
Issue #51: X, Battle part 2

Advance chapters on P@treon.com/Saintbarbido.


Check out my newest fic- Fated Chaos.


(Kane's P.O.V)

The ground was torn asunder. The air acrid and bloody, and I was getting my ass kicked.

I jumped back and not a second later, the ground I had been standing on was reduced to a ditch from the armor's simple punch.

The soil crumbled and the cracks on the ground grew exponentially, making the whole place quake, as the debris from the camp and remains of the tents around started falling into a sink hole.

(General P.O.V)

Phobos stood before Diana's cell, scratching his head at the large hole that was on the far wall. And the very notable absence of their prisoner.

Light streamed in from the outside, revealing the other side, an open area with rough terrain.

"Father won't be pleased."

Just then, the whole area begun to shake and rumble.

Phobos turned his head towards the ceiling, only to find the roof falling down on him.

"Oh fuck my life..."


(Kane's P.O.V)

I landed on the edge of the now widened crater, crouched in preparation, the veil of invisibility over me.

From the cloud of dust hanging in the area, the Armor's distinct form appeared, sailing toward my position without a single hesitation.

Shit. It could detect me while I was in camouflage.

Thwip! thwip! thwip!

A load of webs left the spinnerets on both my wrists, the webbing thick and viscous enough as to slow down the Juggernaut headed my way.

We were at the outskirts of the destroyed camp, now filled with Ares' warriors fleeing the scene- some tried to intervene in the fight but after the first few were crushed by the armor and/or burnt to a crisp, we were left alone to face each other.

'Spyra, Flame Displacement now!'

I ordered, and my Spider Totem was only too eager to comply, teleporting me away just as the Armor reached me.

I appeared behind it, and promptly started slicing and stabbing at the intersections between the armor plates with Crescent moon.

If I could immobilize the one wearing it, then I could work on removing the armor and eventually killing the wearer.

Alas, the damn thing was packed so tightly that even with all the sharpness of Crescent Moon, there was no penetrating it's insides.

Spider sense warned me of retaliation, and immediately Spyra sent me a few feet away from our opponent, escaping the blasts of red beams that came out of its eyes.

The ground I was previously standing on was charred black.

Fortunately, I was now at its back, with sufficient distance separating us.


I raised a hand, calling out.

And strangely enough the Armor stopped.

"There's no one actually inside you, is there?"

I muttered, more to myself than It.

"The branding on your forehead is the same as the one on Hermes. Which means you have no will of your own. A slave. Ares' slave."

It's scarlet eyes pulsed in a darker light as it prepared another eye beam.

"Well, if that's the case then, bring it."

I taunted, confident that I could deal with the damn thing. And maybe profit from it at the same time.

Needing no encouragement, the Armor immediately started running my way. Each step sent reverberations that I could feel through the soles of my boots.

"On my cue."

I whispered to Spyra, still holding my position while the 7 foot, multi-ton metal frame got within striking distance.

Its punch swung at me, the image of It's fist growing bigger and bigger as it neared my face.

Only for Spyra to jump out through my eyes, widening her jaws before promptly swallowing the whole Armor into her belly/storage space.

And taking into account the fact that Hermes and Herakles, despite having the same brand were yet to try and break out of Spyra's stomach, it was plausible that she could cut off the link connecting Ares and anyone with the brand, while they were in her pocket dimension.

Which means...


I sat on a nearby rock,

"Glad that's over."

The armor was impossible to damage and had inexhaustible momentum. It alone had destroyed the rest of the tents left standing and looking at the foot of the mountain, where a camp once sat, now there was dust swirling around a devastated terrain.


I never located the fucking Soul Mirror! It was supposed to be with Deimos, and I punted his ass away to remove him from the fight.

"Nice going."

I muttered to myself sarcastically.

Without the mirror, I had no hope of bringing back the rest.

"Fuck it. What does it matter anyway? I'm an Assassin. My first duty is to the contract."

I reminded myself, jumping to my feet while staring at the top of the mountain above.

Rhadamanthus would understand. Steve probably wouldn't but he had died once before, he could do it again. And as far as the Amazons were concerned, Death wasn't something to be feared.

Thus, my priorities were clear.

The mountain was the direction that Ares had taken. Coincidentally, there were occasional bursts of yellow divine energy belonging to Ares engaging with a white aura that I didn't recognize but felt...eerily familiar.

"I have a feeling I know who that might be. Let's go Spyra, we have a God to kill."

The Spider Totem flicked the air with her feet.

"Cough! Cough!"

Before Spyra could Displace us, I held up a hand as a familiar voice reached my ears.


I turned to regard the destroyed camp with a narrowed gaze.

(General P.O.V)

"Stay here Circe! I'm not done with you yet."

As soon as her punch landed, Diana yelled at the witch who immediately raised her hands in surrender.

"I will endeavor not to move a single muscle, princess. Pinky Promise. Just...kill him if you can. It will be good for everyone."

Snarling while ignoring her, The Amazonian Champion dove to the ground, the winds around her urging her on.

Circe yelled in surprise as a sonic boom was created behind Diana, throwing the witch back.

Down on the ground, laughter could be heard.

"Hahaha...Well done Diana,"

Ares stated, rising out of the hole he had created with his body by levitating upwards.

"You punch harder than your moth-"

Diana bowling into him at supersonic speeds immediately cut him off. They sailed through the air, leaving behind Mount Etna.

"Will you..."

Diana kicked him with her foot, throwing Ares to the sky. The God of War tore through the clouds, his ascent leaving a trail of yellow behind.

She sped forward, landing another punch to his jaw that immediately changed his direction to a sharp right.


With the winds at her beck and call, Diana felt like she was swimming in the sky.

She pressed on the sensation, immediately doubling her speed, surpassing Ares' body and stopping his momentum by grabbing the back of his neck.

She proceeded to spin them both and released Ares after two rotations, sending him flying on a direct course for the ground.

Boommm!! The air exploded with a surge of power.

Despite Diana's strength, Ares managed to still in the air, just a few feet below her, a jerkish smirk on his face with his hands clasped behind him.

"500 times faster than Deimos, 400 times stronger than Deimos."

His eyes glowed as he used his divinity to scan her.

"Either I was wrong, or someone got an upgrade."

"Shut up!"

Diana interrupted him once more, slapping her hands together and causing an explosion of wind to launch towards Ares.

The God of War laughed as he smoothly dodged by flying away, Diana right on his heels.

"Come back here Ares!"

The Princess yelled, grabbing the laso on her hips and swinging it, trying to ensnare the God of War.

Ares flew up in circle before winding down and grabbing the Laso in a vice grip. Immediately his body jerked as the Laso's magic took hold.

Despite it not being her intention, Diana capitalized on the chance. She immediately flew around him, winding the Laso around his torso and immobilizing him.

With her foot braced on his back, Diana spoke,

"The Laso of Hestia compels you to tell the Truth! What is your plan? What do you seek by turning Man's world into your personal playground!? Speak."

Ares' face grew slack and unfocused.

"My plan? Oh, I do have one, don't I?"

"You cannot resist its magic! Answer me!"

Diana lost her cool, causing the Laso to pulse even more brightly.

The magic took hold even more strongly and this time, Ares couldn't help but comply,

"My plan will see the revival of the creature Typhon. And I intend to use It to destroy my Father and the rest of those worthless trash for casting me out and imprisoning me in Tartarus. Afterwards, I will turn this world into my kingdom after finding and burning every other Pantheon to the ground. And then I'll finish off the Amazons, leaving nobody strong enough to oppose me."

Diana's eyes shook. With those words, Ares had just confirmed what Circe said.

"How do you plan on doing that?"

The Princess demanded, tugging the Laso tighter.

The God of War gasped, trying to fight the effects. The magic of the Laso prevailed.

"To kill the king of the Gods, Typhon needs to taste Zeus' essence and adapt to it. Last time It failed and was defeated because dear old Dad was prepared. He sneakily struck it down and elected the mountain behind us on top of it, before applying all types of divine charms and spells to ensure it would never be released."

The God of War paused.

When he continued, his tone was lacking the monotone imposed on all placed under the effects of the Laso. This time he sounded amused.

"However, Typhon doesn't need Zeus' particular divine essence when I have his son's soul, my brother Haephestus."

To Diana's shock, the God of War started pushing against the Laso binding him. Her shock turned to disbelief when the Laso produced a twang sound, starting to snap.

"And...his daughter's body, you. The two of you are the key to evolving Typhon to the next level."

The Laso snapped just as he finished his statement, the powerful magical energy contained in it, exploding and immediately throwing Diana away, while holding a piece of the powerful- now broken artefact.

Luckily, her new powers negated most of the blast, but the pressure wave still created distance between the two.

"Did you really think this would hold me?"

Ares asked in schadenfreude, holding up the other portion of the torn Laso.

"As powerful as Aunt Hestia is, and believe me, she's up there, I have had time to cultivate new power ontop of my own. This era of mortals fight and wage wars as often as they fuck."

Diana flew back as she started feeling a new pressure exuded by Ares. The God had stopped playing games.

"To someone like me, this is a buffet Diana! I have consumed so many souls, it doesn't matter what you do."

He chuckled before going all in and laughing like a typical villain,



"Hades damned!"

Diana hissed in pain as the waves of power surrounding the God of War started leaving slashes across her body with every pulse.

Her hair begun blowing from the winds produced by the sudden tornado of divine energy swirling around his form.

Ares seemed to grow even bigger, the muscles across his body bulging with veins. His eyes turned a deeper red that seemed to draw you in to a merciless end.

Ghostly wails and screams filled the air with no discernible source, rising in crescendo along with the changes happening to the God of War.

Things reached a peak when the golden aura around Ares flashed unstably, creating erratic flashes of red lightning.

Diana was sure now. There was no way she was going to beat him if he was allowed to finish what she suspected he was doing.

With single minded focus, the Demigod blasted towards Ares. She pulled on all the chaotic power within her.

Her divine energy, less potent than a full God's, was still the only thing she had going for her.

The winds around her picked up, forming a tunnel in the sky with less air resistance, they guided her.

And yet it was still not enough. She felt she could push for more. Be more.

The dark clouds above heard her call and answered.

A massive bolt of blue lightning slammed into her hand, compressing into the shape of a white lightning bolt that she gripped in her palm.

A Lightning Bolt just like her father's. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Ares.

Watching her approach with maniacal laughter, Ares turned his head skyward.


The red aura around him overtook the golden one.


Diana roared, throwing the Lightning bolt at the God of War.

The bolt warped space as it appeared before Ares.

Just as it made contact, the red aura around the God of War stabilized and then the world stopped.


Ares' voice echoed out into the time frozen landscape.

And then everything changed. Ares had revealed his God form in the world of the living.

And this act did not go unnoticed across the entire planet.

All those attuned to magic and exotic energy could feel his influence permeate into the mortal plain.

And everywhere conflict was brewing on Earth, war immediately broke out.

The God of War had officially begun his conquest.