
Spiderman: Blood On Webs

Peter Parker in the world of heros and villains...

Eremei · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 11 [ Bounty ]


Gwen and I were sitting on the football stands. It was lunch time and she wanted to talk about last night. I took a small glass bottle from my backpack and gave it to Gwen. Inside of that bottle was the spider that bit me on the neck.

She held it underneath the sun so she could have a good look at it.

After a couple of seconds of staring she finally spoke up.

"It's beautiful.."

"It knows how to bite tho.."

I responded. She gave me a gently smile.

"Who else knows about this ?"

I looked at he and smiled.

"Just you..."


She said with an sweet expression.

I nodded. But at the same time I was suprised how easy it was for me to lie to her. I couldn't tell her about the Avengers. I don't want her to be dragged to much into my world. For now I will just be the regular Spider-Man to her. No more and no less.

"Hey... you don't believe what the police are saying do you?"

Her expression now was a little serious.

"Of course not."

I was really happy to hear that.

"Does it scare you ?. What you can do ?."

I put on my fake smile again.


Oh that was perhaps the biggest lie I told her. Yes it does scare me to know that I could easly kill a man if I didn't pull my punch. However... It is also some kind of ensurance...to know how much power you really have if you are fighting stronger opponents.

"You know... After you jumped of my roof and I explained to my mother why you needed to leave, I turned on the TV and saw the news. A big shootout between the police and criminals. And then I saw Spider-Man taking on those criminals all by himself...I don't understand why you are doing this... I mean...helping people is a good quality but if it is so dangerous..."

"I know what you are trying to say but... those people would have died...so I gotta help them."

She slightly tilted her head and I could see on her face that she was definitly concerned.

"Thats not your job..."

I too tilted my head.

"Maybe it is..."

'I need to change the topic..'

"Listen...about last night...you know the kiss..."

"What about it ?."

She teased me.

"Well..we kinda got interupted.."

I leaned in as she did too and we kissed.

We broke the kiss and looked each other in the eyes as the bell rang.

"I need to go...or I will be late for class"

She whispered.


I whispered back and we both stood up.

"What do you have now...?"

She asked.

"I have a free period."

"Alright. See you later then."

She smiled, waved and walked away.


'So many years...so many years of building my empire...and THAT BUG DESTROYED IT...my lifes work...'

"Mr. Fisk ?. Sir, are you listening to me."

Wilson Fisk looked at the other side of the table. A man in a blue suit who appears to be his lawyer sat across him. His name was Winston.

"The police found evidence for your doings. They confiscated the money they found in your mansion, sir. But the money you have on the banks in Peru, Spain, Thailand, China and Russia is still there. However....after the police left the mansion, I myself went to your office and..."

"And what?!"

The Lawyer sighed.

"The drive is gone..."

Fisk balled his hands and on his forehead you could see a vein that slowly emerged because of his anger.

Before he snapped he managed to calm himself down as he took a deep breath.

"Spider-Man?" he asked.

Winston took out a briefcase in which he had a laptop. He opened it, started it as he continued talking.

"Thats what I thought too...but when I checked the hidden camera on your desk this is what I found."

On the sreen of the laptop Fisk saw Spider-Man talking to a woman in a black suit who held the drive in her left hand.

"She is called the Black Cat. A bugler who steals from rich man and she is only active in Manhatten."

Fisk sighed.

"How soon can you get me out of here ?"

"Soon, sir. We are working on it as fast as we can. We already bribed 70% of the guards in this prison including the people who control the cameras in here of course."


"Winston. I want you to make a call. The number is in my appartment in Los Angeles. In my safe is a card with a number on it. You will call that number. The front site of the card says "Mr. Nikolaevich Kravinoff". You will call him and just say Spider-Man and Black Cat. After that you will say: "50 million for each one". And the you will hang up."

"As you wish, Sir. But, Sir...who is this man excatly if you don't mind me asking ?"

Fisk stood up and before he turned around to go to his cell he said with a smile on his face:

"Kraven...The Hunter"


Peter was walking in the school hallway as he saw Dr. Connors going out of the entrance. He walked faster to catch up to him.

"Dr. Connors. Hello, Sir."

"Peter Parker..." he said with a smile on his face.

"Are you leaving this school, sir."

He kept smiling

"As you now I only was here for a few lession to aspire people to come to Oscorp. And as much fun as it was, I have to go too my real job."

Both of them walked to a car with a butler standing before it

"Well I will miss you here, sir."

Peter said.

The Doctor let out a gently laugh. He looked at Peter and thought for a minute...

"Peter how about you visit me in my lab in Oscorp next Friday ?"

Peter was hesitating for a moment but kept his smile on.

"It would be a honor, sir"

Connors smiled.

"Alright then..till Friday."

He got on the backseat in the car and the car drove away.

Peters smile faded.

'Back to where it all started huh...'

He looked at the palm of his hand.

'Well..I can't run forever now can I....'

Peter was lost in his thought as his phone rang, dragging him back to reality. An unknown number...

Peter answered.

"Hello ?"

"Peter Parker. This is Nick Fury. I believe Stark did tell you about me."

'Holy fuck.....'

"Yes, sir he did."

"Good. I would like to meet you. Tomorrow 6pm. See you then."

"But..wait you didn't tell me where..."

Before Peter could finish his sentence Nick Fury hung up.


Peter again was lost in thought as his Spidersense started kicking. He quickly turned around and catched a hand that was aiming his head with not so much speed. As he catched the hand he pulled the person towards him ready to fight as he saw a beauty looking at him.


She blushed and he quickly let her go.

"Wha...what was that you creep."

She asked with a shaking voice.

"I'm sorry...I didn't knew it was you.."

"Whatever...lets go now..."

'Of fuck that's right...today is Friday...I forgot that I have to study with her...'

"Yeah...sorry I just thought we would meet there..."

"Shut up and lets hurry."


'What a bitch. Becoming friends with her might be positive though. Her father is rich after all. Even though Mr.Stark would give Spider-Man enough money he wouldn't give so much to Peter Parker. People would ask too many questions. But knowing her father, who is an A Class businessman...it could turn out quite helpful in the future. I would like to know how he got so rich.'


NEW YORK CITY, 07.09.2012

"Things are never gonna be the same...I mean look at this..."

A construction worker, in his mid 30s, was showing a painting, that looked like it was painted from a child, to his coworker.

The painting showed Manhatten in the back and 5 individuals that represented the Avengers and above them a giant blue and black coloured hole.

"This painting has aliens and a big green guy tearing down buildings. When I was a kid I used to draw Cowboys. Tell you what though...Painting ain't that bad,is it?"

"Well yeah...your kid got a future Mr.Toomes."

The coworker responded.

"Yeah well...we will see I guess..."

As he looked up and saw a giant alien worm with a metall armor that has crashed in a building. Several construction workers were tearing it apart.

As Adrian Toomes walked trough the damaged building and saw a coworker trying to rip something from the giant alian apart.

"No...hey...these alien bastards are too tough. You gotta use the stuff they use. To rip thing from their armor apart. Alright?"

"Alright, Sir."

He continued to walk the building as he saw one of his workes coming in with a cup of coffee.

"Hey hey glad you could join us, good afternoon."

He said with a sarcastic smile.

"My alarm didn't go off."

The man responded

"Yeah yeah yeah, you're alarm. Just go and take care of that armor over there. This is a huge deal for us."

The man didn't responed and walked away.

As Toomes shook his head a large group of people with suits and a well dressed woman walked inside the damdged buildind.

The woman spoke up.

"Attention please. In accordance to the executive order "396b" all post battle clean up operations are now under our jurisdiction. Thank you for your service. We will take it from here."

Adrian Toomes had a confused look on his face.

"Who the hell are you..?"

"Qualified personality"

Said a man in a suit who was standing next to the woman.

"Look, I have a city contract to salvage all this okay so.."

"I am sorry Mr. Toomes..."

The woman cut him off.

"Everything is now under our jurisdiction."

The woman turned around and wa sabout to walk away as Toomes quickly catched up to her, his voice shaking.

"Please...Miss..I bought trucks for this job and got a whole new crew..these boys have a family I..I have a family..I could lose my house..."

"I am sorry, Sir. There is nothing I can do."

She again turned around and walked away.

"Maybe next time don't overextand yourself."

The man with the suit said with a smile on his face.

"The fuck did you say...?" Toomes asked.

"Yeah...no he is right.."

He walked up to the man with the suit.

"Maybe I overextended myself."

As Toomes punched the man throwing him back. The other man in the suits all put out guns and aimed at him. In all that mess a coworker took a glowing stone from the alian armor and put it in his pocket.


The woman raised her hand signalising her men to stand down.

"Please pack youre things and get out in the next hour."

All of them walked out of the building.

(next scene)

Adrian Toomes and his men where in a giant storage room that was Toomes's office at the same time filled with all sorts of things.

All of them had long faces.

Adrian Toomes was desperate.

"So we have to give it all away."

Another man was working with the glowing stone that he took earlier.

"Shame...I could have done some pretty good shit with those things..."

He responded.


Another coworker spoke up across the giant storage room.

Toomes looked up.

"We still have one truck full of that alien shit. We are supposed to turn that in right ?"

Adrian Toomes thought about his family and in his desperation he answered:

"I tell you what...we keep it."

His coworker, which only where few left, all looked at him.

"The world is changing. Time we change too."

[ Fasting Forward 4 Years ]

The roof of the storage room openend as a man in a suit with giant robotic wings and a helmet that looked like it was future high tech with glowing green eyes landed in the storage room that was now filled with 30 workes who all worked on the alien tech, building weapons, armor and other stuff. Robotic arms emerged from the ground and took the wings of that man. The workers saw Adrian Toomes smile as he took his helmet off.

He looked at his number one tech genius that worked for him.

"Business is good."

"It sure is, sir" the worker responded.

Toomes walked the stairs from his landing place down.

"But we have a small problem..."

"What's that ?"

"Fisk is behind bars...with him being out we have lost one of our major customers for our weapons."

"Don't worry...he will be out soon. That man is a monster. Who managed to put him in anyway?"


Adrian Toomes turned around and looked at his wings.

"Spider-Man huh?..."

He grined.