
SPECIAL CLASS: Classroom of the Elite

Welcome to this brand-new fanfiction, a crossover among numerous mangas/animes, thus creating a new class, Class S, in the universe of Classroom of the Elite! Before we start, I have a few points to clarify. First of all, not all new characters will be in Class S; there will be some in every class. Next, here is the list of crossovers: Classroom of the Elite Kaguya-sama: Love is War The Quintessential Quintuplets Re:Zero (with adaptations to fit a modern world without magic, etc.) Date A Live (with adaptations to fit a different context) Assassination Classroom (with some adjustments, such as replacing the octopus teacher) Danganronpa (without the context of despair and murders) Sword Art Online (with minor adjustments for adaptation) Bunny Girl Senpai Kakegurui Battle in 5 Seconds After Meeting (removing supernatural elements) Spy X Family Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (keeping the tragedy but removing supernatural elements) Umineko no Naku Koro ni (without supernatural elements and modifying the tragedy) Steins Gate Dr. Stone Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan (without supernatural elements) Food Wars (with a special appearance) Oshi no Ko (without reincarnation but keeping the tragedy) The World God Only Knows (without supernatural elements)

Phoenix_Lore · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

PROLOGUE: Two Opposite Paths

POV: Kiyotaka

I would like to ask you a question, perhaps a bit abruptly, but it's a subject that deserves reflection. We talk a lot about equality these days, don't we? But what does that really mean? Are people truly equal?

Let's consider the world around us. We often hear that everyone should have the same chances, the same rights. It's a beautiful ideal, but is it reality? Look closely. Each of us is different, with talents, weaknesses, unique stories. Doesn't that make the idea of absolute equality a bit... unrealistic?

Of course, in school, we're taught that everyone deserves the same respect, the same opportunities. But in practice, how does it work out? Each person faces different challenges. Some have advantages right from the start, others do not. Doesn't this naturally create inequalities?

I'm not saying that the idea of equality is bad. On the contrary, it's a noble goal. But perhaps it needs to be viewed in a different way. Rather than pretending everyone is the same, why not recognize and value our differences? After all, it's these differences that make each person unique, right?

As students, we're right in the midst of this period where these questions become important. Our choices, our paths, our ambitions... all of this is influenced by our environment, our experiences, our abilities. So, equality, maybe it's less about making everyone identical, and more about giving everyone a chance to realize their potential, in their own way.

It's something to think about, I believe. Equality is a complex concept. And maybe true equality is about understanding and accepting this complexity, instead of oversimplifying it...


The sun was shining high in the sky, illuminating the city with its warm rays. A day that would have been perfect for a walk or a picnic with friends... But no, it was the start of the school year in Japan, so the idea of a picnic or a walk, I can probably put that aside. Not that I really wanted to, anyway.

So here I am, waiting under this sun, surrounded by the usual city noises, the din of cars, people chatting... Waiting for the bus. Yes, that bus that is supposed to take me to where I'm supposed to go, to the Advanced Nurturing High School. A school apparently renowned for gathering Japan's elite. You're probably wondering how I got accepted into such an establishment. To be honest, I wonder too... I'm just an average individual, a teenager who doesn't like complications. But an opportunity like this, they say it shouldn't be turned down, right? Anyone would be excited in my place, it's natural! Imagine, suddenly receiving an official letter announcing your admission to the most prestigious school in the country... You'd surely be euphoric, right?

... Anyway, the reality is that I was accepted into this prestigious academy, and I was about to go there... Assuming the bus deigns to show up, of course.

I waited, hands in pockets, at the bus stop, indifferent to the other people waiting for the bus with me.

... ... ... ... ...

Suddenly, a voice rose next to me, slightly surprising me. It was a female voice addressing me... She seemed to have a question to ask, speaking to me with a respectful and polite tone.

Polite Girl: Um, sir, forgive me for this interruption... Could you spare a moment?

Hearing this voice, I turned my head to see who was speaking to me. It was a young girl, probably my age, of notable beauty. Her sparkling sky-blue hair was styled into two long braids, adorned with a small pink flower hat on the side. She wore the same uniform as me... Could she be a future classmate?

I certainly didn't expect the first person to approach me, and moreover a girl as charming, to do so before even stepping through the academy's doors.

What first surprised me about her was her discretion... Her voice reached my ears, but it was as if she had emerged from nowhere, no sound of footsteps had alerted me to her approach. It was quite astonishing, actually. Could she be some sort of spy or something of the sort? Probably not.

In any case, another remarkable aspect was her way of speaking, very respectful and polite. She seemed to be my age, yet she addressed me with such courtesy... Could she be from a noble family, having received a particularly rigorous education?

Regardless, I wondered what a girl like her would want to ask someone like me... I mean, I don't believe someone of her appearance really came just to talk to an ordinary boy like me... Unless my uniform misled her? Does she then think I am also someone special? Who knows.

Kiyotaka: Hello... Is there something I can help you with?

Shortly after, the young girl replied to me, bowing slightly to greet me before stating her request, what she wished to tell me.

A cute, respectful, and polite young girl... It would be unthinkable not to listen to her request, right? I wonder if we will be classmates; in that case, she might well become my first friend in this new environment.

Polite Girl: Oh, hello, sir... I am infinitely grateful for you sparing a moment of your so precious time. It's not as if I was really busy, anyway... I'm just waiting. Could you tell me, by any chance, if this bus indeed goes to the Advanced Nurturing High School...?

Again, I was impressed by her manners and her way of speaking... Are all the students at ANHS like this? If so, it seems I will have quite some work adapting...

Anyway, her question was simple: she wanted to know if the next bus was headed to ANHS. But hadn't she already guessed the answer? Now, I wonder what her real intention was in coming to talk to me. Is it possible she approached me because she's interested in me? Well, who knows, anything is possible, right? Perhaps I should consider myself lucky in that case.

Kiyotaka: If you're talking about the next bus, yes, that's right. It indeed goes to ANHS. So, I assume if you're asking, you're going there too?

Polite Girl: Placing her hand delicately on her chest, she sketched a subtle smile while bowing slightly. <Good >, I simply wanted to get confirmation, I am grateful to you! Standing up gracefully, she turned her gaze back to me. Tell me, sir... Wouldn't you be, by any chance, a student of class S?

So, she was just looking for confirmation? For some reason or another, I find that almost disappointing... Yes, almost.

I noted her particular way of confirming in English, with her <Good > pronounced with a slightly stronger intonation, as if to emphasize the word. An unusual way of speaking, but why not, it probably adds to her charm.

Then, she directly asked me if I was also a student of class S... Thus, she implies she belongs to that class. But why ask the question in this way? She could have simply asked me which class I belonged to, couldn't she? Her way of asking was rather unusual... Well, I guess she just wanted to know if we would be in the same class. So we will be classmates... It seems I'm lucky to have such a cute and respectful girl in my class. Especially since she will for now be the only person I know... Maybe she will actually become one of my future friends?

Kiyotaka: Yes, I will indeed be in class S... If you ask like that, does it mean you are also in this class?

Polite Girl: She graced me with a gentle smile, tilting her head slightly to the side... What luck to witness such a spectacle, I should thank fate. Yes, indeed, it seems we are destined to be classmates. I am, let's say, pleasantly surprised to meet my first classmate here. Repositioning herself with elegance. Well, then... She began to walk forward. The bus will arrive soon, so see you later, goodbye, and thank you again for your time!

And finally, without even giving me time to respond, she headed towards where the bus would soon arrive... She didn't even introduce herself. In fact, I don't know her name, and she didn't give me the opportunity to ask for it.

... I suppose I'll have the chance to learn her name in class, won't I? After all, if we become friends, it would be better if I knew how to address her.

As I turned to watch her walk away, the sound of a larger vehicle reached me. I turned once more to see the bus finally arriving.

... ... ... ... ...

I watched the bus come to a stop exactly where the girl who had spoken to me earlier had headed. I noticed that the few people at the bus stop hurried towards the vehicle... Apparently, everyone was in a hurry.

As I sighed, walking towards the bus, I heard behind me the voice of several girls shouting something. The sound of hurried footsteps running at full speed towards my direction was clearly audible.

Outgoing Girl: Ah, the bus hasn't left yet, we've got time. Hurry up, go!

Serious Girl: Uesugi-kun, hurry up, we're going to be late for the bus!

Hearing these voices as I was close to the bus, I turned around to see what it was about. What I saw surprised me more than I would have imagined: five girls, all as cute as the other, running in my direction. Well, should I consider this a sign of luck today? Moreover, they were also wearing the ANHS uniform, maybe future classmates?

Among them, I could observe a girl with very short hair with a long strand on the right side, white-pink; another with reddish-pink hair with a square fringe and butterfly-shaped accessories; a girl with mid-length auburn hair with strands falling on the right side of her face, wearing a wireless headset adorned with a triangular logo; a girl with pale skin, short, straight light orange hair, with a ribbon in the shape of bunny ears; and finally, the last one, with mid-length red-orange hair with an ahoge, adorned with star-shaped hair clips near her eyes. All had a graceful silhouette and shared that same dark blue eye color, undoubtedly adding to their charm.

Remaining in my usual posture, hands buried in my pockets, I couldn't help but observe them out of the corner of my eye as they ran past me, their hair floating in the wind, making this spectacle even more striking.

... But as my attention was diverted, suddenly, I felt a shock against my chest, making me step back slightly and stifling a faint sigh of surprise at this scene I certainly did not expect... Focusing on the person who had just bumped into me, I saw it was one of those five girls, the one with a ribbon in the shape of bunny ears on her head.

It seems she rushed without looking in front of her before colliding with me with surprising vigor. I could already tell that this girl had a certain strength... Well, she is a student at ANHS after all, isn't she?

Enthusiastic Girl: Oh dear! She jumped back, her eyes widening in surprise, before looking at me. Oops, sorry, sir! I was so lost in thought, hahaha!

I observed her for a moment as she seemed to apologize. Up close, it's obvious she's even more beautiful, possessing remarkably generous curves.

Finally, I chose to respond to her apology without really giving it much importance.

Kiyotaka: No, it's okay... Don't worry about it.

As I simply responded, a male voice sounded in front of me, thus coming from behind the girl who had bumped into me. The voice seemed breathless, as if its owner was shouting while running, and I distinctly heard the sound of his rapid footsteps.

It seems that more and more people are arriving... I did not expect to meet so many people even before crossing the school's doors. I suppose this is really my lucky day, isn't it?

Grumpy Boy: Yotsuba, watch where you're going when you run, you just ran into someone, for crying out loud... *Breathless* *Breathless*.

My eyes then traveled afar, and I caught sight of a young boy with black hair, cut in a bowl with a fringe and two somewhat extravagant tufts on top. He looked rather ordinary and didn't seem to draw much attention. He also wore the same uniform as me... Well, I'm somewhat relieved to see that a person seemingly as normal and average as me is joining ANHS. I would have felt a bit out of place if I had been surrounded only by people from high society or clearly above my condition...

Finally, I suppose it's best not to jump to conclusions... It's often said that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, after all, he might be much more than he appears. Anyway, he is, among the seven people I've just met, the only other boy... It's probably a good thing to have boy friends, isn't it? After all, I am a boy myself. I wonder if we'll be in the same class.After the young boy shouted, Yotsuba suddenly seemed to become aware of her surroundings again. She looked to the right, then to the left, before her eyes settled on me in a way that would make any boy's heart beat faster. Then, with an embarrassed air and a big, somewhat awkward smile on her face, she took a few steps back.

Yotsuba: Ah? Oh, shoot, sorry again, sir! But I have to dash, see you around!

As she apologized once more, Yotsuba started running again to catch up with the bus along with the four other girls, without waiting any longer. Well, it seems she's extremely enthusiastic. Is she really that happy to go to school? Generally, the reactions are quite the opposite, aren't they? But well, I suppose everyone has their own preferences...

And finally, the boy who was running, visibly out of breath, stopped near me. He paused to catch his breath, crouching down and holding his knees with his arms. Then, after noticing me, he stood up, displaying a slightly embarrassed expression, but he seemed rather calm.

Grumpy Boy: *Breathless* *Breathless*. Ah, sorry about that, Yotsuba tends to get a little too carried away and completely loses awareness of her surroundings.

My first impression of her is indeed that of a very outgoing and enthusiastic person. She seems to be the kind of person who brings joy and good cheer wherever she goes. I must admit I am somewhat impressed by the ability of people like her to spread such positive energy.

Sure, she bumped into me, but it was clearly not intentional. And honestly, how could I hold a grudge against a girl as charming as her?

Kiyotaka: No, it's okay, it's not a big deal... It wasn't anything serious, anyway. No need to worry about it.

Grumpy Boy: He took a moment to catch his breath, then let out a sigh. Yeah, that's true, but... Anyway, I can't help but notice that you're also wearing the ANHS uniform. You're a student there, aren't you?

Kiyotaka: Yes, I'm also a new student. I'll be in class S. What's your class?

Uesugi: Oh, you're in class S too? Interesting, it looks like we're going to be in the same class. He displayed a slightly proud smile. Well, my name is Fûtarô Uesugi. Normally, I don't bother introducing myself, but you seem to be the same kind of person as me. And I suppose even someone like me can recognize the importance of good relationships in a school like this, right?

Well, he wasn't really wrong... He seemed as average and perhaps as unsociable as me. It's probably a good thing to meet someone like that. I will likely feel less isolated... Even if we're not in the same class, maybe we can get to know each other better and, who knows, become friends. As he said, having good relationships in a school like this is important, and it's also essential not to be alone, right?

Anyway, I simply nodded in response before introducing myself as simply as he had.

Kiyotaka: Yes, I think so... Nice to meet you, Uesugi. My name is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji. I hope we get along well too...

Uesugi: He offered a discreet smile, then looked behind me. Looks like the bus is about to leave, we should get going. And I still need to catch up with the others, *sigh*, those five, I tell you, they're quite the handful... Well, see you later!

Finally, he started running towards the bus, where all the passengers seemed to have already boarded. The driver was about to leave, we had to hurry... So, I turned around and decided to follow Uesugi, finally boarding the bus with him.

... ... ... ... ...

I chose a random remaining seat, all the way at the back of the bus. I first noticed that the group formed around Uesugi and the five girls was quite noisy. I didn't pay them any further mind; they were talking about rather mundane things, and I didn't need to listen to their private conversation...

My attention then shifted to another seat, occupied by the polite girl I had met earlier. She seemed engrossed in her reading, a detective novel titled "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie. Interesting... This girl seems to be particularly immersed in her reading; could she be a big fan of detective novels? That would make her even more remarkable. Intelligent, cute, polite, and respectful, she could be considered the perfect girl for many.

After a moment of observing her, I realized I might have been staring a bit too long, as she looked up towards me and seemed to notice my gaze. She offered me the same smile as earlier, to which I responded with a simple nod before turning my gaze towards the window...

... Really, this is my lucky day. First, this interesting girl who will probably be my classmate, then these five stunning girls, and finally a potential future friend. Not bad for a first day, right? Especially for someone like me, and I haven't even arrived at school yet. I should probably appreciate this moment and thank fate for these encounters.




POV: ???

You know, I've often thought about what it really means to be fair and to show common sense in this world. It's a question that might seem simple on the surface, but I believe it deserves a deeper dive. Justice, common sense, these concepts go far beyond what we're obligated to do by law or society's rules. They touch on what we can do, voluntarily, to contribute to the well-being of others, to create an environment where kindness isn't just an ideal, but a daily reality.

I ponder, for example, about the small everyday gestures. Those actions we choose to do, or not, which, although minor in appearance, can have a tremendous impact on the people around us. Taking the time to listen to someone in need, offering a smile to a stranger, helping someone without expecting anything in return. These aren't obligations, certainly, but don't they contribute to weaving bonds of solidarity and mutual understanding?

Speaking of justice, I also think about the importance of recognizing our own privileges and considering how we can use them to support those who have less. It's not always comfortable to see oneself as privileged, especially when one works hard for what one has. Yet, admitting that some of our successes may also stem from unearned advantages is a step toward a fairer society. This doesn't mean feeling guilty, but rather responsible for making a positive difference.

Common sense, to me, also means recognizing that our actions and words carry weight. Choosing to spread positive messages, to encourage rather than criticize, and to think about the impact of our words before we express them. This requires empathy, patience, and yes, a dose of courage. It's so easy to succumb to negativity or indifference. Yet, opting for encouragement and positivity is choosing to contribute to a fairer and kinder world.

And finally, common sense is understanding that we are all connected, that our actions resonate well beyond our immediate circle. What we do to help others, even in seemingly insignificant ways, can trigger a chain of kindness that extends farther than we can imagine.

In an ideal world, justice and common sense wouldn't be choices, but second nature to each of us. Until we reach that world, I believe it's up to us to make these choices, consciously, every day, to build together a future where kindness is the norm, not the exception. It's an ideal I aspire to, and I'm convinced that, bit by bit, with empathy and perseverance, we can make a difference.


Oh, my heart is racing, it's incredible! Who wouldn't be on cloud nine about joining the most prestigious school in Japan? I'm so excited, but also, I must admit, a bit nervous. I'm eager to discover what awaits me, and especially, I'm curious to meet my future classmates. I wonder what they're like... I'm sure they'll all be incredible, I can't help but smile just thinking about it.

So, who am I? Ah, let me enlighten you! My name is Riku Nakamura, and I've had the immense honor of being accepted into Advanced Nurturing High School, the most renowned establishment in all of Japan. Getting into this school is like securing a bright future, it's the elite of the elite... And believe me, I've given my all to realize this dream! I hope to make many friends there because, after all, that's essential, isn't it?

As I was on the bus heading to ANHS, proudly wearing my school uniform, I couldn't help but notice how many others were wearing it too. This uniform, in addition to being prestigious, is really beautiful and gives a certain presence to those who wear it. Slightly nervous, I watched the landscape passing by the window, my heart throbbing with excitement and anxiety. Yes, I've worked hard to get here... And now, there's no question of giving up!

... ... ... ... ...

Displeased Girl: That's enough, Kōenji-san! I beg you to show some decency and offer your seat to this elderly lady!

Oh! What's happening? My stream of thoughts was abruptly interrupted when I heard someone's voice rise, surprising me a bit... My gaze shifted from the window to observe the scene unfolding before me, and my eyes slightly widened. It looked like a dispute or disagreement had already started while I was lost in my thoughts. A young woman, who seemed to be an office worker, stood a bit apart, and there was an elderly lady with a cane in the middle... Ah, I see, they're trying to find her a seat... But aren't there seats reserved for this purpose? Oh, now I see... There's someone who refuses to give up their seat, isn't there? It's a selfish attitude that I totally cannot understand.

Looking closer, I also noticed a young girl, who seems to be about my age, standing up. She was a very pretty girl, fair-skinned, with long black hair held back by a black and red ribbon, with a few strands framing her face, large almond-shaped red eyes, thin eyebrows, and a slender but feminine figure, with a modestly small chest... But why am I thinking about that? Anyway, she looked really angry at the young man sitting in front of her, who displayed a relaxed posture, arms behind his head, legs crossed, sporting a smug smile. He was a tall young man with long, smooth blond hair.

Both were wearing the same uniform, so I deduced they were also new students at ANHS... But what exactly is going on? It seems the young girl stood up to defend the elderly lady and try to convince the young man, who seemed really arrogant, to give up his seat... Exactly the type of person I can't stand.

Kōenji: Ah, if it isn't our dear <Ice-girl > in the flesh? What a surprise to see you step in... Honestly, it's deliciously surprising. But, you see, as you must have heard, giving up my seat is absolutely not in my plans!

Honestly, this guy seems incredibly arrogant! I was so excited and happy until now, and here he is, managing to spoil my enthusiasm with his mere smug attitude! Poor old lady... Should I stand up and do something? If the situation doesn't improve, I think I might feel compelled to give up my seat, to prevent things from escalating. It would be better to prevent a dispute even before our entrance to ANHS... My support goes entirely to this young girl, it's clear and straightforward, she's completely right in this situation!

As I was observing the scene, just like the other witnesses here, another young girl made her entrance by stamping her foot on the floor. This noise drew my attention towards her as she positioned herself next to the other visibly displeased girl, before moving a bit more towards the one I presume to be "Koenji-san," displaying a pouty and angry expression on her face. She was really cute, with her fair skin, light pink hair cut to her shoulders, adorned with a black bow in the middle of her bangs, blue eyes, and a figure distinguished by a more generous chest.No matter, she seemed just as furious. Without the slightest hesitation, she grabbed the collar of this narcissistic man and started yelling at him, trying to make him stand up from his seat... But he seemed totally indifferent, as if he didn't care at all about the situation.

Eccentric Girl: Oh no, but this is too much, you're being really mean! She puffed up in indignation, her energy soaring. You're really not nice, honestly! You should always think of the elderly first, that's the basics of kindness, come on! Now, off you go, shoo!

She was absolutely right to react, but he didn't seem to care in the slightest, just sporting a smug smile! And to think that he's part of the elite, accepted into the same prestigious high school... Seriously, being smart and strong doesn't give you the right to behave any way you like. Where have morality and ethics gone in all this?

Then, as if events were rushing forward, my attention was caught by another young girl who had just made her entrance, also in uniform. She pointed firmly at the narcissist, with a look full of contempt and disgust towards him. She was a petite girl with brown eyes, long brown hair arranged in loose braids covering her forehead, and she was also wearing black tights.


Proper Girl: Oh, certainly, Fujiwara-san is absolutely right! As a former morality officer at Shuchi'in, I must intervene in the face of this blatant disregard for decency! It's a matter of justice, isn't it? This elderly lady probably endures far more difficulties in her daily life than we can imagine. She deserves this seat much more than we do. Imagine, when we're in her place, how much we would appreciate having seats reserved to aid us in our old age!

Ah, maybe the morality committee is here? Anyway, she's totally right! There's no need for further discussion... He should simply give up his seat, and that's all there is to it! Look at this poor old lady with her cane, she looks like she's about to collapse!

But this arrogant individual didn't even seem to care about the opposition from all these high school girls against him. He just smiled and laughed arrogantly, without even bothering to lift a finger.

Kōenji: Ahahahahah! What a comedy! Don't worry, my dears, I am a public good after all... It seems the perfect being that I am has overwhelmed you in no time, hasn't it?

Grrr... This guy really irritates me!!!

The old lady seemed to want to speak, intervening with a weak voice.

Old Lady: Oh, don't worry about me, young ladies, it's nothing at all, I assure you!

Proper Girl: She quickly bent towards the old lady, squatting slightly to be at her level and adopting a much softer tone. Don't worry, ma'am, you have every right to claim this seat!

Yes, this girl is totally right, it's not for the lady to step back, it's for him to show a bit of common sense!

Displeased Girl: Kōenji-san, how can you ignore such a fundamental rule of politeness? Did your education not include an ounce of consideration for others, or did you forget your manners along with your common sense when boarding this bus? But of course, it seems selfishness has always been in your nature!

Kōenji: Ahahahahaha! Quite biting barbs, <Ice-girl >, but I will not stoop to retaliate to such childishness. Have I not already highlighted this? I act entirely legitimately, without any legal constraint weighing on me.

Alright, this is becoming unbearable, I have to intervene! I would feel terribly guilty if I just sat here without lifting a finger in the face of such injustice. So, I'm going to give up my seat to this elderly lady, she needs to sit down much more anyway.

I stood up, furious, from my seat and began to make my way to the front of the bus. As I was making my way, with what was probably an exasperated expression on my face, I suddenly felt an arm lightly pull the bottom of my uniform. Surprised, I instinctively turned my head to see who had stopped me.

There, I saw a young man, presumably my age, also in uniform. He had a neutral, almost somber expression, and seemed absorbed in his phone, without even looking directly at me. He was a teenager who had a certain charm, although his appearance was rather dark, with a slim figure and black hair falling to his chin, partially obscuring his face, and deep black eyes... Next to him, I also noticed another young man, who seemed quite stressed, especially by the way he was watching the scene unfolding in front of us. His worried expression was accentuated by his piercing eyes and purplish dark circles. He was a handsome man with blond hair, deep blue sanpaku eyes, and long lashes, giving the impression of not having slept for a while, his eyes seemed dazzling despite the bags and circles under his eyes.

Dark Boy: I strongly advise against going over there... Seriously, it's a terrible idea, you know.

He spoke in an indifferent and neutral tone, as if stating a simple truth...

But what is he talking about? Why wouldn't it be wise to intervene in this kind of situation? Is he siding with that arrogant individual? No, he seemed more like he was giving me advice, as if trying to warn me about something...

However, I absolutely cannot stand by and do nothing! I have to do something!

Riku: What are you talking about?! How can anyone even think of doing nothing? I'm not going to leave this lady by herself, no way. And that arrogant guy, I'm not going to let him get away with this. Really!

Dark Boy: *Sigh*. Do as you wish, dude, but don't say I didn't warn you.

What a strange guy, what did he mean by that? Anyway, now it's too late to back out of this quarrel. I'm certainly not going to just turn around and sit back down without doing anything after getting up and going all the way there.

Finally, he let go of me, and without paying him any more attention, I moved forward to the group gathered there.

Riku: Okay, I think we've had our fill of drama on this bus! Sir, it's pretty clear, you're not in the right here, and these girls are totally correct, this is a reserved seat! I then turn to the old lady. Ma'am, seems like common sense isn't his thing. Please, take my seat, okay? I offer her a gentle and reassuring smile.

When I spoke up, firmly, showing how determined and annoyed I was by the whole situation, I noticed all eyes were on me. The old lady gave me a look filled with hope and gratitude... And that's exactly why I love helping people! To see in their eyes that spark of happiness, it's so rewarding, don't you think?

The girl who had spoken before me turned to me, a curious and hopeful look in her eyes... and respect, perhaps? Yes, I think we recognize each other, those of us who want to do good!

As for Koenji-san, he just glanced in my direction, still sporting that arrogant smile that made me boil inside!! But who does he think he is? He's going to have to learn that you can't treat people like this.

And that other young girl, the one who was so fervently defending the old lady, she listened to me while keeping her gaze fixed on Koenji, her expression still as furious. Her look was really intense! But I can understand why!!

Then there was the reaction of the eccentric girl who turned towards me, looking surprised, before quickly approaching. It seemed like she was scrutinizing me, trying to figure out if I was really serious, before expressing herself in a manner just as unique and eccentric.

Eccentric Girl: Oh wow! Look at that, we've found a real hero on this bus, too cool, thank you so much!! You're clearly the best. Here, ma'am, here's a seat right here, especially for you!!

Proper Girl: It's amazing, so there are still boys worthy of the name here? Thank you so much, we really need more good and just men li-

Displeased Girl: It is inappropriate to suggest that this gentleman should stand up like this, although your intention is appreciated. We did not solicit your opinion on the matter. It's not up to him to give up his seat, the priority seats are precisely intended for this. If only a certain person could show a minimum of common sense, this situation would be quickly resolved!

She cut into the conversation, with a voice that left no doubt about her displeasure... It cast a chill, and suddenly, all eyes turned to her... You could say she's downright furious, huh? Maybe we should try to calm things down before it escalates further!! If this continues, we're going to end up having real problems, and we're not even at the school yet... I really hope not all elite students are like him!!

Kōenji: Seriously, <Ice-girl >? It seems your ears are deceiving you, aren't they? You'd do well to pay attention to this young man, after all, he's within his rights to play the good Samaritan, isn't he? Someone as perfect as me shouldn't even be involved in such a trivial discussion!! Ahahaha!

It seemed like sparks were flying between them, as if an invisible duel had been engaged... Koenji-san seemed to find the situation amusing, but the girl, clearly, did not agree!! You could even say she was getting angrier, crossing her arms with determination in front of him.

Displeased Girl: Kōenji-san, I'm asking you now to please give up your seat. Enough dawdling, you're supposed to know the basic rules of courtesy, aren't you? So, please, stop behaving childishly and stand up!

Kōenji: Courtesy? Ahahahah! As I've already pointed out, I have no legal obligation forcing me to give up my seat. It's up to me, currently occupying this seat, to decide whether I want to move or not. Are you going to give up your seat simply because I'm a man? Hahaha, what foolishness. I'm free to make my own choices, right, <Ice-girl >?

Enough is enough, this is completely getting out of hand! I've already offered my seat... But if we continue like this, things are only going to get worse!! I know this guy can be unbearable, but responding to his provocations is playing his game, and it will never end.

I tried to step forward a bit more and speak up to end this confrontation, but before I could do so, I was abruptly stopped by a firm hand on my right shoulder, holding me in place... This surprised me and rendered me speechless for a moment, then I turned my head to see who had stopped me this time, and it was another young woman, looking at me with a cold and neutral gaze while gently shaking her head. She was also very pretty, with blonde hair tied to the left side of her head with a blue elastic, and she had beautiful blue eyes. Apparently, beauty is a common thing among the elite, isn't it?

Cold Girl: I don't think it's a good idea to get involved in this discussion... It would only make things worse, really.

Riku: Huh? But if we do nothing, won't it just get worse? We'll be in trouble before we even set foot in high school...

Cold Girl: I'm almost certain you haven't really seen Kaguya-sama truly angry, believe me, you'd prefer to avoid that... It's better to wait for it to pass. Anyway, we should be arriving soon...

Riku: Huh? But...

She seems to suggest the same caution as the boy before, making me wonder if intervening is really such a bad idea? But... I can't just stand by, that's not like me, right? And then, did she really call her "Kaguya-sama"? That means this young girl, who stands up to Koenji with so much presence, must come from a fairly important family, "sama" being a significant clue. Now that I think about it, she really radiates a kind of innate nobility.

Faced with this situation, I found myself a bit lost, but I ended up nodding silently, catching the essence of her message, before refocusing on what was happening in front of me... Secretly hoping our arrival was imminent.

Displeased Girl: Kōenji-san, your stubbornness is really deplorable! You have always shown a lack of decency. She raises her voice. Priority seats are specially intended to be offered to those who need them the most, especially the elderly, due to their potential physical vulnerability. Although it's not a legal obligation, it's a social convention aimed at preserving everyone's well-being!

Kōenji: Ahahah, what hypocrisy on your part, <Ice-girl >. Not so long ago, wouldn't you have acted exactly like me? He looked down on her with a haughty gaze. It turns out I am a young man in much better shape than this old lady. Of course, standing up wouldn't cause me any trouble. Nevertheless, it's obvious that standing up requires more physical energy than staying seated. I have no desire to engage in such futility. Or maybe you're suggesting that I should show more zest and enthusiasm? His gaze was provocative, a presumptuous smile lighting up his face.

Displeased Girl: Maybe, but as you can see, I've improved for the better. And you, what have you accomplished other than becoming even more unpleasant? Her gaze was piercing, capable of intimidating anyone who crossed her path. Imagine if it was an elderly member of your own family standing. Wouldn't you want someone to give up their seat for them? Empathy prompts us to act towards others as we would like them to act towards us under similar circumstances!

Kōenji: So, <Ice-girl >, are you implying by that that the elderly are our superiors? What is this superiority then? It's clear that this old lady has lived longer than me. On that, there is no doubt. However, isn't this notion of "superiority" rather about the issue of age? Moreover, I have a bone to pick with you. Even taking into account the age difference, isn't that an extremely rude and arrogant attitude? If it concerned members of my own family, I'm convinced they would be perfectly in agreement with me!! After all, they produced a perfect being, didn't they?

Displeased Girl: Ah, it's incomprehensible! Why is it so hard for you to grasp this simple concept? A paragon of perfection? You are nothing more than a pretentious, immature, and poorly raised individual! Honoring our elders is not a sign of weakness, but a proof of maturity and sensitivity to the difficulties they may endure. But obviously, for someone as immature as you, this concept is completely foreign, isn't it? It's a gesture of respect and honor in many cultures, including ours, to recognize and respond to the needs of others, especially when these gestures, although small, have great significance for them!

She's right but... He's completely closed off to discussion!! We should just ignore people of his kind, he doesn't even seem willing to seriously listen... The situation is completely getting out of hand, we need to put an end to all this... I offered my seat, there's no need to make things worse!

When I tried to step forward once more, the pressure on my shoulder intensified, keeping me firmly in place, wow, this girl is incredibly strong... I found myself staring at her again, straight in the eyes.

Riku: Wait... If we don't intervene, things will completely spiral out of control, don't you think? We need to put a stop to this senseless fight! It's going round in circles, and then the issue is already settled. I offered my seat, that's all there was to do!

Cold Girl: Honestly, staying here is the best option... Kaguya-sama, when she's angry, she loses all reason, believe me, you don't want to get involved... You remember what happened when you tried your luck earlier, right? *Sigh*. Anyway, we'll be arriving soon.

Uh, yes, that's probably true, but... Normally, I'm used to intervening in such situations, and I feel quite capable of doing it, it's a bit like it's ingrained in me... But now, if everyone's holding me back, it becomes complicated. I just let out a sigh, finally resigning myself after being held back in such a way. Yeah, I really hope we'll arrive soon, so that all this can be concluded... I wonder if some of them will be in my class... The probability is quite high, I guess, since there are five classes, right? So, there's a good chance that I'll end up with one or the other of them... Well, as long as that arrogant guy isn't in my class, it should be fine, right?

Kind Girl: Uh... I also agree with them, and I really think we should stop arguing, okay everyone?

Suddenly, another female voice resonated in our ears, making me, as well as almost all the others, except for Koenji and the young girl who was standing up to him, turn our heads towards its source... It's really getting crowded in this bus, huh? I sighed internally at this reality.

And there's another young girl capturing my attention... She radiated something really positive, just by her lively and bright expression, I could tell right away she was very kind!! She was a teenager, probably my age, frankly charming. With her short beige hair and her gradient crimson eyes, she displayed a confident demeanor, of average height but well-proportioned.

The newcomer moved even closer to our group, capturing my attention as well as that of the cold-eyed girl beside me, and the other two girls not far from here.

Kind Girl: Wouldn't you want to give up your seat? Maybe it doesn't directly concern you, but I think it would help everyone!

Kōenji: Kōenji then stared at her, his mocking smile still in place, before suddenly snapping his fingers. Social contribution? Interesting phrasing. Giving up one's seat to the elderly can indeed be seen as a contribution to society. Unfortunately, the idea of contributing to society doesn't appeal to me. I'm only looking for my own gratification. Ah, and then, in this crowded bus, you address me, occupying a priority seat, to ask me to give it up, but why not ask those who are quietly sitting elsewhere? If someone truly cares about the well-being of the elderly, then this whole "priority seat here, priority seat there" should seem insignificant. Didn't this supposed good Samaritan offer to give up his seat? Why insist on getting this one specifically?

Honestly, I'm starting to think there's nothing to be done with this guy; it's a lost cause, right? I think we should just leave him be and do as I had proposed: let the grandmother take my seat and put an end to all this...

The girl with the cold demeanor beside me just slightly shook her head and sighed at this new intervention... Meanwhile, the eccentric girl looked completely lost, glancing right and left, as if confused, with almost stars of confusion in her eyes. As for the other girl, who had behaved so properly, she seemed to have stepped back a bit, but in reality, she was firmly supporting the one confronting Koenji, with a determined expression.

Displeased Girl: Incredible, you're really stubborn and insensitive, and that's exactly why I've always found you unbearable! You don't grasp the very essence of this gesture. Actively participating in the welfare of society, even if it may seem abstract or without immediate benefit for oneself, strengthens social cohesion and forges a more welcoming environment for everyone. Contributing to society, through simple actions like giving up one's seat, improves collective well-being and, who knows, maybe even indirectly your own quality of life in the future. Priority seats are clearly marked to ensure that those who need them the most have easier access, especially in crowded situations. Suggesting to others, away from these seats, to stand up, is not always the most effective or immediate solution to assist those needing direct support. Giving up one's seat goes beyond the immediate comfort of an elderly person; it's a symbolic gesture of respect and a recognition of their dignity. By doing so, we contribute to establishing a culture of mutual respect and support, well beyond the simple context of a commute!

The arguments flew back and forth, and the girl showed no sign of wanting to yield to the narcissist. Her expression was... terrifying, yes, that's the right word. She was visibly furious.

I sighed and then softly approached the new girl, this kind girl who had been quickly sidelined after trying to intervene. I then spoke to her.

Riku: Sorry, miss, but it seems to never end, huh?

Kind Girl: She seemed surprised for a moment when I complimented her, but eventually, she looked at me with an embarrassed expression and nodded, agreeing with me. Yeah, it seems like it's already too late to intervene, huh? Ahahaha...

Riku: Yeah, maybe we should help the grandmother to sit in the seat I freed up. Otherwise, it looks like it'll never end... Ahah.

Kind Girl: Ah, yes, that's a great idea! I'll accompany her in that case, don't worry about it... And then, she gives me a radiant smile. Anyway, I really thank you for helping like this! It's super kind of you, you know.

Riku: Ah, yeah, well, I just did what seemed right, even if it looks like it didn't change much... And then, you came to help too, right? You can tell you're someone super nice, can't you?

Kind Girl: Hehe, well, it's the same for me, you know! She throws me another one of her smiles. By the way, nice to meet you, my name is Kikyō Kushida, pleased to make your acquaintance!!

Riku: Yeah, nice to meet you, Kushida-san. Really, it was cool to run into you... We might see each other again at high school, don't you think?

Kushida: Mmmh... Yes, it's possible, who knows? We might even end up in the same class. I'm in class D, and you?

Riku: Ah, we're going to be in the same class? That's good news... So, I'm really happy to find myself in your class.

Kushida: Hehehe!! Me too, then, see you later! I'm going to accompany this lady to your seat, thanks again!!

Ah, she's really adorable! What luck to be able to meet one of my future classmates who is as brilliant as she is kind!! I'm super happy, ahaha... Yes, among all the people here, it's really only that narcissist who leaves something to be desired!! But the others, they all seem pretty nice. Well, most of the students on the bus are just watching the scene, looking worried, as if they were watching a spectacle, but at least, they're not causing as much trouble as Koenji. Well, even if he may technically be right, it remains purely theoretical... We mustn't forget the importance of emotions, feelings, empathy is just as crucial!

As Kushida was about to help the old lady, she gave us a big smile. And honestly, how could one refuse to help someone as kind as that? You'd really have to be heartless!

Old Lady: Oh, thank you so much to you both! There should be more young people like you in this world... Please also pass on my thanks to those young girls, they've also helped me a lot!

Riku: No problem, miss, it's nothing at all, it's completely normal!

Kushida: Yes, that's how it should normally be, and no problem, I'll pass on your message for you!! Come on, come with me now, I'll take you to your seat!

Kushida hit the nail on the head... In the end, it all comes down to ethics, and helping others isn't about recognition or payback, but purely about empathy and kindness, isn't it? And honestly, is there anything more joyful than seeing the smiles of the people we've helped? I tell you, there's no sense of pride that surpasses that!

But still, despite everything, this quarrel shows no sign of ending... The girl with exemplary behavior seemed just to quietly encourage, while the eccentric one looked completely disoriented, not really knowing how to intervene.

Eccentric Girl: What, what, what? What's going on here? Huh? Kaguya!!

Really, this situation is completely beyond my understanding. It seems like we're witnessing a pride fight where neither of them wants to give in... I can't help but sigh at this eternal standoff.

Turning away, I notice that almost everyone is captivated by this confrontation, as if they were spectators of a live drama series, clearly embarrassed by the spectacle. But there are a few notable exceptions. First, there's this dark-tempered boy I had met earlier, the one who had advised me to stay out of this story. He seems completely indifferent, lost in his world of gaming... At least, he's not contributing to the escalation, that's something.

Then, there's this young man by his side, who seems really troubled, casting worried glances everywhere, especially towards the young girl challenging the narcissist. It looks like he's really concerned for her. Maybe they know each other? It's likely, maybe they're part of the same group of friends? There are clearly links between them, notably with this reserved girl who seems to know this famous "Kaguya-sama"... And these two other young girls must also be from their circle. But after all, their stories don't really concern me.

My attention then shifts to the grandmother, now sitting peacefully, expressing her gratitude to Kushida, who shines even more through her kindness. Ah, what a joy to have met her, especially since she'll be in my class...

And finally, there's this last person, a bit apart, where I was sitting before. Her complete detachment stands out; she's totally absorbed in her reading, without even lifting her eyes. This reading must be fascinating for her to remain so focused despite the chaos around.

The natural elegance of this young girl also touched me. The elite is definitely full of beauty... Her long black hair, her braid adorned with a pink ribbon, her mysterious red eyes, and that serious expression give her a distinguished and attractive appearance. Her indifference to the commotion really struck me.

In the end, I think that one more or one less spectator wouldn't have probably changed much in the outcome of this affair.

I really hope we arrive soon... This bus ride just seems endless with all these events... I hope my high school years will be calmer than this, ahaha!!

Hello everyone, it's Phoenix Lore or Lambdadeltash! I hope you enjoyed this prologue. Now, let me simply introduce you to the scenes taking place on the bus, featuring Kiyotaka and a character entirely created to be the antithesis of Kiyotaka, Riku Nakamura! I hope you will like it, and that you also enjoyed this prologue. I wish you a great day and happy reading for the next chapter 1!

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