
The Fallen God

Fully completed story at:



18 June, 2013. 1:00 AM.

New Mexico.

The clear night sky was overcast in an instant. A moment ago, the serene desert was illuminated by flashes of lightning and rumbling thunder. A downpour.

Like a meteor, an unidentified object began to fall from the sky, leaving behind hollow sparks.

The mysterious object fell, punching a deep crater in the ground. It was a hammer.

At the same time, in another part of the desert, a group of scientists hit an unidentified vagrant.

The fall of the hammer caused a strong Electromagnetic pulse.


A few hours later.


Victor von Doom.

Dr Doom sat on his throne in his castle and stared at the fireplace. Most nights in Latveria are cold and unfriendly all year round. That's a good thing. Victor had always liked cold and unfriendliness.

By nature, von Doom was a misanthrope and disliked people very much, or rather, found them annoying. That was why all the security personnel were Dumbots, robots created personally by Dum and mass-produced in Latveria's factories, controlled personally by the ruler of the country.

Viktor looked at the fire and thought.

He had been happy as a child, he had a best friend, Valeria, whom he had fallen in love with without a memory.

His father, was a healer, a man of an interesting mindset that Victor had always admired. A good man.

And, of course, Doom had a mother, a beautiful and caring woman.

Yes. He was indeed happy in those years. But, as always, overbearing cruel people ruined everything.

The villagers accused Victor's mother of witchcraft and burned her down. After that, he and his father fled from the angry mob for four days with almost no sleep.

It seemed that they had found a new place where they could at least try to return to their old life. However, troubles continued to haunt them. In those years, his father was the only doctor in the entire settlement, and when the wife of Baron Vladimir, the cruel ruler of the neighbouring lands, fell ill, it was he who was called upon to help. And despite all of his father's natural gift, the woman did not survive. Of course, the wretched tyrant blamed it all on Victor's father. Once again, they had to flee. And this time, death took his last living parent.

Victor von Doom was fourteen when he stood over his father's corpse, torn apart by dogs, that day he vowed to destroy all those who had condemned his family to suffering.

The boy returned to the village and took his father's gun, he was blinded by anger, hatred and grief. Setting out on a suicide mission, Victor's story would have ended there, had it not been for his father's friend Boris. The boy had lashed out, biting, but the man had held him until grief tempered his anger.

Doom was still grateful to the old man.

At that moment he realised that only a sensible approach would ensure that his revenge would be fulfilled. Digging through his father's belongings he found a chest of ancient books and discovered that his mother was indeed a witch. Since then he plunged into the abyss of studying ancient mystical arts.

But Victor did not forget about science. When he was sixteen years old, von Doom received a grant to study at the best universities in America. And taking this chance Victor left his homeland.

So-called gifted students did not impress Victor, and even his neighbour Reed Richards he estimated only as tolerable. Von Doom had learnt the pinnacle of science before one day. Having studied his mother's grimoire in its entirety, Victor learnt a terrible truth: his mother had once turned to demonic powers to cure two dozen sick children in their village who were stricken with fever, Victor himself among them. As punishment for using forbidden magic, his mother's soul was doomed to eternal hell torment.

From that day on, Victor made another vow, to free his mother from the infernal abyss by all means, and raise her soul to Heaven.

Doom used the resources of the university for his graduation project, he said he was building a portal to another dimension. He was, but that dimension was Hell.

Every day Von Doom obsessively built the portal using all sorts of resources, using both science and magic, and now, the day before the graduation defences the portal was ready, that night Victor activated it.

What he saw amazed von Doom. The technology worked and a hellish abyss unfolded in front of the boy, but Victor didn't look around for long, he was interrupted by a cackling laughter. That was when the Latverian first met the demon. The hell spawn introduced himself as Mephisto, he praised Victor's portal and "the pathetic human's efforts to look beyond the edge", the demon snapped his fingers and the portal failed.

A huge explosion shook Victor's room, the Latverian survived but his face was disfigured by the shrapnel, but it didn't matter. Doom now knew the name of his enemy.

Victor passed his exams and defence with an external exam and then left the country. For five years the Latverian travelled the world and improved his skills, mind, body and himself. Eventually, his journey ended in Tibet, where monks refined his magical abilities, teaching von Doom everything they knew themselves. That day Victor realised, he was ready.

Having left Latveria as a sixteen year old youth, Victor returned to his homeland as a young twenty-four year old man. At that time, the old Baron Vladimir declared himself king, he united all the scattered lands of Latveria and ruled the country with an iron hand. Then, seeing what had become of the once beautiful land that he had often dreamt of in his foreign lands, von Doom decided to rebel against the tyrant. He gathered a handful of dissenters and led them against Baron Vladimir, whom he had never called king.

It was a brutal feud, but Doom's rebellion won and Victor, with great joy, executed his father's murderer himself when he refused to lay down his arms. Revenge was accomplished.

With one voice, all of Victor's cronies, his associates, declared Doom the new ruler of Latveria, and the man accepted the crown. However, one of his debts was still unpaid.

As soon as Victor was more or less secure on the throne he went to war on the village where his mother had once been burned. He marched across the land with fire and sword, mercilessly slaughtering anyone who dared to resist. That act earned him a sad fame on the world political stage as a bloody tyrant.

But Dum did not care, he sincerely loved Latveria and cared about its inhabitants, and the Latverians answered him in the same way. Even if he had to be cruel at times.

In recent years he had developed unprecedented activity, and in six years Latveria had become one of the most advanced countries in the field of military art, robotics and medicine.

But Victor still sat on his throne every evening of every day and stared into the fire. He had reached unprecedented heights, from an ordinary peasant he had become a ruler, many dared not dream of such achievements and even though von Doom loved power, he had one goal, and to achieve it you needed power.

Victor continued to improve his magical skills, created high-tech armour, robots, various mechanisms, but it was not enough.

Suddenly, the castle's computers came online. The system recorded a sudden surge of energy, a power that had never been recorded before.

Perhaps this was it, the chance to get the power.

Dr Doom was preparing to fly to New Mexico. America.



At this time.

Loki was happy. No, Loki was happy. His mischief had worked just fine. Lead the ice giants into Odin's trophy hall through the shadowy paths, make Thor see the Jotuns trying to steal the Casket of Ancient Zim and now, thanks to the belligerence of his dim-witted brother, a political precedent has been secured that promises to escalate into a war between the two kingdoms.

Bottom line: Odin is angered and forced into a deep sleep, Thor is banished, and Loki is a pretender to the throne.

Excellent intrigue.


18 June, 2013. 9:00 am.

New York City.

The bedroom of Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson and Felicia Hardy.


I open my eyes and sleepily try to fumble for the beeping communicator. In the process, I touch Felicia's breasts, freed from their cloth captivity, but that only makes me smile.

I finally reach the device and answer.

- You are greeted by sleepy airlines...I'm too lazy to continue the joke.

- Tired, Peter? - Fury's ironically interested.

- I've been up all night," I yawn.

Try talking to a man made of sand, getting home, taking two hours instead of forty minutes because the fucking jetpack was completely out of fuel, being tired despite your spider stamina, then transferring funds from your electronic accounts to the hospital's accounts, after filling out all the details, researching the files of all the Shield agents who might be useful before five in the morning, and, when you fall asleep, figuring out what to do with Marco in the future.

It's exhausting.

- Still have to disappoint. Be ready in two hours. Agent Spider has a new mission

- What? It's like a dream come true. - How? Where?

- You'll find out on the aircraft carrier, get ready," Fury ends the call.

Sighing, I lean back against the pillows.

- Who was that? - Felicia puckers her lips and wraps her arms around me.

God, her tits are so hot.

- The bosses. I have a new mission," I pull the platinum blonde closer to me.

- Why don't you say no? I was planning to spend the day with you two, to discuss the upcoming opening night," Fey looked at me with her bright blue eyes.

- I'm sorry, Kitten, I can't say no to that," I leave an apologetic kiss on the girl's lips, "but I promise to finish as soon as possible.

- Okay, I'll take you at your word, Pete," Cat lets me go, "go save the world.

- I will, love.

I get up and grab my suit.

I leave the room and change my clothes as I make breakfast.

- What's the rush? - Delia came out into the hall rubbing her eyes sleepily.

- I'm sorry, did you wake me up?

- No, I got up myself," the brown-haired girl sat down at the table, "so what's your hurry?

- New mission from Shield," I sipped my coffee, preparing a portion for my sister.

- Do you need help?

I arch an eyebrow questioningly.

- Just kidding," my sister said, smiling sweetly.

- Just kidding," I grumble a little.

I spend the rest of the time I have left on breakfast, showering, charging, and checking/adjusting the suit's systems.

An hour and a half later, I find myself on a rooftop in Manhattan.

I spend the rest of the waiting time playing cities with Raj.

I wonder if this Yulafit from the symbiote world really exists.

Reflecting on the Klyntaran's cheekiness, I wait until Quinjet, who has removed his stealth cloak, lands on the roof of the building.

- You took your time," I say, climbing into the cockpit.

- Sorry Chief, traffic's in the air," smirks my old blond acquaintance.

- Rick! - I high-five Voled. - Good to see you, old man.

- You too, sir!

- Oh, Ricky, stop acting like a boy scout," said the brunette in the next chair, "Spidey said on the last mission that we could do this without formalities, by the way, hi Spidey," Agent Lux waved at me.

- Hi Rachel, - I turn to the guy, - and your sister is still as charming as ever.

- That's right," the guy rubs the back of his head awkwardly, "are you ready, sir?

- Let's go," I buckle up.

The Quinjet soars into the air.


Half an hour later.

Director Fury's office.

Rick and Schumacher, I almost left my breakfast in the quinjet.

I still make it to the principal's briefing.

Nick and Phil Colson are in the office.

- Agent Spider, nice to meet you," the agent extends his hand to me.

- Likewise, Agent Colson, - I respond to the handshake.

- Just Phil," and an open, polite smile.

- If you're done being nice, we'll get to discussing your assignment," the director comments.

Phil and I, like decent agents, stand at attention.

- So, tonight Shield's satellites detected a huge energy surge somewhere over New Mexico, the last time such an amount of energy was detected was during the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion, and the cause of the energy surge was this, - Fury switched on the screens behind his back.

- A hammer? - Phil raised an eyebrow.

I just swallowed the saliva that formed in my mouth.

- Whatever it is, our agents on the ground sent a report along with these pictures. That hammer is impossible to lift.

- What do you mean, impossible to lift? - Colson was surprised.

- That's what it means. Did you really think I'd pull you off the team and take you off the Hulk's trail for the sake of a simple locksmith's tool? - Fury ironically asked his left hand and old friend.

I'm just looking at the pictures as we speak and calculating what events have started and what can we expect now, a polar scribe or a global fuck-up?

- Spider, you're unusually silent, is everything okay?

- How can I put it, Director. If that's what I think it is, we could be in big trouble.

- Do you know what this artefact is? - Colson wonders.

- I can't say anything until I examine it myself. But I can say with certainty that it's a weapon.

- Well, Mr Expert, then it's a good thing you're going to the Mahave Desert right now. Keep agent Colson company. Any questions?

- No, sir, Phil and I answered at the same time.

- All right, dismissed.

Colson and I are leaving the office.

- So, Phil, shall we go?

- Don't you want to change first?

- What's the point, it's not a covert mission anyway? - I'm running my hands over my torso. - Besides, this suit's too good to change into anything else.

- Then follow me," Phil adjusted his tie and strode straight ahead.

I shrugged and followed.

We went up a few levels and came out right on the bow of the aircraft carrier.

- Have you ever seen one of these beauties? - Colson asks, stopping in front of a stylish cherry-red car.

- No. 1962 Chevrolet Corvette, right?

- Connoisseur," Phil nods his head respectfully, "you can just call it LOLA.

- Cool," I hop in the passenger seat.

- Aren't you going to ask me to drive? - Colson was genuinely surprised.

- No licence," I knock lightly on the glove compartment, "Go ahead, chief.

- Aren't you afraid we'll fall off the aircraft carrier? - grinning, the man clarifies.

- Are you joking? Everyone in Shields knows about Phil Coulson and his amazing flying machine, fire up the engines!

The agent only grins and puts his car into flight mode.

- WHOO-HOO! - I shout as soon as the flying car gains altitude.

The LOLA flies a few kilometres and Phil descends onto the highway.

- That was cool, but why not fly straight down to New Mexico?

- Alas, the baby is not adapted for long stays in flight mode," the man patted the dashboard lovingly. - Don't worry, Spider, we have a folding roof against the desert heat and a radio that will catch the best radio stations with 80's music all the way.

- Then I hope we're stopping for jerky?

- What's a road trip without jerky?

- Amen, partner.


Six hours later.

The journey was a hell of a lot of fun, because Phil is a great partner and a fun guy. We sang along to all the radio songs, stopped a robbery at a roadside shop and I got two hours sleep. It was like going to the seaside with my dad when I was a kid. Ah, nostalgia.

We entered a small town in New Mexico and after driving along the main street we came to a convoy with Shield emblems.

After greeting each other with lights, we drive to the local Shield base.

Around the huge crater, local agents began to stir up activity and disperse the gawkers.

Let's get out of the car.

- We need to see what the agents had learnt before we got there," Phil said, adjusting his tie and shaking the dust off his suit.

- Yeah, I remember the procedure, Phil," I look at the recess where Mjolnir is supposed to be.

- Then let's go," Colson headed for the coordinator's office.

We're going in.

- Agent Colson," Jasper Sitwell greets Phil, "it's a pleasure to welcome you.

The men shake hands, and I watch the HYDRA double-crosser a little warily. It's funny, now my Sense tingles slightly at contact with Jasper.

- Agent Spider, hello," Sitwell extends his hand.

- Agent Jasper," I respond to the handshake.

- Well, let me tell you what we have learnt, - the Cambodian extended his hand, - please follow me.

Follow me.

- The motorcade you met was returning from the laboratory of a certain Professor Eric Selvig, we've seized all the research from his laboratory, the science department is sorting out the records, but we suspect that we're dealing with a Burrow.

- Curious," I say, looking around.

We are brought to the coordinator's room where six Shield agents are sitting at the monitors, and several people in white coats, supported by guys with machine guns, are unloading boxes of scientific papers.

I wonder how many HYDRO cossacks are here?

- Do you mind if I inspect the object while you are discussing business? - I ask my colleagues who are talking.

- Of course, Agent Spider, - Phil graciously allows me, as the first in rank here.

I leave the tent camp and walk towards the crater.

A few agents see me off with surprised looks.

- Sorry, sir, it's a restricted area," a young guy in a SWAT outfit announced excitedly, almost stammering.

- I understand, service, - I pull out my ID card from my pocket, - Agent Spider, level six security clearance. Who do I contact to let people in the organisation know that Spider-Man is a Shield agent?

- Excuse me, sir. - the guy lifted the ribbon, please come in.

I step down into the crater and look at him.

Without a doubt, it's Mjolnir.

"Pinch me."

Suddenly I feel a squeeze of skin on my right shoulder.

"That was a figure of speech, not a real request, Raj."

"I apologise, Bearer, I didn't understand," the symbiote murmured in an apologetic tone.

"I forgive you."

I examine the hammer and feel my palms begin to sweat.

"Oh, I don't even know whether or not to try it?"

"What are you talking about, Bearer?"

"You see, Raj, this hammer that the entire science department of Shield is puzzling over at the moment is a weapon belonging to an alien prince of the Aesir race, and yet no one can lift it because the prince's father, one of the most powerful beings in our universe, has cast an ancient spell on it, and only the worthy can lift Mjolnir."

"How do you know this, Peter?" - The Clintarian is amazed at my knowledge.

"I've read some clever books."

I step closer and stand directly in front of the hammer.

"So here's the question, Raj, to try or not to try? On the one hand I'm hell-bent on testing myself, but on the other it would be a shame if it turns out I'm not worthy."

The symbiote's reply was drowned out by the loud sound of jet engines.

I look up and see a grey-green aircraft, shining with metal, something between a transport and a fighter, and I can see that the plane is very pumped up. Very.

As soon as the vehicles come in for a landing, the stormtrooper agents are already lined up, rifles raised.

- What's going on? - Phil asks me as he gets closer.

- Good question, I don't know.

The cockpit of the plane opens and six soldiers in dark green uniforms with rather futuristic-looking assault rifles unload out of it.

- Hold your fire! - Colson commands, seeing that the agents are getting nervous and are clearly ready to destroy the enemy.

Following the soldiers lined up in a guard of honour, a man in metal armour stepped out of the plane, his green cloak with a deep hood swaying in the wind.

It was one of my favourite Marvel villains, Doctor Doom.

Meanwhile, the Latverian dictator walked calmly in our direction, the soldiers following their ruler.

Phil moved up from our delegation, and I shamelessly joined him.

- What are you doing? - Colson said, trying to keep his expression neutral and serious.

- Somebody's got to cover for you, right? Is there anyone here more suitable than this Stenolaz? - I point to myself.

Besides, I didn't get close enough to Dum to hear every word he said. Three times.

- Do you have any idea who's coming in here right now?

- Viktor Von Doom, ruler of Latveria.

- And I think you know what his reputation is, don't you?

- We'll form an official opinion of him, not rumour," I reply calmly.

Meanwhile, our small units have finally met.

- It's a pleasure to welcome you to American soil, Lord Doom," Colson nods politely.

- Thank you," Victor replies without arrogance.

- We are very glad to have you here, but, alas, this is a fenced area and no outsiders are allowed, I apologise," Phil said with his trademark neutral smile.

The man has balls of iron.

- Then it's a good thing I have an authorisation to be here, issued directly by the President of the United States," and now the arrogance was evident in Victor's tone.

- I'm sorry, but I'm not aware of that," Phil suddenly put his palm to his ear, obviously answering the call of the communicator.

While Colson is communicating, I'm examining Doom.

- Is there something on my face, young man? - Von Doom asks calmly, noticing my obvious interest.

- You're a joker," I point to his metal mask, "I like the design of the armour, it goes well with the early medieval cloak," I say without irony.

- It's nice that some Americans still have taste.

I'm exchanging jokes with Dr Doom right now, aren't I?

Phil, meanwhile, had finished the discussion.

- We did receive orders from the top to allow you onto the premises, but why are you here?

- I think it's obvious, Agent Colson," Victor glanced towards the crater, "I'm wondering what caused the disturbance of all the satellite systems that my castle's computers are receiving.

- I have to remind you that the artefact is under the jurisdiction of Shield and the US government.

- Americans are so fond of appropriating everything for themselves," the Latverian said in a high-pitched voice. - You can rest easy, I'm here as a research consultant, if it makes you feel better," Victor went on without waiting for an answer.

It looked like it was going to be fun.