
Spirit Martial Artist (DD)

Spirit Martial Artist Reynold Westwood, a maniac of martial arts, a strong supporter of harems and a lover of maids, fills up an internet survey and ends up in Spirit Land! In a place where cultivation is real and practising stuff can make you possibly achieve real Godhood. He decided its time to put his expertise into practice. Unleashing a multitude of martial arts from Boxing to Tai Chi and Kung Fu to Spearmanhip Reynold Westwood now Xue Long, Fourth Prince of Heavenly Duo Empire is out to become Dragon God of Martial Arts with help of his Golden Dragon King Martial Spirit! Oh... And he will have that harem of maids! Additional Tags: Extreme AU, Madlad Mc, Absurdly Op Martial Arts techniques, Harem, OP MC, Elements from other Soul Land series (girls, Spirit beasts, Martial Spirits) adventure, gore, My Discord link: https://discord.gg/56SVYQexDJ

Dragon15681 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Bringing the Beasts home!

As Xue Long picked up Zi Ji the emerald Swan flew over and landed on the knocked-out Purple-haired dragoness. Moments later luminous glow enveloped the knocked-out Great Beast.

"No wonder she wanted the bird back. It can heal! Those are extremely rare. This bird would make a great Spirit Ring for any Healing Auxiliary Spirit Master!" Snake Lance Douluo said with awe.

Honestly, the old man is surprised how many rare spirit Beast pop up around the Prince! Is his Martial Spirit truly such a powerful magnet!?

"That's my Ke'er bird you talking about Uncle Snake."

The Titled Douluo quickly shut up after remembering that!

"Long is right. It's my future Sister-in-law no funny thoughts about this beautiful swan!" Qian Renxue said with a serious tone as well. 

"Right! My apologies Saintess! My Prince!" 

"I believe keeping swan like this is even better, you can hold it and the spirit beast will be able to heal you as long as you need. While Spirit Master won't be able to stay around for long." Dugu Bo said that with a thoughtful look. Now that this whole trend of keeping Spirit Beast around started to pop up he was forced to think around those lines as well. Since his Granddaughter wants one as well…

"Old Poison is right! Anyway! we should get back to the city I have no doubt another Great Beast could appear since the fight was quite destructive." Snake Lance quickly changed the theme of the conversation as he realise he touched the nerve of the Prince and the Prince's 'Guardian Angel' like a ferocious animal rushed to join his side.

Though he will never going to say that to Saintess's face that he sees the girl like that!

"You are right. We need to go. We spend too long here as it is. You two will be carrying my maids." As the Fourth Prince said that his dull gold wings appeared on his back.

Though about 'destructive' battle it's quite an understatement…

Well, it was 'destructive' for Zi Ji's organs as she nearly died from a total of four strikes… 

The fighting style itself was built around destroying the enemy, not the surroundings. Unlike Diamond Fist which brings the crushing force of the fists. Tai Chi Boundless Fist is about provoking the enemy and attacking the enemy's vulnerable areas.

Thus why the dragoness could only take four hits before she was one step away from the grave.

Each attack targeted vital areas while using the enemy's movement against them. It's a huge step up from the Shaolin fighting style in difficulty. The mental aspect has to be taken into large amount of consideration.

One needs to focus on the enemy AND your body positioning. Because if you fail even on one aspect you will going to get hurt instead of hurting your enemy. 

This is why Xue Long taught only a few girls of Tai Chi or the Boundless Fist. Though both need to be trained separately before the styles can merge. Creating one of the most dangerous arts known to him.


Di Tian observed the whole fight from some distance. He was ready to join and save Zi Ji the moment he would spot that it was a battle for her Spirit Ring and Spirit Bone.

But then he realised that this was Golden Dragon King and that Bi Ji was in her beast form trying to pass as a regular swan…

"These two are reckless as ever. Well, at least Her Excellency will have some assistance as the way I see it Golden Dragon King is head and half above in strength compared to her current form."

Truthfully Di Tian had some treacherous thoughts on this. Golden Dragon King IS the other half of his Lord. This means it's his lord just as much as the Silver Dragon King is!

On top of it all, it is the Golden Dragon King's influence that alot of Spirit Beasts live with humans now! The amount of pointless killing has dropped significantly. 

That just shows that Golden King is already helping them even though he is a human Prince!

This is why he is having an internal battle on the whole idea of Silver Dragon King consuming the Golden King and becoming the next Dragon God.

Though… from what he saw so far… Golden Dragon King is in the lead far more than his Silver Lord.

"Thankfully she asked us not to interfere in her fight. She didn't say anything about him finding US…" The man shook his head before disappearing back to the core of the forest. 

He needs to tell other beasts not to recklessly approach the Golden Dragon King. 

And… tell Bi Ji followers that their leader is fine. That swan has far too many die-hard beasts follow her.

~~~~~~Later, Back at Royal Palace~~~~~~

The royals looked shell-shocked when they saw that the Fourth Prince has brough a 100 thousand-year-old Spirit Beast home!

"I am 270 thousand-year-old Abyss Demon Dragon. My name is Zi Ji." The dark purple-haired Dragoness said that with a subdued tone.


After being crushed in a fight like that there was no more arrogance in her behaviour. At least when she is around the Prince. 

Her judgment was clouded. No one who has Golden Dragon King as Martial Spirit will be weak or anything like that. Though seeing how Bi Ji was taken away like this made her behave unreasonable.

"S-Son how did you…" 

Xue Long showed the Emerald Swan which he had holding in his hands.

***Shocked Gasp***

"This for Ke'er. This beast is extremely talented in healing and it's a swan! Even it will fit quite nicely with her blonde hair as well." As he said that his little sister who was sitting next to the Empress could not control herself and dashed forward to hug her brother.

"It's SOO pretty! I will take care of her! I promise!!!" 

Honestly the Emerald Swan for a second an issue of being crushed in a hug when the girl wanted to hug the Prince and her in-progress…

Thankfully she is a 560 thousand-year-old beast…

Though the moment she was handed over the little Princess started to pamper Bi Ji. She walked back to ther seat and put the bird on her lap and started to stroke the feathers gently.

Zi Ji who saw this could only roll her eyes. Pretending to be a little pet bird? Seriously? Is that your grand plan!?

Then… the pair of Grand Beasts were washed over by extremely positive energy their gaze snapped towards the doors where they saw a Golden Lion entering the main hall.

Wang Qiu'er smelled how her beloved food provider has returned home and she needed to see him with her own eyes.

Quickly she walked over and started to snuggle into him. Brushing herself around him. Xue Long gently stroked her fur. 

Earning several positive purrs from her.

"T-This is…" Zi Ji's eyes bulged out she nearly said Auspicious beast but she hold herself back.

"Qiu'er she is my lion. I found her as an extremely small lion cub and brought her back with me. She is my lioness." Xue Long explained to her as he continued to stroke the fur.

The Purple-Haired Dragoness tried to process how did he raise this lion so quickly! Why they didn't sense one of the Emperor's birth!? And how did this human get this lion so docile!? 

However, now she found another reason why she needs to be here! 

Same with Emerald Swan who was looking with a calculating gaze at the Golden Lion.

"Well. Son. You got quite a catch this time. As far as I know, you are the very first human who has captured a Great Beast."

"Indeed! My nephew is the greatest talent this continent has ever seen! I think another statue is in order! What do you think Royal Brother?" Xue Xing asked his older brother who is the Emperor.

"Hmm. Indeed! You even broke through to Spirit Sage didn't you?" 


As he said that his Spirit Rings appeared. All Seven of them…



"They all have turned into gold!" 


"What does this mean!?"

"So pretty!" Though Xue Ke was more interested in how pretty those rings looked…

Though the pair of Great Beasts looked with slightly widened eyes. As they sensed the raw pressure coming from them…

These were not regular rings… nope! They were blood rings same as The Silver Dragon King has. However, her's are disguised.

"Yes. I suppose my Martial Spirit showing its true potential." 

They all easily accepted this. There is no reason for them to doubt him. After all the stronger the Prince is the better is for the Empire.

"Yes. I suppose this is the reason. Now on more pressing matters." Emperor Xue Ye motioned for his son to sit.

He did that on the couch sure enough his Fiance and the lion followed after him. 

Xue Long tried to ignore how the ghostly Tang Wutong inspected the Emerald bird in Xue Ke's hands and then looked at Zi Ji as well.

"As you have left to the Star Dou forest right after I told the news few things have happened. 

For one. Both your brothers decided to forfeit their claim to the throne.

This makes you my Heir and the Crown Prince."

What the Emperor said was something Xue Long knew… all along. All of his brothers were completely cowards and degenerates when it comes to luxurious life. They are complete waste who have a rose-tinted view of everything.

"I see… I suppose I will have to delegate some time to learn a few things?" He said with a sigh. 

"It's not too much. You already doing a splendid job! Few appearances as Crown Prince will be enough. Not many people can say anything to you!"

His words made Qian Renxue slightly snort in amusement. Who possibly will have the gall to say anything to her Fiance? He captured and EVEN tamed a 270-thousand-year-old Great Beast which is a Dragon!

And then his cultivation level… but then again she doesn't need to tell that. His achievement speaks better than the cultivation level…

"I see… well we can discuss that when my next public appearance will be needed of me. Until then I need to do other things."As he said that he got up from the seat. He was followed by his lioness and Fiance. The Dragoness who were standing behind him the whole time started to follow him as well.

The way it looked was that his faction was growing bigger by the day… and the only thing he was doing is practising his martial arts…

How strange is that?


Zi Ji who was sitting outside in the middle of Martial Field was enjoying herself while basking in heavily concentrated Spirit Energy.

She could feel how she was getting stronger just from standing there.

" I do apologise for roping you in like this." A familiar female voice said that as the Dragoness saw a woman with emerald hair walking over. 

It was a slender beauty dressed in emerald feather-like robes and had pair of smart-looking glasses as well.

"However, after seeing the Prince's cultivation domain and his ability to overcome Golden Dragon King's rage, it was something I needed to learn and observe in more detail." 

The Dark Purple-Haired Dragoness slightly snorted in amusement. 

"Shouldn't you be with your Princess? What would happen if she notice that you are not with her?" Zi Ji asked with a teasing tone.

The Emerald Swan blushed for a second and looked away. Being treated like a cute pet by a small girl makes her uncomfortable and same time a little bit curious about how human children behave.

"She is asleep and I only left by making sure she is in deep sleep. I will return to her in the morning." 

The Abyss Demon Dragon slowly nodded at her and instead wanted to ask about something else.

"That Golden Lion… it's an auspicious beast, isn't it? For humans to have such…beast. What kind of nonsense is it!"

"It is. It's a Three-Eyed Golden Lion. There is some… connection between Golden Lion And Golden Dragon King. I am to a small extent certain that he gave some of his blood to the lion. So this means that the Beast's potential is practically unlimited." 

"I see…" 

It appears… her interference cost her a huge defeat. Yet, she got quite a bit out of it as well! Her growth speed was magnified many times just by being here!

Not to mention the prince wants her to learn how to fight. What there is not to like here?


My Discord server for advanced chapters:


Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel.