

"So what do you as a hobby?" Shiro asked Midoriya, which he had come to learn was the name of the Green haired boy

"Oh..no..I just.." Midoriya seemed stumped on how to answer this question, he couldn't exactly say he was training to get All lights quirk

"I..was training for the U.A entrance exam" Midoriya said clenching his fist

"Ah, so you want to go to U.A is that why you were cleaning the beach" Shiro smiled gently while asking

"No..it's..well" Midoriya seemed stumped again

"Don't worry, there's always a reason for things to happen"

"Would you mind if I asked you what your quirk is?" Shiro asked midoriya as his smile dropped slightly

"Well..uh..it's" At this point of time Shiro was starting to get agitated from all the stuttering

'Does he even count as a man?'

Of course he did not say that out loud instead he decided to act like he cared

"Oh no, I'm sorry if I asked something personal you don't have to answer"

"Uh..thanks" he said suddenly springing back up

"So why are you going to U.A" Shiro asked

"I want to be like All might!!" Midoriya responder almost immediately

Everyone in the Cafe looked at him before shaking their heads, sighing and going back to their business. It had become quite normal to see children idolize all might

This made Midoriya crawl back into his seat

"Do..you want to go to U.A?" This time Midoriya asked

"I'd love to but...I don't have the ability" Shiro professionally lied

"Oh.." it seemed as if there was something he wanted to say but was unsure if he should say it or not

"Well I do hope to meet you again" Shiro said Getting up, seeing Midoriya like this he realized that his questions would need to wait for another time


"Are sure this a Good idea"

"We have already enrolled you to U.A" Tomura replied nonchalantly

"You do realize that the entire of Japan already knows my quirk" they had already gone over this conversation multiple times even then Shiro didn't like the plan

"No, they know that you're fast and release blue lightning when running, not that you can go through walls and attacks" Tomura grinded while speaking, it was obvious he was tired of the conversation

Shiro Grunted, he still unclear on how they knew about that. He was sure he had never done it before but then again it wouldn't be too difficult to guess that it was possible

"Do you plan to take on all of UA with just you two or is there more?" Shiro raised another questions

"Well...we do have a some help and there will be much more villains when the time comes" Kurogiri answered

Shiro had really gotten tired from their lack of trust in him, Their motive was unclear and it seemed like they were trying to use him

'Of course it won't be that simple'

Shiro got up from his chair and stretched it out a bit, these people were boring and there was only one other thing he did

Without saying a word Shiro flashed from his chair in a steak of lightning

'Yu Takeyama no. 23 also known as mount lady' Shiro sat on ledge of the roof as he read the contents of the book in front of him

'Quirk Gigantification'

'She has a hero office with no one but herself l, exactly like death arms'

'But it'll basically be impossible for me to harm her once she uses her quirk' Shiro knew his limits as well as the fact that if he doesn't use a weapon then it's basically impossible for him harm anyone by mistake


Agent_Clark_CIAcreators' thoughts