
Chapter 137

[Third Person's PoV] 

1 week later in the Soviet Union…

The General walked alongside Dr. Valkov, who held a tablet in his hand.

"So, do we have results? The leaders are expecting proof that their funding is being used appropriately. If we don't provide anything, they'll shut down this project immediately," the General said, his hands clasped behind his back as they stood before a large metal door.

Dr. Valkov placed his hand on a hand scanner, which then scanned his retinas. "The thing with this is that it's 50/50. Our research shows a significant discovery: it's all about willpower. Those with low willpower will have their minds taken over by the bestial side. They won't have coherent thoughts or control over their actions and will simply follow their instincts," Dr. Valkov explained.

As he spoke, the metal door slid open, revealing the interior. Inside were large white cells with clear glass walls, offering a view of the interior. Each cell resembled isolation rooms in a psychiatric hospital, white and padded.

Inside these cells were what the General could only describe as monsters. One creature resembled a centipede, with multiple limbs smashing its head against the glass, screeching and thrashing about wildly.

Another had the head of a fly with beady eyes, giant wings on its back, spitting on its hands and rubbing them together before crashing against the padding, attempting to break free.

"I take it these are the failures. I want to see the successful results, Doctor," the General demanded.

"Come, follow me…" Dr. Valkov hurried along.

Inside one of the cells was a tall, lanky man, shirtless with green skin markings from his neck downward. He had a detached expression and sharp blades protruding from each forearm.

The General approached the glass and saw the information plastered on it:

Name: Matvey Bogomolov (Image) 

Age: 25

Cadet Number: 3463242A

Codename: Mantis

"And what can he do?" the General asked.

"I'm glad you asked. Here is a video of his tests," Dr. Valkov said, swiping through the tablet and handing it to the General.

The General watched as Mantis ran, dodging and cutting bullets in half before cleanly slicing through a car with one swipe of his arm blade.

"Impressive," the General nodded.

"Come, there's more," Dr. Valkov said excitedly. They passed by more failed experiments before arriving at a cell with a large, toned woman doing push-ups.

She had fur growing over her body, brown fur extending up to her elbows, two brown ears on top of her head along with her human ears. But the most striking feature was her height—standing at 2 meters tall, she had a constant scowl.

Name: Anastasia Medvedeva (Image)

Age: 27

Cadet Number: 4536335C

Codename: Ursula

The General motioned for the tablet, and Dr. Valkov handed it over. The General watched as Ursula struggled slightly to lift a tank, spun around with it, and threw it a great distance. She then ran after it, leaving dented footsteps with each stride, and jumped into the air. Claws grew from her hands as she tore and pulled apart the tank's hatch.

The General grinned broadly and nodded, "Next."

"The next one is a bit tricky," Dr. Valkov began.

"Tricky? How so?"

"This one isn't part of the military or trained. He's a convict—a former mercenary."

"And why choose him over willing participants?" the General asked, growing displeased with the decision.

"Because... He faced Spider-Man. I believe his insight could be useful. Fortunately, he survived the experiment," Dr. Valkov explained as they arrived at another cell.

Before them stood a large, muscular man about 2 meters tall, with thick gray skin and a large horn protruding from his forehead.

Name: Aleksei Sytsevich (Image) 

Age: 29

Cadet Number: X (convicted)

Codename: The Rhino

"I was considering making him the leader of our group," Dr. Valkov said, handing the tablet to the General.

The General watched as The Rhino shrugged off bullets and explosives, emerging unscathed with an excited grin. He then charged armored vehicles, effortlessly tearing them apart with his horn.

"If he can do that to vehicles, imagine what he could do to human bodies," the General remarked.

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over them. They turned to see The Rhino looking at them with a grim expression.

"I vas promised the Spider-Man. Vhen can I fight him again?" he asked.

Dr. Valkov grinned and tapped on the glass. "Soon, big guy. Just be patient. It won't be long before you get the go-ahead."

The General and Dr. Valkov continued their tour, approaching a woman with long white hair and piercing blue eyes. Her entire body was covered in white fur with black spots, resembling a humanoid snow leopard.

Name: Ekaterina Irbisova  (Image

Age: 26  

Cadet Number: 5872658E  

Codename: Frostbite

The General examined the tablet, which displayed footage of Frostbite in a winter environment, showcasing her resistance to extreme cold. She moved with blinding speed, demonstrating lethal claws and exceptional stealth.

"She was designed to counter the Spider with her ice powers. She's agile, deadly, and difficult to detect," Dr. Valkov explained eagerly.

"How many more do we have in total?" the General inquired, growing increasingly interested.

Dr. Valkov sighed. "Unfortunately, we were only successful with five subjects. The others lost control too quickly."

"Very well, show me the last one," the General demanded, slightly disappointed by the limited number.

"This last one may impress you even more. He's faster than Frostbite—able to reach near supersonic speeds," Dr. Valkov added.

"And what animal is he based on?" the General asked.

"A Tiger Beetle, one of the fastest insects on Earth," Dr. Valkov informed him.

They approached another cell where a muscular man with green hair, eyes and antennas, adorned in green armor with insect-like wings on his back.

Name: Nikolay Zhukova (Image) 

Age: 25  

Cadet Number: 2463463D  

Codename: Tigerwing

"Here," Dr. Valkov said, handing the tablet to the General.

The video showed Tigerwing assuming a running stance before accelerating with explosive force, causing those nearby to be thrown back by the shockwave of his speed.

"He can reach speeds up to 1,160 km/h (720 mph), just shy of the speed of sound. Those Spider-Men won't stand a chance against him," Dr. Valkov stated proudly.

The General burst into laughter with delight. "Excellent! Excellent! The leaders will be pleased—very pleased. And what shall we call this group of exceptional individuals?"

"Sir, we're calling them 'The Beastmen,'" Dr. Valkov replied.

"I think we should make a Helicarrier, what do you guys think?" Peter asked as he looked around, noticing everyone on the ground gasping for air.

Harry, who was standing up from the ground, sighed, "Why do we need something so big? A large enough jet would be sufficient for us."

"As the ladies would say, bigger is better," Peter nodded.

They all glared at Peter as he mentioned that.

"Okay, but why are you making a jet? Are we going international?" Felicia asked as she picked herself up from the ground.

"No, but who knows when we might need it? It could be useful," Peter said as he offered his hands to both Gwen and MJ.

"I say go for it, but will you have the time? I mean, you are helping Reed build that portal," Gwen said.

"Speaking of the portal, will we be able to come and see it when you turn it on? That sounds so cool," MJ said excitedly.

"I mean, I don't have a problem with it, but I will have to talk to Richard since it's mainly his project; I'm just helping."

Aria then appeared holding a clock, "You guys have been in here for a few hours already; you're going to be late."

"Thanks, Aria," they all said at the same time.

Aria saluted towards them all, "Always happy to help."

They all swiped their fingers forward, causing a small menu to appear in their vision, before they tapped the last icon: Log out.

They then walked out of the capsule and went to get dressed. As they were dressing, Peter turned towards Harry, "So, I forgot to ask, how was the date with Lizzy?"

"It went well..."

"Did you two... you know," Peter made hand signs with his fingers.

Harry turned red as he shook his head, "Not yet..."

"Heh, coward."

"Shut up, it's just that our relationship hasn't come to that point," Harry muttered.

"She's probably waiting for you to make the first move," Peter said as he put on a shirt.

"Eh? Really?"

"Yup, she probably doesn't want to come off as easy and wants you to initiate it. Some girls are big on guys making the first move. And if she really is waiting for your relationship to develop before diving into intimacy, she will tell you straight up."

"Are you sure?"

"I have two girlfriends, what do you think? I'm like the love guru," Peter said as he pretended to dust off his shoulders.

"I'm just nervous to initiate anything and then get rejected..."

Peter looked at Harry with a serious expression.


"We literally fight crime for a living, man up, pussy."

"It's not the same and you know it," Harry rolled his eyes as they both walked out.

After that, Harry and Felicia suited up and got their gear ready, while MJ went on towards The Daily Bugle, with Peter and Gwen heading towards the Baxter Building.


"Hey Johnny," both Gwen and Peter greeted.

Johnny, who was underneath his car, pushed himself out before nodding towards them, "Sup guys, you know where to find them," he said as he pulled himself back under.

Gwen and Peter then split up; Gwen went towards Susan's office while Peter headed towards Reed and Ben.

As he opened the door, he found Ben helping Richard move some things around.

"Oh hey Peter, ready to get to work?" Richard greeted.

Peter rolled up his sleeves, "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't."

"You can help Ben make the framework; he was just about to get started, while I focus on these circuits."

Peter nodded as they both got to work.

