
Spectral Phantom: God Chaser

A boy named Atlus finds himself in Hong Kong to learn, but instead he and his humble hosts Kuo and Li-Hua start off their day a bit different than usual. A demon? A hidden past? Goddesses? What else could be worse than becoming a phantom with spectral system help him fight the goddesses that will send their unwilling and dying victims to another reality against their will?

Hannah_King_6215 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

An Arrow for NewBorn Goddesses

Lingering eyes could be felt from behind. He could have sworn it was Atlus for a few seconds turning to find no one. It was jarring to Kuo sending chills down his spine in an eternal place like this.

"Do not be afraid, Kuo…" Goddess Bao explained.

"I want out of this madhouse!" Kuo shouted.

"Oh?" She smiled.

Kuo stuck his hand out thinking this is attempt might be a bad thing but could be his only chance of escape from this place.

"Stop, Kuo! Stop please!" A raspy voice chimed.

Goddess Bao gasped out. A whirling smoky black vortex circulated for a few seconds before a very tall man manifested before them legs first.

Pulling himself completely out his slick black hair was a mop over his face stunning the Goddess and Kuo so much so their jaws dropped at the sight of the man in front of them.

"It's been a long time Goddess Bao!"

She started to grit her teeth together in anger at the sight of the man in front of her. She nearly stood up seething seeing his existence in her life.

"Briar…Black…" She whispered.

Trying her best to contain herself with Kuo in the room. Briar Black took his charcoal black leather-bound hand shaping it into a fist quickly slamming his fist into the man's stomach paralyzing him on the spot.

"You need rest, Kuo…let the adults speak."

Kuo blacked out almost instantly to be laid down on the ground by the tall spider of a man. He adjusted his vest and pushed out the wrinkles in his pants.

"It is I who killed your precious Goddess Zhan!" He smirked.

"You baited me didn't you?!" She screamed.

Her shout echoed off the walls causing Briar Black to laugh. The man was hardly phased by her fury.

"If you even touch Kuo I will kill you!" Briar Black threatened.

Everything started to make sense to the goddess. The images and why Kuo couldn't remember what had happened. His mere panic was because he didn't completely do it.

Sitting on the ground he sat one leg on the other matching her leaning position. The two practically bump heads from only a distance. He yawned waiting for her response.

"T-Then I won't punish him, but I will punish you!" Goddess Bao stated.

Jumping to his feet he summoned the stone lion to his side and then another strange one Bao couldn't put her finger on.


Both statues became Li-Hua and Atlus in a matter of seconds before Bao's eyes. Bao became enraged at the magic Briar Black was displaying.

"You really think you could take them from me, Goddess Bao?!"

Atlus's hair had become white speckled with pair strands throughout. His shirt and pants were completely black as his eyes that of snowfall in the midst of winter. They had fully opened finally after a brief tangle with death.

"HOW DARE YOU! GUARDS!" Goddess screeched.

Everyone in the room held their ears. She got up from her golden throne to stomp the ground below them yet Li-Hua and Atlus were unphased.

"Figment Zero!" Atlus shouted.

His body faded in and out swiftly. A reel of chains cascaded from the palms of his hands wrapping bao's hand and testing her strength. Bao tried to smash Atlus only for him to vanish out of sight.

"Chaos BREAK!" Li-Hua yelled.

Inky blasts both of her hands combined sent shattering black glass sent scattering around them. Briar Black picked up Kuo from the ground

"I will take Kuo! I will see you both out!" Briar Black said.

Both only saluted while entangling the giant woman. Briar Black was about to exit when a long silver broadsword poked his left cheek.

"I heard a lot about you, Briar Black!" Jianyu scoffed.

The spidery man reversed backward grinning with his white sharp teeth being thrust back inside. Atlus and Li-Hua stopped dead in their footsteps.

"Did you not have a plan, B Master Black?" Atlus said monotone.

"You are so damned useless!" Li-Hua responded.

"Sanna is gonna kill me…" Briar Black lamented.

Jianyu pinned them between Goddess Bao. She suddenly felt a pang of confidence seeing the head captain parade in.

"Do you have any more magic tricks, Briar Black?" Goddess Bao smiled.

"Can we call it a stalemate?" Briar Black said nervously.

A thousand spears packed into the room all aimed at Briar Black, Li-Hua, and Atlus. Above them, goddesses were being from a lotus flower that sat beside an adorned chair where the born as they swirled atop her head like a halo.

"This is bad…" Li-Hua commented.

"No shit…" Briar Black whispered.

They giggled embracing their mother distracting the guardsman and the Goddess Bao alike. Loud chatter started to fill the room annoying Briar Black

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" Briar Black howled.

"What a senseless little man!" Goddess Bao replied.

"She had just given birth to a new goddess! How dare you look down on her!" Jianyu growled.

"Lame…" Briar Black responded.

Goddess Bao cuddled her new children welcoming them. They would swoop through the air and glide back down to snuggle around her neck happily cooing.

Peering up he began to think menacingly. His black irises grew large the more he watched the glistening presence of the newborn gods.

[Bow and arrow mode: Assistant Li-Hua]


The failing sigh of a tiny goddess bolted from heaven to the ground. Carrying an arrow in its chest. Briar Black and Li-Hua merely laugh it off kicking in their own merriment to the large Goddess as it attempted to pry it from its body.

Briar pointed to another glaring right at her. One right after another Li-Hua picked them off with precise aim hearing their lightened moan.

They fell like stars to the earth yet glimmered like a faerie. Everyone there watched in horror.

"You produce too many of them as it is and all they will do is send another human to their doom!" Briar Black explained.

He rested his hand on Li-Hua's to lay the weapon down. Kuo was still knocked in Briar's hands.

"I can kill you right here!" Goddess Bao warned.

"And I can kill all your children!" Briar grinned.