
Spider-Man : Venom's Vengeance

After the defeat of Doctor Octopus and the Sinister Six, Spider-Man thought that his city was safe once again. But a new threat has emerged, one that is more dangerous than ever before. Venom, Spider-Man's arch-nemesis, has returned with a new plan to destroy the city and everyone in it. With the help of the Sinister Six, Venom is developing a powerful new weapon based on the symbiote that gave him his powers. Spider-Man and Black Cat team up once again to stop Venom and the Sinister Six. Their search leads them to an abandoned laboratory on the outskirts of the city, where they discover the shocking truth about the symbiote weapon. As they fight their way through waves of guards and security systems, Spider-Man and Black Cat face off against Venom in a fierce battle. In the end, they emerge victorious, but they discover that the symbiote weapon was not the only one in development. With the knowledge that Venom and the Sinister Six have a backup plan, Spider-Man and Black Cat must be more vigilant than ever before. They will need to fight harder and be smarter than ever to save their city from certain destruction. If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. https://www.patreon.com/Ayoubjeddi

ayoub_jeddi · Fantasia
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18 Chs

Venom Strikes

Despite their victory against the Sinister Six and their destruction of the symbiote serum, Spider-Man and Black Cat knew that Venom was not finished yet. They remained on high alert, expecting Venom to strike back at any moment.

Their worst fears were realized when Venom attacked the city, wreaking havoc and destruction wherever he went. Spider-Man and Black Cat knew that they had to stop him, but they were severely outnumbered and outmatched.

As they engaged Venom in battle, they realized that he had somehow gained even more power and strength than before. They fought with all their might, but Venom seemed unstoppable.

Just when it seemed like all was lost, Spider-Man and Black Cat were saved by an unexpected ally - the Hulk. The Hulk had been alerted to Venom's rampage and had come to help, using his immense strength to turn the tide of the battle.

Together, the three heroes fought Venom with all their might, and in the end, they emerged victorious. Venom was defeated, and the city was saved from his destructive wrath.

As Spider-Man and Black Cat thanked the Hulk for his help, they realized that they had formed an unlikely alliance, united in their fight against evil. They knew that their battle against Venom and his allies was far from over, but with the Hulk by their side, they felt stronger than ever before.