood and broken stones lying on the ground.

Folduin was shocked by this scene "What the hell is this? Look, there are no bodies left! A sect must have done this!"

"You think so? Well, it's really weird there is no dead body here, but blood is everywhere. How devilish can someone be?"

"Princess, this is something big. We need to inform the emperor!"

"Yeah, but before that, let's look for some evidence."

They were searching the entire area.

"Princess, a formation did not do this. There must be at least three people at the mid Core Formation. They did their job spotless! I found nothing besides that."

"Hm, this is a really strange Demonic Qi. I found out that Demonic Qi was used on that hill, but no Demonic art was used."

Folduin commented. "Maybe he is controlling human cultivators?"

"That makes no sense. There would be Demonic Qi in the town!"

"We need reinforcements. I think we found a powerful Demonic King!"

They communicated to the branch sect at Lothian. "Princess, let's seal this area and wait for the elders!"

"I agree!"

At the Hidden Assassin sect.

Now that my preparations are done. I should change my name into something devilish. I think I should name myself Kazadoom the necromancer! Hmm, that's too righteous. Ah, Kazadoom, the horrible necromancer. Yeah, that's it. The first thing I want to do is go to my master's cave and kill him. This pathetic human thinks really high of himself. Now that we are at the same stage and in the same realm, I have nothing to fear!

Walking to his master's cave, he knocked at his door

His master, known as Core disciple Bolton "Drogo Ballard, what do you want?! I said to you I can't be disturbed, you ungrateful brat."

"Master, don't shout at me. I have a present for you which will allow you to progress into Nascent Soul easily!"

"Oh, really?'' How did you get that?"

"Master, I've killed someone who was in care about this herb for his master!"

"You idiot! Did you research who it was? If his master is powerful, he can kill us both!"

"Don't worry, master, I made sure that he will not come in the future!"

"How so? His disciple is dead!"

"Master, let me finish my speech! He is going to war with the misty mountain sect! He will not come for at least a week!"

"hm, this makes sense then. I'll open my cave." Drogo Ballard was heavenly smiling. Finally the heaven gives him an opportunity to ascend the next Realm. Kazadoom was preparing the three mid Core Foundation skeletons for assassination!

He opened the door.

Bolton was excited, saying, "Where is the herb? Show me it!"

"Here master" He drew his sword from the scabbard

"You!" He blocked the attack, but three skeletons were coming from their hideout

"Die Master!" a fierce battle began



You think these Mid Core cultivators are something to fear? Fools, die!

He swung with his sword into the hearts area of the cultivator next to him and the other cultivator, which was beside him he was beheaded.

"What?'' They are still standing!"

"Hahaha, Master. Let me tell you one thing before you can die miserably. You can call me in your death dreams or hell. Kazadoom, the horrible necromancer! Feel my new power! Die!"

he attacked with Demonic Qi "No!"

His soul disappeared. Only his body was there.

"Arise" dark outlines of particles were glowing at the body slowly standing up.

"Now let's go ahead to the misty mountain sect, before we fail to participate!"

He went to an elder to sign a mission.

"So, you are a peak Core Formation cultivator. Let me look at the missions. Ah, perfect you need to kill a cultivator named Black Reeves. He is a sword cultivator. Do you have any questions or are you against it?"

"No, it's wonderful!"

"Good the invasion starts in a few days, be ready and go to your position!"

"Alright elder!"

He went to his position waiting patiently while smiling. The sect members were staying away from him because he was evilly smiling the whole day which can be considered to be very strange. The sect members next to him felt uncomfortable and left him alone.