
And back into the fray

200 stones extra chapter.

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With advanced chapters, an extra chapter in your honour.


1 September.

Peter Parker's room.

The serene silence is interrupted by the obnoxious squeak of the alarm clock. I smash the infernal machine into tiny pieces with a slight movement of my hand.

- Eh, to buy a new one again, - rising from bed and yawning heavily, I say.

The results of the experiment - unsatisfactory.

Why the hell did I have to check if I'd get two hours of sleep instead of the usual four just before the first day of school?

To be fair, I was busy.

Who would have thought that Beetle's boot would give me a clue on how to improve the device I used to defeat him?

Yes, I've finally solved the two-way short-circuit problem. Now I don't have to spend 20,000 years making electric web charges. The secret was a carbon fibre alloy with a touch of rubber.

After completing my morning routine, I went down for breakfast.

- Morning, champ, how did you sleep? - asks my uncle

- Like a baby, - I yawn heavily.

- Did you spend the whole night in your laboratory again?

- Labo... - I didn't have to correct it, - I finished a long-standing experiment, it's a success. Can I get a triple coffee?

- Only as an exception," my aunt puts a mug in front of me.

- You're a miracle, aunty.

- You've got school at nine, why are you up at six?

- I'll finish some things and I wanted to walk to school, not take the bus.

- All right, boys, don't talk and eat.

The Parkers' usual cosy breakfast began.

Without stopping to yawn, I walked out of the house. I was about to put my headphones in my ears when someone's hands covered my eyes.

I was about to shake Spider Sense, but I was calmed down when I heard a soft voice:

- Guess who, Tiger?

- Hmm... soft, gentle palms, an enchanting, sexy voice... sprinkle powder on me and call me a cupcake if it's not my little Mary Jane Watson.

- You could have been less dramatic," the girl kissed me as I turned around.

- I forgot that theatricality is your prerogative," I stroked her cheek, "and I'm surprised you're up at half past eight in the morning.

- I thought I'd walk my boyfriend to school.

- And to show him that he's busy?

- That's very clever.

So, with a little banter, we headed off to Midtown High.


The standard bus journey to the school took fifteen to forty minutes. It took us less than an hour to get there, at a leisurely pace.

- Look at them, sleepy faces full of hopelessness, you could tell they were schoolchildren returning from holidays.

- Or students or adults at the beginning of the week.

- Touché.

- Hey Pete!

I turned round and saw Miles running and Gwen walking calmly, smiling.

- Hey, guys," I smile, shake Morales' hand and give Stacey a little hug.

- Ahem.

- I haven't forgotten about you," I said to my girlfriend, "I'd like you guys to meet Mary Jane Watson, my roommate and lady of the heart.

- Nice to meet you, Miles," the guy waved hello.

- Gwen Stacy, - was it just me, or did the girl's smile fade a little?

- It's nice to meet you, too. I hope we'll become friends. I'll be transferring here soon too.

- That's great, I'm sure you'll like it here," Gwen said sweetly.

I don't know why, but I felt a sudden rush of goosebumps.

But Miles' intervention turned the vector of my attention.

- Look!

Turning towards the fountain, we witnessed an entertaining scene: Sally Ervil was quite aggressively lashing out at Brony Howl, our classmate. Apparently her shrieking was so deafening to the poor guy that he lost his balance and stumbled and fell into the fountain.

- I take it that's--

- Yes, that's the megillah.

The schoolyard, with Ervil's pitch, was about to start making fun of the guy, but something happened that I didn't expect. Randy Robertson helped him up and cooled his girlfriend's ardour.

- Good thing Robbie put the right ideas in his son's head," I said as I approached Randy.

- Yeah, that's my old man. Hey, Pete," the left midfielder on our football team extended his hand to me.

It's funny, but Sally's got a little sniffle on her nose. She was one of the few people who still couldn't accept that Peter Parker had changed his place in the school food chain. Even Flash has accepted it.

- Randy, don't give up on losers.

- Hello to you, too, Sally.

- Pfft," the girl waved her blonde hair and headed off to school.

- Sorry Pete, you know her.

- No offence," I said to Randy, who headed off after his date.

- That's harsh.

- Some people don't change, Miles.

- I don't mean to rush you, but we should get to class.

- You're right, Gwen," I turn to the redhead, "I'll see you later, kitten.

- Show everyone, Tiger - the girl, rising on her toes, pressed her lips to mine.

We had embarrassed Miles and Gwen with our passionate farewell.

- All right, hero-lover, we're off. It was nice to meet you, Mary.

After saying goodbye, we entered the building.


First lesson was maths. And as always with this subject, we were behind schedule at the start of the school year.

English came next, nothing special.

It was Physics and Biology that really got the attention.

In physics, Harry brilliantly defended a project I'd helped him work on. It took a week! But it paid off handsomely. Professor Foswell even praised him, though he usually only praised Gwen, me, and sometimes Miles. Of the rest of the class, very few of the students understand his complicated course.

But in biology, there was a very interesting precedent.

At first, it was business as usual. Recessive and dominant genes, the whole thing. Then, after the class was over, Professor Tonneson asked Gwen and me to stay behind.

- Students, do you remember last year when Dr Curt Connors from New York University came to class?

- Of course, Professor, the doctor's research is amazing," Gwen says, eyes lighting up.

I just nod silently, as if asking to get to the point.

- So, yesterday I received a request from his laboratory, asking me to send two of his best students for practice. How would you feel about that?

Hmm. An internship in the future Lizard's lab? Of course, it's probably wrong of me to view people whose POSSIBLE future I know about as potential enemies, but, it's hard enough.

Doc Connors is a normal man, for the most part, and I'm sure the desire to regain his lost arm will prevail over reason. And the fateful transformation into a reptile will take place.

- That sounds wonderful, doesn't it, Peter? - Stacy gives me a cheerful squeeze.

- I don't know, I've got a job at the Daily Bugle, I've got school, not to mention a girlfriend and a life as a Spider. - Professor, can't they just have Gwen or can you find someone to take my place?

- Hmm, of course we could send Mr Morales, after you and Miss Stacey he's the best. Albeit a very absent-minded chap. Still, think about it, Mr Parker, this internship will open up wonderful prospects for you at university. Not to mention your academic endeavours.

- I'll think about it. Goodbye, Professor.

We leave the classroom and then, just a second later, Gwen grabs my shoulder.

- Pete, are you crazy?! This is such an opportunity!

- Gwendy, first of all, don't grab people like that. It's not cool. Secondly, I said I'd think about it. Besides, they might send Miles with you.

- But I want... I mean, as a partner... you are more useful, - all red finished Gwen.

- You're not ill?

- No, I'm fine. Please, Pete. It'll be fun," Stacey finished, looking at me with deer eyes.

- All right, all right. I'll go with you. And only if it's a good deal will I stay.

- You're awesome!

- I know you are.

So talking and laughing, we went to the cafeteria.


Tumstechnologies office.

Adrian Tooms was in his office, trying his best to contain his anger.

A multi-million dollar deal!

He had lost his last chance to elevate his company to the big leagues. All because of conglomerates like Stark Industries, Oscorp, and Roxon Energisers.

But he was the culprit. Donald Roxon. The bastard stole and reworked his technology. Changed the feeds and channelled it into civilian rather than military applications.

But most disgusting of all, now he. The creator of the design is considered a plagiarist. The company's bankrupt. He's lost everything.

But that's okay. Roxon will pay. They're all gonna pay!


The day at school was over pretty quickly. Gwen and I took the bus back to the university lab.

While she was talking about the great holiday she and her father had had in Miami, I was thinking.

The blonde was acting strange today. At first, meeting Mary Jane had been a little awkward. At least I felt some tension. Then the request to go on an internship together.

I open my eyes in shock and quickly turn around to see a girl distracted by the view out the window.

Oh, I'm a dick! It's Gwen Stacey. Peter Parker's first love. Of course the canon couldn't avoid this moment.

I'm an arsehole, and a total arsehole at that.

So what do we do now?

Let's face it, Gwen's cool, but I don't feel attracted to her. Of course, if it weren't for MJ or Felicia, I'd try to make a move on the blonde. And that move would probably have been successful.

But now I have a girlfriend and plans for a future relationship. Gwen doesn't fit in. But I've seen her eyes, she's attracted.

So what do we do?

- Pete, we're here.

- I'm coming, Gwen. I'll think about it later.

What can you tell me about New York University? It looks very stylish. That's all I noticed as we made our way towards the science lab complex.

The building looked cool. It's all glass with a little bit of cast iron. Inside, the atmosphere wasn't much different. White walls, ceilings, floors. Not just the surroundings, but even the smell. Everything said the same thing: hospital.

- Oh, are you the students from Midtown High? - A man came out of the back office and asked.

- That's us," I answered for both myself and Gwen.

- Nice to meet you, I'm Dr Curt Connors," the man extended his hand to me.

Well, hello, Doc.

How should I describe the man in front of me? Medium height, light brown eyes, dark brown hair, and a very tired look.

- Peter Parker, I shake hands with him. - This is Gwen Stacey.

- Nice to meet you, Dr Connors.

- Likewise, Miss Stacey.

Our acquaintance was interrupted by the ringing of the front door bell. A middle-aged woman with red hair and blue eyes entered the room.

- Young people, let me introduce you to my colleague and wife, Martha Connors. Martha, these are the students referred from Midtown School.

- A pleasure.

- We too... what's better, Dr Connors or Mrs Connors? - I ask the woman, rubbing the back of my head.

The couple look at each other and start laughing.

- It could go either way, Mr--

- Parker.

- And you must be Miss Stacey?

- How did you know that?

- Unlike my husband, I study the records of the students who decide to come to us," Martha adds with a laugh.

- Yeah, I don't do that sort of thing," Kurt said with a chuckle, "I usually try to evaluate people on their skills and knowledge, not on third-party characterisations.

- But at least you could have got the names.

- Why, we'd just met before you got here, hadn't we?

- Anyway, your teacher said he would send another file later. I asked why, since we only needed two students from Midtown, to which he replied, "Mr Parker will explain." So what's the deal?

Oh, yeah, Tonneson, you really screwed the pooch.

- Well, there's not much to explain, I just have a very busy schedule. Apart from school, I've got a job as a photographer for the Daily Bugle and an outside job. I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to devote enough time to practice.

- Oh, you don't have to worry about that. You didn't think you two were the only ones assigned to us, did you?

Gwen and I look at each other.

- Let me explain," Martha joins in, "the university gives us research grants. At the moment, the Department of Biology, and especially genetic research, is of great interest to the scientific community. That's why the government has given us a lot of funding. So, while there are funds available, the university administration has decided to put together a team of lab technicians for the biology department. But not just any lab technicians, but the best of the graduating generation. The students were chosen from all over New York. But it's a non-competitive competition. You can be called colleagues, because it was decided that you will be transferred scientific experience, and you will help in research with a new look and ideas.

- Roughly. In addition to the two of you, there are five other pairs of students. Each will be offered a place in the lab, on a certain day that is convenient to your schedule. They'll also present all the research from the corps. We're also not the only scientists, so maybe you'll end up transferring to a faculty member with whom you share similar scientific views.

- That sounds really great, doesn't it, Peter?

Before I can reply, the front door opens abruptly.

A grey-haired man with glasses bursts into the room, and there's no other way to call it, a man of average height, even a little shorter than Doc Connors.

- Connors! - screams a seizure in a lab coat.

- What's the matter, Miles? - Kurt asks.

Though he tried to look friendly, I sensed how strained these two were.

- Why was my research budget cut! The money was allocated equally to the entire department! - This Miles guy was screaming hysterically.

Why does he look so familiar?

- Professor Warren, the budget was allocated by the university committee, not by me, so please express your grievances to the head of the board and don't embarrass us in front of the students who were sent to us from Midtown School," Doc Connors pointed at us.


I tensed sharply.

Meanwhile, the man stretched out and began to adjust his tie.

- The students from Midtown? - he circled us with his gaze.

And if a confident, cold gaze was directed at me, it was full of restrained contempt. Like a rival. Warren looked at Gwen with a greasy look of unconcealed lust.

Oh, you old pervert.

But apparently, I was the only one who recognised that look.

- Nice to meet you, I'm Professor Miles Warren," the old man said as he approached us.

I wasn't going to shake his hand. But he didn't notice it, looking solely at Gwen.

- It's wonderful that such beautiful young creatures are drawn to science," Warren said, kissing Gwen's hand.


Gwen seemed to feel something like that too, for she pulled her hand away, albeit respectfully and quite insistently.

- Thank you, Professor," she continued in a sweet tone. Though I caught a glimpse of how uncomfortable she was with the professor's frivolity.

- Well, if you'll excuse me, we're not finished, Connors. Martha.

Remarkably, Warren also cast eloquent glances at Doc's wife.

Without dignifying me or the doc with his undoubtedly royal, as he thinks, attention, Professor Miles Warren left.

- Well, you've met another head of our biology department. Cloning.

- Anyway, we've been distracted, so what do you say, Peter.

- I agree, Doc, sign us up," I reply, looking at the door closing.


After putting Gwen on the bus and saying goodbye, I walked home, deciding to take a shortcut through the abandoned warehouses.

Need to blow off some steam.

Shit! I didn't think I'd run into that bastard so soon.

Remember when I said, "Don't treat people I meet as potential enemies and blah, blah, blah, blah"? Well, forget it! Because Miles Warren is the biggest fucking psycho and fucker you'll ever find.

I've only looked into that bastard's eyes once and I've already seen the hell he's sure to burn in.

He's one of the few people in the comics who caused Peter real psychological suffering. Created clones, planted seeds of doubt, in terms of self-identity and that's not the limit.

I've always felt that the Jackal is one of the few enemies of Spidey who really deserves to die. And the most painful one at that.

But still.

I jump over the fence of an abandoned building. And run into the building itself, knocking the door off its hinges in the process. I do a somersault and grab the chains on the ground and start throwing them at the barrels. I scatter building debris and pound everything in my path in a fury.

I look down at my hands as I finish and practically wreck everything in this warehouse.

But still, I can't just kill him. Of course, seeing that grinning sadist and not breaking his jaw is beyond me. But he hasn't done anything yet. What if in this world he's just an arrogant, sex-crazed scientist who likes to hit on young female students?

He may deserve a warning slap in the face for that, but not death.

We need to control ourselves. Be smarter. Having this arsehole has forced me to take an internship I don't really need. Once again, I'm wasting what little free time I have. Ugh.

Okay, I'll catch up with you later. I put on my costume and decide to take the web home. Hopefully, at least the evening flights will relax me.