

"And why should I?" Shiro asked a tall man of a moderate build, with eyebrows that appear always to be drawn up and eyes that look notably squinted. has short gray hair, worn parted to his right with side bangs hanging above his eyes, along with a small mustache and a goatee on his chin, and one of his front teeth seems to be missing, leaving a gap in his grin.

"Look, kid, you join or you don't it up to you," the man, Giran, said still grinning

"You found me how exactly...?" Shiro was certainly bewildered although it wouldn't be hard to find him in his Villain costume he was bewildered by how this man found him as a 'regular' civilian

"Haha...take a guess" Giran said laughing

Shiro truly wanted to strangle this man but knew that wouldn't get him anywhere

"I'll think about it" Shiro said before zooming away

{Dagobah Municipal Beach Park}

Before reaching the Beach Shoro quickly stopped, this had been where he had been staying, ever since he left the orphanage and had only seen about one or two people throughout the entire thing

But now there was suddenly two people... one Skinny about in his mid thirties extremely skinny as if lacking food and the other was also skinny seemed about my age or a bit younger, green hair not exactly lacking in nutrients

this would not have bothered Shiro much if that was all but the problem was what they were doing

"Excuse me, may I ask what you are doing" he asked hoping for an answer that was different from the one in his head

they both looked at Shiro at almost the exact same time

"We are cleaning out this beach" the older one reacted first

"That's great, it's nice to see some good Samaritans" Shiro lied with the best smile he could make

"t..thanks" the younger one said while scratching the back of his head sheepishly

After Shiro had left All might looked at Midoriya and then back at Shiro direction

"Do you know him?" All might asked suspicious

"No, Why?"

"I think I've felt that aura before but I can't remember from where"

"Anyway Carry on, you only have 10 months before the Exams"

{With Shiro}

Shiro could've killed them but he knew that they were more then what they had let on

the older one seemed to be have been a little more than a bit of strength hiding and had only felt that kind of aura once before and any way he did not mindlessly kill

They might have said they were cleaning the Beach but they had not said why and Shiro didn't want to ask as it would have made them suspicious

either way he would have to move to another place but that would require money something he currently did not have

And honestly Shiro was not very interested for what was known as the league of villains

pushing those thoughts out of his mind he put one new one in there

'Time to go hero hunting'