
Spiderman: Blood On Webs

Peter Parker in the world of heros and villains...

Eremei · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 8 [ Secrets ]


Gwen and I both walked out of the apartment and went to the giant rooftop of the Penthouse.

"Well that was something."

She said with an sarcastic tone

"I am sorry I thought he was going to arrest me at some point..."

"Nah, I wouldn't let him arrest you...but I am kinda curious too...why are you defending Spider-Man so much...and what happened to your face. It looks like..."

"I am going to tell you something"

I cut her off.


She said with a cute chuckle.

'Should I really tell her who I am...Maybe if I tell her that I am Spider-Man she will get in danger...or maybe she will tell her father about me...no no no Gwen would never do that. So many good reasons to not tell her but I want to so bad...but why...why do I want her to know...'

I tried to speak up but the words where stuck in my mouth...after a few good seconds of changing my sight at Gwen and the floor of the rooftop I spoke up.

"I've been bitten..."

I was confused myself of what the hell I just said. It didn't make sense but then...

"So have I..."

She answered with a gentel smile as she looked me in the eyes and slightly tilted her head while the smile faded and her face was expressing lust and affection. The same face Wanda Maximoff made an hour ago.

She started smiling again.

"Ok....Ok, ok , ok I got to tell you this one thing...this one thing and it is about that vigilanty and the car thief..alright?"


She said with a little dissapointed voice as she looked down.

I noticed it and was a little ashamed of myself.

"Ok no. Forget that I am not going to talk about that...I am going to talk about me..ok?"

"What about you?"

"Its imposs...I wish I could just...I can't..it is hard to say..."

"Just say it..."

She whispered as if she was already having an answer to what I was going to tell her.

"Say it..."

She said again.

I leaned at the edge of the rooftopp looking down at the people walking on the street.

A looked at her shook my head and looked down again.


She walked away but before she could take more than 4 steps I catched her waste with my web and pulled her towards me and as she was turning like a ballerina in my direction.I catched her and hold her by her waist as she was holding me with one arm gently touching my right chest and one grabbing my jacket.

She looked at me with a confused and shooked face.

"What the...you...you.."

Before she could say another word I kissed her...my first kiss but...it felt like heaven...she kissed me back and as I broke our kiss...she looked at me again with a confused and shooked face..We both know being head on head...

"You're Spider..."

"Shut up."

I again cut her off with a kiss...as we heard a women from the distance calling Gwens name. It was her mother.

I tried to break the kiss but I was too late.


She grined.

"Your father wants you to come in right away."

"Ok...yeah....I'm coming "

She went off and as her mother went inside again she looked at me and laughed like she witnessed something incredible...my ego wanted the kiss to be the incredible thing but I knew that it was the fact that I told her who I am.

I wanted to walk right behind her as my sense went off.

I looked at the skylines of New York and i felt that something wasn't right. I heard many sirens and I knew right away that something terrible is happening. I concentrated my sense and I could hear, when only a little but I could her gun shoot's.

Gwen stopped before the door. And looked at me as I jumped of the rooftop.

Gwen Stacy was standing there watching Peter jumoing of a Penthouse rooftop like it was a casual thing for him to do. The only words could say were"

"Oh..I am in trouble..."


I swung to the window of Gwens room took my backpack and swung to the nearest alley I could find while being careful that nobody saw me. I landed in one and changed my outfit put on my mask and swung away.

I follwed the police cars as I saw a giant barricade before a giant house with at least 40 men protecting it with shotguns, ak's and normal glock's. I got near to the building as I realized...the house belonged to Fisk. But Fisk is greasing almost 60% off the cops in New York. Did someone leaked something so terrible about him that the police couldn't overlook. Something that even corrupted cops couldn't let go...

Well time to find out.

I wanted to get inside the house to confront KingPin but I realized that the Cops were enormously in disadvantige. There were not only fewer men but they didn't even come close to having as much firepower as KingPins footmen.

'Alright I will take down a few. Maybe Daredevil will come to make it easier for me....on the other hand...'

I smiled under my mask.

'I always liked smashing bugs...and if he is not here there a more for me....'


Next time: Chapter 9 KingPin vs Spider-Man

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