
speedster with ADHD in Naruto!

Ikazuchi Ena was a teenager with a lot of spunk, and when I mean spunk. I’m mean Spunk! He could never sit still always fidgeting with something. Of course his parents took him to a doctor and found out he had ADHD…. So what happens when that boy gets killed gets an insane power and is reincarnated into the Naruto world. And of course his ability just makes his ADHD ten times worse!

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12 Chs

Easy Mission

Pink lightning could be seen zipping through trees as the lightning traveled fast toward its destination. And the one in control of said lightning was having a blast!

Who wouldn't be having a blast running at insanely fast speeds for fun?

Ena was on his way to complete his first C-rank mission. Exterminate or relocate a pack of wolves eating the people's livestock in a small village in the land of fire.

After thirty minutes of running, Ena made it to the village. It was a relatively large village with big farms with many different animals and tiny houses made of wooden logs, with people walking up and down the streets.

As Ena walked, he got strange looks from the villagers. It wasn't common to see a guy with white hair walking around, so he always got the occasional glances.

Ena continued to walk down the streets till he reached a farm that had a sign on it saying "livestock."

Ena entered the farm looking for the person who was in charge. He ended up asking many workers /farmers till he got pointed in the right direction and finally got to meet the person who issued the mission.

The man's name was Luffy. The man wore a straw hat and a pair of blue overalls. Luffy then filled Ena in on his information about the wolf pack.

The wolves would commonly attack the livestock at night when the farmers were sleeping, and they would attack several days apart. But the days were always random and never predictable. So Luffy hired a shinobi to get the job done correctly as they had a hard time dealing with the wolves by themselves.

Their normal human beings not shinobi who can shoot flames out of their mouths and have lightning fly off their fingertips.

After getting the information, Ena had a thoughtful look, and he decided what course of action he was to take. 'Hmm, I don't want to wait for the wolves to attack. That would take too long, and I want to eat some barbecue….. I might as well look for their den. They can't be that far away, seeing as they attack relatively close time-wise.'

As Ena finished his thought process, pink lightning surrounded him as he sped off, sweeping back and forth in a forest-like terrain, trying to find any clues on the wolf pack's location.

It took him ten minutes to finally find the wolf pack, and boy, was he surprised. The supposed wolf pack was only five adult-looking wolves and two smaller baby ones, all sleeping in a little cave near a cliff they probably call home. Seven wolves in total.

Ena looked at the wolf pack with slightly sad eyes as he looked at their condition. They were malnourished or starving, as he could see their ribs poking out from their fur, showing that they barely had any meat and fat on their bones.

'Hmm, so they're starving… we'll. That's probably why they would eat the livestock in that village…' Ena thought as he unsheathed his katana at his waist as silently as possible, not trying to wake up the wolves.

He turned the blade to a blunt side getting reading to hit the seven wolves in their necks with the intent to knock them out in a single hit.

Ena didn't want to kill these wolves; they'd done nothing wrong. All they've done is rely on their survival instincts to survive.

Ena moved at lightning speed as he hit all of the wolves in their necks as they slept, making sure they wouldn't wake up any time soon.

He then picked up the wolves one by one in a big pile and said with a smile, "I'll come back soon!"

Ena said as he returned to the village to get the document paper signed to confirm he had completed the mission. After getting Luffy to sign the documents and reassuring him that the wolves were handled, he headed back to the small cave to take care of the wolves.

Looking at the pile of nocked-out wolves, Ena was contemplating in his head, 'Hmm, where should I put them so they don't cause any more trouble?… an abandoned island?… no, they'll probably starve… How about the inazuka clan… yea, Kiba has his wolf, right? Hah! Who cares? I'll just let the inazuka clan handle it….' Ena thought as he picked up one of the wolves and ran to Konoha to drop the wolf off at the inazuka compound, totally not caring about creating the headache he just made for the Inazuka clan.

Ena ran back and forth from the cave to Konoha seven times in three hours, dropping off all the wolves. After he finished his mission and collected the money from the task with the wolves, he felt pretty hungry.

So, of course, he went to Yakiniku Q to get some barbecue.

When Ena entered the building, he was greeted by a happy-looking shop owner. Ena was a regular and a great customer giving big tips. Ena looked around for an excellent stall to eat in and was surprised to see Shikamaru, ino, choji, and their squad leader. As well as Hinata, Kiba, and shino as well as their squad leader.

So of course being the gentleman he is Ena decided to say "hello"

(A/N: sorry for being a short chapter!…. Forgive my sins oh mighty readers!)