
Spiritual Earth a world with magus and cultivation

A lost soul from earth reincarnated into a universe of cultivation and magic. He doesn't have memories from his new world and he isn't not the same person either. He is immediately involved in an annihilation of a sect and learns that only strong cultivators can survive. Later on he found out there are different races that are ruling the world. The lost earthling wants to change the rules of this world and is planning to create an everlasting legendary sect while facing schemings, hardships and traitors. The length of a chapter is at least 1500 words. Chapter releases I don’t work as an author. I try to release at least two chapters a week.

HerbsTankard · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 6: Ray is a newly born cultivator!

Ray and Reeves went to Reeves cultivation cave after some hours had passed.

"Okay Ray, let's find out which spiritual root you have."

Ray stood up and said, "I'm so excited, hopefully it's something good!" she couldn't stand still as she was a little nervous.

I took a bottle of water to the table and slowly explained what she needed to do.

"You need to place your hands on this bottle of water. There are five scenarios which could occur.

If you increase the water volume size, you have a water elemental spirit root.

If you can move the leaf on the water's surface, you should have an earth elemental spirit root.

If the bottle of water gets heated, you have a fire elemental spirit root.

If the bottle of water gets destroyed, you have most likely a lightning elemental spirit root.

If the water changes the color, you have wind.

There are also two special cases that can occur. Either you have no spiritual root or you have multiple spiritual roots. Let's hope for the last case.

I'll show you this procedure with a second bottle of water."

Ray was absorbing the information she just heard. She doesn't want to miss any details.

I placed my hands on the bottle, sending some Qi to the bottle of water and waiting for the results. The color changed to purple.

"The color changed. I have the elemental wind spiritual roots. Do I fight with swords?"

"Yes, master, you are a sword cultivator, but you are inferior to your brother Graves Martell when it comes to cultivation and the knowledge about the sword."

Why does it sound like she is more inspired by Graves Martell more than me?

I coughed, "Ray, now it's your turn. Since you can't send your Qi into the bottle, I'll assist you in gathering Qi. I will place my hands on your back. Try to concentrate on the Qi which I'm sending to you and send your own Qi, which you gathered in time, to the bottle."

Ray nodded

She placed her hands on her bottle of water and tried to sense the Qi which Reeves sent.


Ray was shocked at the first moment. The bottle of water exploded!

"Good job Ray, you have a lightning elemental spirit root. That's kinda rare. let's try out if you have other elemental spiritual roots."

"It kinda shocked me that the explosion was that loud!"

"Yeah, it's also my first time to see this."

Reeves placed a fresh bottle of water on the table.

"Let's check if you have some other spiritual roots."

Ray nodded

They did the same procedure.


It exploded again.

"Hm, either you have only one elemental spiritual root, or it's impossible to find out if you have other spiritual roots. Since your lightning spiritual root is stronger."

"It's fine. I enjoy lightning. I read that if you cultivate lightning, you will be the fastest cultivator when it comes to flying!"

"I see, but there is one downside to this cultivation path. It will be more difficult than other cultivation paths. Are you sure you want to be a lightning cultivator?"

She replied with confidence, "Yes!"

"Okay, let's go to the cultivation room. I placed some mortal spiritual Qi stones in the room to fill it with spiritual Qi. Before we move to the next test, you need to get to the first realm of cultivation. I have an ordinary lightning cultivation manual for you. Sadly, the sect has nothing higher than that. Because lightning is so rare. Nearly nobody cultivates it, since it's too hard to progress. I'll help you understand the basics of the first realm."

"Does that mean I won't succeed in cultivating?"

"No, you will be just slower than others when it comes to cultivating. It doesn't matter in the early stages since there are no tribulations."

"What is a tribulation?"

"Hm, how do I describe it? In this world, you will get punished by lightning in the higher realm you cultivate. However, since you cultivate lightning itself, the intensity of this lightning is much stronger and horrifying. Without a powerful body, you will perish. The only way to survive this tribulation is with magical artifacts. Even the Nascent Soul elders are not daring to help you in these tribulations. It scares them that they will perish alongside you, if you fail."

"But we are a stronger sect with history. There must be a way to do it with no help, no?"

"I need to get some information about that. Let's focus on the breakthrough in the first realm."

Ray nodded, but she was not sad. She was already happy that she could be a cultivator!

"First, I will describe to you what Qi condensation is. Qi Condensation is the start of a cultivation journey. Without a cultivation path, you are considered as mortal. For humans, Qi Condensation is the entry realm to cultivate. First, you need to feel the Spiritual Qi, which is everywhere on the Spiritual Earth. The next step is to gather into your blood veins. If the Qi Condensation stage is higher, you gather faster Spiritual Qi. Each realm has minor stages divided by early 0-4, mid 5-6, late 7-8, peak 9-10.

Now let's do this in practice. This cultivation manual describes you need to focus on yellow dots that are somewhere in this room. Try to sense these dots. Go into a meditation position and close your eyes."

Saying nothing further, she sat down in a lotus position and closed her eyes to meditate.

While Ray was meditating, Reeves read other cultivation manuals he brought from the library.

Hours have passed.

Ray was sensing dots with different colors flying through the room. Blue, red, yellow, brown, purple. She tried to focus on the yellow dots. Slowly they were gathering at her, moving around. She couldn't see anything else. The yellow dots got denser. The next step was to absorb them somehow.

Again some hours passed.

Now she could absorb the yellow dots. Slowly they went into her blood veins. Her body was slowly changing and some black silk was pushing outside of her body. After a few moments, she broke through the first stage at Qi condensation. An overwhelming power was nearly out of control. She tried to stabilize this new power. Her whole body was sweating. It scared her she would explode, but finally she stabilized it.

She opened her eyes and sighed. "Wow, this power feels so surreal. It's like I could destroy mountains. I need to inform master Reeves that I did it!"

walking outside to the room searching for Reeves, she finally found him lying in his bed reading some books.

She shouted loudly. "Master! Master! I finally succeeded. I'm finally a cultivator!"

She tried to hug Reeves, but he could block it.

"Well done. Before you hug me, take a bath. You smell awful from this black silk on your clothes."

"Oh, sorry, I totally forgot about that, haha. I'll take the bathroom then!"

I was wondering when she finally broke through to the entry realm. Twelve hours have passed since then! At least she did it. Now we can do the second test after she took a bath!


Ray ran to me at her fastest speed and hugged me. Suddenly, her lightning ability was attacking me.


"Ray, did you actually attack me with lightning?"

"Sorry, master, I can't fully control the power of lightning." Ray went silent, and she didn't know what to say.

"This is terrifying. It melted my sect robe!"

Reeves sighed." Forget it. It's only a robe now. We can finally start the second test. Let's go to the cultivation room."

Ray nodded happily, forgetting the accident before.

"I'm now placing some mortal spiritual Qi stones to fill the room with Qi again. The next test is simple. Try to gather this Qi as fast as you can. You have a time limit of 1 hour. I will close this door and come back in one hour! Let's wait until the room is filled."

Ray could feel that the room was filling up with Qi. 'I'm so excited. Cultivation is a lot of fun. These yellow dots are fascinating. I wonder if I can somehow manipulate these yellow dots.'

"Master, the room is filled up with spiritual Qi. Can I go into the room now?"

"Yes, remember, try to absorb as fast as you can!"

"Yes, Master!" She went into the cultivation room an hour later. Reeves went to the cultivation room.

He was shocked. There was no spiritual Qi anymore! That means she has a high aptitude for cultivation!

Ray woke up from mediating and asked."Was this good Master?"

"Yes, Ray, you have exceeded my expectations by far! In the following days, you will cultivate nonstop at this cultivation cave and I don't want to hear any excuses why you don't want to cultivate anymore! You have been blessed with a high aptitude!"

Ray confidently agreed with Reeves." Yes Master. I'll try my best to progress further! It is a lot of fun, though it's astounding how the yellow dots are moving faster than others."