

"No, Princess!" Three of the men shouted simultaneously. "That will not do! You can't possibly do that!" Their eyes were bulging out of their sockets, totally shaken at the sudden statement that the princess had made. Just the mere thought of what Evie just said earlier caused another round of shivers to wreck through their bodies. No! They absolutely must not let it happen.

Pressing his fingers to his already throbbing temples, Zolan stood and blocked Evie's way. "We can never let you do that. Wait here, My Lady. Levy and Luc will definitely be able to find and bring a human girl here before midnight."

Evie shook her head. "That's still half a day away, Zolan. That means it is another half a day that Gavriel need to suffer… It's alright. I can handle it –" she looked up at Zolan and smiled reassuringly.