
Queen (Part I)

Evie woke up just a couple of hours after she was brought in Crescia, fully rested, and stretched languidly as she sat up from her slumber. Remembering everything that had happened before she fell into unconsciousness, she lifted her hand to touch the wound on her neck and was surprised to find from the smooth velvety texture that greeted her fingertips that it was already healed. Creasing her brows, she wondered if someone had healed it. Was it Gav?

The moment the image of his red eyes that she saw before blanking out flashed across her mind, Evie's face immediately lit up happily and she climbed off the bed with great enthusiasm. Where was he? She wanted to see him now!

But her body froze as it dawned upon her that this place that she was in right now was not his room anymore. This place… Where exactly was she? Why was she waking up to a different room from the one she had fallen asleep in?