

This is a world of heartache and pain. Most horrors hide in the shadows while the one that think whom know pain only scratch the surface. It all starts with a single tear of a single man strung from the roof by his intestines. Blood drips from his face as people look in horror in the city streets below. Oh the humanity. The quant release of death as the life left his eyes. His cut body fell from the flag pole and slammed to the ground with a splashy this. A giant monster towers over the people. Its growl. Its teeth. Its bloodlust. All of these were not forgotten by the people at the floor of the city. They screamed in terror as the creature shook the ground. The building toppled.

"Jesus Christ," A man on a building near the attack. He stands with three others.

"What the fuck is going on," the other man said.

"Losers let it get this bad?" The woman said.

"Ready to head out, Owen?,"

"Hell yeah, Trent"

"Focus, You two," Emily said to her teammates.

"Let's send this bastard back to hell," Trent said with a smile.

"not really hell," Owen said. They jumped from the roof and pushed off the building. their arms glowing as colored, transparent weapons appeared in their hands. Owen had a sword and shield. Trent had an battle axe and Emily had a mace and a shield. They jumped from wall to wall until Owen finally slashed at the monster. the creature screamed. Trent landed another blow. Emily finished it with one last slam straight through it's head. The creature bellowed and disappeared into pieces. The team stood from the rubble and walked through the dust and haze of broken building.

"That was way too close," Trent said.

"Oh, quit your whining," Emily said.

"Mission accomplished," Owen said with a smile.