

He stares into her eyes like a mirror. He tears his shirt and she bites down on her lip as his body seduces her. He puts an arm around her and draws her close to his body. Rachael’s heart pounds in her chest like a drum. She can feel his hot breath against her neck. “Rachael,” she hears a familiar and alluring voice. Rachael can hear Samuel’s voice but she cannot see him. “I want to hold your small hands and kiss them,”. She feels little kisses on her fingers. “I want to touch you,” his voice says and she closes her eyes. Rachael feels a soft hand press hard against her nipple and she lets out a moan. She raises her head to see Gabriel still looking at her. He bends and kisses her neck, he nibbles her neck and traces his way to her collar bone. Gabriel smiles as Rachael’s body grows weak against his. He says something but Rachael cannot hear his words. His mouth moves but he has no voice. “Rachael,” Samuel’s voice calls out to her, a voice without a body. Rachael is a girl trying to come to terms with her father’s death. Things seem normal until she meets the twin supernatural. Things change when the twins develop feelings towards her. Bonds are tested between them as they long for her all the while running from Dracula. Rachael learns about her family secrets. She endures pain and finds courage in her journey. The twins face Dracula in a grand finale and their love for Rachael will be tested with a heavy sacrifice. Secrets will be discovered. Bonds will be tested. Will Rachael survive her new chaotic world?

KingPablo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs


Gabriel, Samuel and John look at the dead vampires before their feet and smile feeling satisfied with their handiwork. They are odourless bearing a smell of nonexistence.

"Let's get out of here," Gabriel says, Samuel adjusts his sleeves and John holds his jacket against his lap still covering Nightmare.

John just witnessed the ferocity of the twins as he fought alongside them on enemy grounds, he thanked his stars for being on their side but it also reminds him about Dracula and sees how similar they are to their father.

Will they be able to kill their father?

The trio does not go far before bullets come flying toward them, John dives behind the twins while they standstill as the bullets hit them but inflicts no damage on their bodies.

Gabriel looks at his jacket, now designed with bullet holes and gets angry.

"This is expensive," "Wolves" Samuel sniffs into the air and detects their scent.

The culprits come with arms, "Are you sure these are wolves because those are guns that can kill vampires?

They feel more like hunters" John says.

"They are not like Cassandra's pack that likes to be free," Gabriel says, "These are professional assholes," Samuel adds.

A slim man comes forward, the leader of this group, and addresses them; "Put your hands down and get on your knees. You boys aren't leaving here tonight" he says.

Samuel smiles widely, "Looks like this night won't be ending so soon" "You don't seem to know who you are talking to", they charge through the bullets and disarm their new opponents and begin to kill them.

They break their bones like little planks and toss them against each other like dice against a board.

"What the hell is going on?", Dracula shouts at his men as he walks to his throne room, "Where is Adrian?" he calls out.

"My lord," a man calls out as he walks into the throne room just before Dracula can take his position on the majestic chair in the room.

This vampire has pale white skin with a bit of bald head, he has a muscular build that fits perfectly into his long black jacket and a pair of brown eyes.

He stands at 6'4ft.

"What is going on?" Dracula questions him, "We are under attack my lord" Adrian answers, "And what is being done?", Dracula raises his voice in anger, "I have dispatched men to handle it".

Dracula sits on his throne, "The twins…" "I have sent a number of the trackers to strengthen the security already in place".

There is no way anyone is escaping this place tonight.

Dracula frowns as he ponders which of his enemies will be bold enough to attack him in his building. His domain. His lair.

Those twins.

Who could they be working with that would be willing to risk their lives to come here?

No matter, whoever has come here is about to regret their decision.

"Adrian, I can only surmise that you sent capable men to keep my sons in check", he eyes his head of security with a glare that makes him look to the ground.

Adrian raises his head, "Yes my lord" he assures Count Dracula.

Dracula does not like to be disappointed and Adrian knows disappointment can mean death for those around Count Dracula.

And right now, he is just a few metres away within this ruthless being's grasp.

Mrs McQueen drives John's mustang through the steel gates; she is no Eminem but she goes in guns blazing.

She and Philip begin to shoot anything walking on two legs as they enter the compound.

After taking a shot, their targets fall to the ground and begin to experience seizures till they stop moving and finally die.

She keeps on driving around the compound while Philip sits on the edge of the car's window and shoots down every moving target that attempts to follow them around.

Men on sport bikes follow them around but Mrs McQueen pulls some maneuvers and they crash while Philip changes his gun.

She parks the car, "Philip, prepare the EMP device" she says, as she comes out of the car.

She opens the trunk and removes the bazooka inside; she goes down on one knee and arms the weapon as she points it at the 40 feet of a building and aims at the ground floor where guards begin to come out.

She wears a roguish smile as she prepares to blast them away. .

She fires the bazooka and hits her target blowing the front door and all those close to it.

She returns the bazooka to the trunk and replaces it with an assault rifle, she puts a semi-automatic behind her against her trousers.

She wears a holster under her arms and puts a shotgun on one side and a double-barrel gun on the other side.

She prepares herself to save her daughter, even if it means having a face-off with Count Dracula himself.

She hangs two grenades on her belt.

"Philip?", "I'm done" "Then, let's fry this bitch" "Here we go. One, two, go…" he activates the EMP device which sends out an electromagnetic force that fries every electronic device in the compound.

The two look up at the building as the lights in this large compound begin to off.

"We are successful, so far" Philip says as he goes to the trunk of the car to arm himself with guns.

"It's been a long time since I had this much fun," he says as he straps up, "Don't have too much fun, this is Count Dracula we are talking about here", Mrs McQueen cocks her assault rifle.

"Here," Philip hands her a night vision gadget, "These are vampires and we just gave them the dark. Be careful" he says and she nods.

They prepare themselves and begin to make their way to the entrance, which Mrs McQueen cleared for them.

They walk in, dodging a few of the large debris on the floor as their night vision gear brightens the dark room for them.

The darkness hides the beautiful art that is now tainted by dust and debris.

They walk together, back against back.

Philip starts to shoot as he sees the first wave of vampires running towards them.

The duo shoots their way to the next floor but the vampires do not take the shots without a reply, they begin to fire back at them and the building turns into a scene of bullets.

Cartridge after cartridge drop to the ground creating a melody of thunderous reckoning as Mrs McQueen and Philip match forward towards her goal and Philip's pleasure.

Dracula sits all high and mighty on his throne, frustration becomes him as this vexatious event continues and he turns to his head of security and even he can tell that he may not live beyond this night.

"Do I have to tell you to handle this?", Dracula says in anger and Adrian performs a slight bow before he exits the room.

"Alex, check in with the boys. Find out what is going on down at the dungeon", he commands and the redhead walks out of the room.

"Sitting here just isn't doing it", he stands up from his throne and walks out of the room feeling agitated.

Samuel snaps the neck of the last werewolf.

He can hear the shots being fired and he wonders who the hell John brought with him.

"Did you bring a fucking army or something?" he asks the blond man.

"No, just a crazy old lady" John says, "Wait, Mary is here?" Gabriel asks furiously, "Yes."

"Why?" "She can handle herself, Gabriel" "This isn't some old vampire's lair that she can just match in like a commando and kill everyone.

Our father stays here," Gabriel's angry voice echoes in John's ear like an Armaan Malik song.

"We thought you guys were here with Rachael and you know nothing will stop her from rescuing her daughter", John says.

"Damn it, Rachael is safe. She is at Cassandra's place", Samuel says.

"Damn it," John mumbles.

"Well, let's get over there before she gets killed", Samuel says.

Gabriel starts the run towards the tallest building in the compound, where all the commotion is coming from, Samuel and John follow behind him.

They run fast with inhuman speed and don't stop until they get to the front of the building where some of Dracula's men seem to be preparing to attack.

They disrupt this team and kill them as quickly as they can.

"Let's split up. Once any one of us gets her, we take her to John's car and drive the fuck off.

Our hearing should be good enough to pick up on the car engine", Samuel says.

Samuel jumps high up and onto the building like a spider, "I will go through the back" John says and speeds away while Gabriel enters through the destroyed entrance where there is now a big opening.

Mrs McQueen throws away her rifle as she runs out of bullets but she continues her onslaught with the shotgun, she is no longer in her prime but she is on a good killing spree.

She blasts off a vampire's head with her shotgun and reloads, she sees a bulk-looking vampire coming towards them, she raises her gun towards him but before she can pull the trigger he appears before her like a ghost and hits the gun messing up her aim.

Adrian jerks the slim woman and slams her against the wall before tossing her to the ground.

Philip aims his gun at Adrian but this experienced vampire dodges as he moves within the shadows until he knocks Philip off his feet.

Mrs McQueen pulls out her double barrel and begins to shoot at Adrian but he maneuvers his way through the array of bullets and slaps the gun away from her hand.

He snatches the night vison gadget from her face and pushes her backward, "I can't believe my job is in a precarious state because of two humans" he snarls.

"Don't worry, your deaths won't be swift" he says as he walks towards Mrs McQueen who tries to back away from him.

Adrian charges towards her and the woman can feel the air almost sucked out of her lungs until something smashes into Adrian.

Gabriel appears, he growls at Adrian and Adrian hisses back at him and the two men charge towards each other.

Slamming themselves against the wall and the floor.

Mrs McQueen stands up and picks up her gun.

John enters the room, he nods his head as a form of greeting as he sees her, he sees Gabriel and Adrian fighting.

Gabriel is overpowering Adrian but the vampire stands his ground displaying his martial arts move on the stronger being.

John turns back to Mrs McQueen and his eyes open widely as fear penetrates his dead heart and he screams, "Mary".

But it is too late, his hand is around her neck and even she knows this is a dangerous situation.

Dracula stands behind her, his grip tight around the back of her neck and he bends his head beside her ear, "Little human, are you the one causing this commotion?".