
Hidden Truth

The street of Avalon was filled with smells of cigars. Trash filled the streets and the smoke was heavy, making it harder to get to places. The few trees that were around did not have leaves, they seemed to be barely alive. The dark and gloomy atmosphere make it seem like the world was about to be set on fire any moment, however, it did not stop the adults and children from rushing and trying to get to their destinations. It almost seemed like a perfectly peaceful world. Everyone had places to go. Perhaps, a 50 years of peace treaty had brought back to what they now called somewhat normalcy.

The cold air forced everyone to move at a faster pace. I grabbed my bags on the bench quickly to not fall behind as the nearly impossible red broken headlights bus pulled up. The number which I could easily recall, was 324 pulled up to the broken stop sign. It looked like it was about to fall any second now.

There were only 5 buses in the area and this was the one I had been riding since I was a child.

"Morty high school aboard now" The driver, Mr. Ward, who was impatient bald, and small shouted. Well, I guess he had to take out his anger somehow. Imagine being short and bold at 25, seemed like a double homicide that I hope would not occur to me.

"Becky," a squeaky voice shouted from behind. Without turning my head, I could guess who it was.

I forced myself to close my eyes and did everything to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"Should I stab these wicked human?"

Sparks, Behave.

Sparks was a tiny spirit inside of me, and she was the best and the worst thing in my life. From the moment I was born, I always felt her in me. Although my mother always told me to take medicine to suppress her her presence in me, she was strong enough to be not affect by them anymore.

Although my mother and I were scared that get caught, we had manage to survive an even gain some respect. Especially, due to the connections we had gained through the Azaleas.

I turned around, and pulled out the biggest fake smile. Perhaps, because I was so used to faking everything, I bet it looked super genuine. That was one of the reason I was able to survive in these cruel world where I did not belong.

Waving back at her, I shouted, "Gabby, come quick!"

Gabriel Azalea, the perfect daughter. A person who's beauty, talent, and intelligence blew everyone away. She was perfect, expect the fact she was not. And I was forced to play the role of her "friend". Although I disliked her from her snaky and quirky two face personality, being her friend provided some protection as well as information. My mom, Mary, specifically told me to be her friend.

She attracted everyone attentions as eyes around the cities began to stare at her. I wouldn't blame them. Her being a Azalea, which was the head-clean of humanity, was not the only reason people looked. Her wavy body and a height that was not too short or too tall. The rarest combinations with red hair and green eyes.

Oh not even to mention, her perfect sense of style. Even I have to admit, the girl knew how to dress. With her short white tank top and yellow skirt that barely went down and covered her. She certainly wanted attention and knew how to get it.

On other hand, I had shoulder length brown hair with brown eyes. Guess you could say "average". My sense of style compared to her, was throw on a shirt and pant and call it a day. Well, maybe it would be a different story if I was rich as her.

As I waited, Gabriel rushed to greet me and hugged me from behind, "Let's go Becky!".

I wanted to turned around and throw a punch in her face. My name was Elizabeth Hawkins, but my mother would called me Becky. Only my mother and sometimes my spirit. It was my secret nickname, that give me a sense of belonging, but now she was using it whenever she pleased since she overheard my mom calling out to me two months ago.

Before moving forward, she paused.

Suddenly pausing, she took a deep breath, sniffing the air around me. "You smell awful, when was the last time you took a bath, loser?" She laughed as I clenched my fists, resisting the urge to react.

Everyday, she always added a snarky comment as an attempt to "joke". She's wasn't navie, there was no way she did not realize how much it hurt my feelings.

Do not give her a reaction.

Although I knew she was "joking", I couldn't help but wince. Do not her a reaction I firmly reminded myself again.

I could hear sparks angry rise up; "I'm going to kill these bxtch,"

Sparks, I warned again, you need to hold it.

Without giving me a second to respond, Gaberial pushed me onto the bus. Mr.Ward, who's angry could be seen through his face, glared and sneered, "I ain't got all day, get on".

I bit my lips and smiled awkwardly and hurried to sit down as the students on the bus turned to glare at me for making them wait.

Suddenly, I felt Sparks tapping into my brain.

S: Hypocrite! Why do they always blame you B?

B: Because I don't have any power in the city, and I'm her lackey. And its not like they can yell at her, she's the leader's daughter. Why are you acting like these? You already know the answers.

S: We can change that, we can destroy them. Just let me help you!

B: And then them know I'm a monster?

I could feel Spark's hurt as I said those words, but at that point I just wanted to be left alone. She was being dramatic and she knew we couldn't change anything.

Letting them know I wasn't human was NOT the solution to these problem. It was solution to straight suicide. Not only would they kill me, they would kill my mother .

B: Sparks, leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you right now

I pushed her out of brain and silenced her. For now, I didn't want to her her whinny and stupidity.

"Mr. Wands, sorry I woke up late," Gabriela beamed as she followed behind.

I clutched my teeth from making a snarking comment towards everyone who was looking at her in awe. They were forgetting the fact that not only does she cause the bus to go late, she's always has a split personality and literally bullies people.

I sat down near the very back of the bus, where not many people dared to sit as they knew that was our place.

"Bestie, I was just joking early! You're not mad right?"

"Of course not, Gabby!" I smiled gently and motioned her to sit down next to me as I know she would.

Siting besides me, Gabriela open her mouth as she started to get ready to spread the latest news. She felt the most comfortable sharing it with me, as she had sworn confidence in my loyalty. The years of working hard showed fruits.

Gabriela whispering, "Guess what I overheard my dad talking about".

I could hear my stomach turning. My eyes narrowed, and I gulped. It was not often when Gabriela shared information, but when she was... it was due to the fact it was horrible.

I softly laughed and said, "the end of the spirit seekers?

She giggled hearing my response. Her sinister eyes could not be hidden, even when the sun light start shining through the window at us.

"Not yet, but the Azelea's are preparing a mass-upcoming killings towards the hidden monsters inside our community, this beautiful Aztec community will finally be CLEAR"

Chills spreads throughout my body as I processed her words. A mass-killing?

"But isn't it impossible to detect them? Isn't that why we are having a hard time processing and killing them out of her?'

A smirk crept across Gabby's face as she heard my question. She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a deadly hush,"Here the thing, my father the head of Azalea's have developed a weapon, they're calling it the "Psych test. They have tested and it has worked. They have killed over 50 people in the government. "

I bite my tongue hard, and tried hard to control my frightened expression. My heart pounded in my chest, fear rising like a tidal wave.

As I received this horrifying revelation, we arrived at school. Mr. Ward, eager to get moving, barked, "Alright, everybody out!"

Before I could question Gabby further, she was already exiting the bus. I followed closely behind, my mind racing.

As we left the bus, Morty High School was nothing short of overwhelming. A quick scan of the crowd revealed faces reflecting all shades of emotions: joy, frustration, anticipation, and a certain degree of dread. That dread was now a shared sensation, thanks to the confidential news Gabriela had just dropped on me.

Upon entering the school premises, the sight of the massive brick building intensified the chill running down my spine. Its old charm was long gone, replaced with a grim and imposing presence that seemed more appropriate for a prison than a school.

Gabby and I made our way through the crowd, effortlessly drawing the attention of students who admired her looks and status. She waved to a group of cheerleaders, receiving a chorus of adoring giggles in return. Gabby reveled in the attention, her eyes sparkling, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. As for me, I was just the quiet shadow trailing behind her.

Suddenly, she nudged me, "Look! There's a gathering at the notice board. Shall we check it out?"

There was no time to reply as she dragged me through the crowd. A good amount of students was gathered around the notice board, their faces filled with curiosity and apprehension. As we approached, people began to move away to let us through. I noticed a new announcement, printed on a bold, scarlet sheet.

"The Psych Test: Ensuring a Cleaner and Safer Morty High, conducted by Azaleas"

So, it was real. The school was facilitating the extermination of hidden monsters, and I was going top on their hit list soon. A wave of nausea swept over me, and for a second, I thought I might pass out.

Sparks finally broke her silence, "What are we going to do, Becky?"

I took a deep breath, trying to stay composed. "We lay low, Sparks. We can't afford to draw any suspicion."

"We could always fight back..." Sparks offered, but her voice lacked conviction. She knew the consequences as well as I did.

"That's not an option, Sparks," I replied, looking at the delighted faces of my peers. They were all unaware of the impending doom for those of us hiding among them.

As the school day trudged on, it became increasingly difficult to focus on anything else. Lectures on physics and history seemed stupid to learn compared to the looming Psych Test. Gabby was no help either. Every chance she got, she spoke about how brilliant her father was, developing a tool that could cleanse the community of the 'monsters.'

As the final bell rang, a wave of relief washed over me. I could finally escape the claustrophobic environment and let my guard down. However, that relief was short-lived. Gabby grabbed my arm, her grip firm.

"Bestie, we have a meeting at my house on the 3rd of these month. The Azaleas are introducing the Psych Test to a few. You're coming, right?"

I stared at her, my heart pounding against my chest. This could be a death sentence. But I nodded anyway, forcing a smile. "Of course, Gabby."


Hey guys, the author here! Thank you for taking a second to check our my story. If you liked it please support me by liking and commenting <33

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