
Not like this

This chapter is dedicated to @MonsterUnderTheBed! Thank you so much for the supergift!

Because the dragon was attacked at such a close proximity to the dark wall, Zolan had fallen in the midst of where the battle was thickest at.

The moment he landed on the ground, the monsters came swarming at him from all sides. He did not have any time to plan nor to position himself. Shit! Was this it, for him? He did not see himself leaving in this manner, so shameful in his opinion. He had thought that he would at least go out fighting a fierce and meaningful battle. Not like this…

Everyone around him was either losing or dying. No one could help him now. No one was even aware of his predicament. There was nowhere else to run. A monster that was charging towards him, swung its incredibly long arm at him and he managed to block that attack. But another attack came at him, then another, and another until he found his vision blurring out.